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            <author>G. Bremen</author>
        <title>Frauengesundheit im Brennpunkt - Eine Bestandsaufnahme und Evaluation der zehnj&#228;hrigen Arbeit des Frauengesundheitstreffs Tenever: Kurzfassung der Evaluation von Maike Weerts und Ivonne Flerlage</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Evaluation;Frauengesundheit;Gender;Gesundheit</keywords>
            <author>K. B. H&#252;ttenbrink</author>
            <author>G. Hofmann</author>
            <author>T. Zahnert</author>
            <author>M. Bornitz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Implantierbarer hydroakustischer Wandler</title>
        <number>DE 101 63 513</number>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang verschiedener Parameter binauralen H&#246;rens bei Schwerh&#246;rigen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 88, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Messungen zur Breite monauraler und binauraler Frequenzgruppen bei Schwerh&#246;rigen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 89, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>M. Meyer</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang zwischen Frequenzgruppenbreite und Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit bei Schwerh&#246;rigen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 90, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Sexuelle Gewalt gegen M&#228;dchen – Das Schweigen brechen</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Gewalt, M&#228;dchen, Sexuelle, Gr&#252;ne</keywords>
        <publisher>DIE GR&#220;NEN Landesverband Niedersachsen</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gr&#252;ne Illustrierte Niedersachsen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Sexuelle Gewalt gegen M&#228;dchen – Modell f&#252;r eine Umstrukturierung der bestehenden Hilfsangebote in Niedersachsen</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Sexuelle, Gewalt, M&#228;dchen</keywords>
        <publisher>DIE GR&#220;NEN im nieders&#228;chsischen Landtag</publisher>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Messungen zur monauralen und binauralen Zeit- und Frequenzausl&#246;sung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 91, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung des subjektiven H&#246;rverm&#246;gens: Erstellung der Fragen und Beziehung zum Tonschwellenaudiogramm / A questionnaire to Assess the Subjective Hearing Handicap: Composition of the Questions and their Relation to the Tone Audiogram</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Binaurales H&#246;ren bei Normalh&#246;renden und Schwerh&#246;rigen I: Me&#223;methoden und Messergebnisse / Binaural Interaction with Normal-Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Listeners I: Measurement Methods and Experimental Results</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>S. Schug</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Koschera</author>
            <author>D. Pullwitt</author>
        <title>Pflegende Ehefrauen &#252;ber 60 - Chronische Belastungen in der Angeh&#246;rigenpflege und deren Bew&#228;ltigung</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Ehefrauen, Workshop, Angeh&#246;rigenpflege, Belastung</keywords>
        <booktitle>5. Internationalen Coping-Workschop</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Messung der Nachhallzeit mit Musik</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA &apos;92</booktitle>
        <address>Bad Honnef</address>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsvorhersage bei Schwerh&#246;rigen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 92, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Auditory filter bandwidths in binaural and monaural listening conditions</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Binaural critical bands in normal and impaired listeners and their relation to speech intelligibility in noise</title>
        <publisher>Pergamon, London</publisher>
            <editor>Y. Casalz</editor>
        <booktitle>Advances in the Biosciences</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Untersuchung einer Methode zur Bestimmung der Nachhallzeit aus Musiksignalen</title>
        <school>Universit&#228;t G&#246;ttingen</school>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Untersuchung zur Bestimmung der Nachhallzeit mit Musiksignalen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA &apos;93</booktitle>
        <address>Bad Honnef</address>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>A perception model to predict speech intelligibility in impaired listeners using psychoacoustical parameters</title>
            <editor>A. Schick</editor>
        <booktitle>Contributions to Psychological Acoustics (BIS Oldenburg)</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Koschera</author>
            <author>J. Rohde</author>
            <author>U. Tewes</author>
            <author>G. Fischer</author>
        <title>The impact of structural characteristics of social support systems on caregiver burden in elderly female spouses</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Niederlande, Weiblich, female, Zeitschrift</keywords>
        <journal>Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg</journal>
            <author>A. Koschera</author>
            <author>S. Schug</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>J. Rohde</author>
            <author>G. Fischer</author>
            <author>U. Tewes</author>
        <title>). Coping strategies, nature of caregiver burden and personal satisfaction with coping effectiveness in two samples of elderly male and female spousal caregivers</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Niederlande, Zeitschrift, Coping, Strategie, weiblich, m&#228;nnlich</keywords>
        <journal>Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg</journal>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>L. Tandrup</author>
            <author>T. Poulsen</author>
        <title>Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsmessungen in Gespr&#228;chssituationen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA &apos;94</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>On the Relation between Speech Quality and Speech Intelligibility</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Workshop &quot;Speech Quality Assessment&quot;</booktitle>
        <address>Ruhr-Uni Bochum</address>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Ein psychoakustisch motiviertes Perzeptionsmodell zur Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsvorhersage</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 94, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Beziehungen zwischen dem Einsilber-Reimtest in Ruhe und der Ton- und Sprachaudiometrie / Comparison between Speech Intelligibiltiy in a Monosyllabic Rhyme Test and the Freiburg Speech Test</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Modifikation eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung des subjektiven H&#246;rverm&#246;gens und dessen Beziehung zur Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit in Ruhe und unter St&#246;rger&#228;uschen / Examination of a modified version of a Questionnaire to assess Subjective Hearing Handicap and its relation to the Monosyllabic Rhyme Test</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Subjektive Bewertung von H&#246;rger&#228;te-Versorgungen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 94,(DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>U. Maschewsky-Schneider</author>
        <title>Frauen und Gesundheit - eine Arbeitsgruppe des Norddeutschen Forschungsverbundes Public Health</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Frauen, Gesundheit, Soziologie</keywords>
        <publisher>Schriftenreihe der „Koordinierungsstelle Gesundheitswissenschaften/Public Health“ an der Abteilung f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie der Universit&#228;t Freiburg</publisher>
            <editor>C. and Troschke</editor>
        <booktitle>Der Beitrag der Frauengesundheitsforschung zu den Gesundheits-wissenschaften/Public Health in Deutschland</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>J. Rohde</author>
        <title>Die Rolle formeller und informeller Netzwerke bei der Bew&#228;ltigung der Pflegebelastung &#228;lterer Ehefrauen</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Netzwerk, Pflegebelastung, Ehefrauen, Psychologie</keywords>
        <publisher>K&#246;nigshausen &amp; Neumann GmbH</publisher>
            <editor>Kasten E</editor>
            <editor>Janke W</editor>
            <editor>Sabel BA.</editor>
        <booktitle>Medizinische und Biologische Psychologie</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>U. Kr&#252;ger</author>
        <title>Erweiterte Hochtonaudiometrie - ein Verfahren zur Fr&#252;herkennung l&#228;rmbedingter H&#246;rsch&#228;den?</title>
        <journal>Die BG</journal>
            <author>G. C. Fischer</author>
            <author>J. J. Rohde</author>
            <author>U. Tewes</author>
            <author>S. Schug</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Koschera</author>
            <author>J. Pangritz</author>
            <author>D. Pullwitt</author>
        <title>Die Situation &#252;ber 60 Jahre alter Frauen mit einem pflegebed&#252;rftigen Ehemann: Schlussbericht zum interdisziplin&#228;ren Forschungsprojekt. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums f&#252;r Familie und Senioren</title>
        <keywords>Frauengesundheit;Geschlechtergerecht;Gesundheitsforschung;h&#228;usliche Pflege;Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung</keywords>
        <booktitle>. Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums f&#252;r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>A Method for calculating reverberation time from musical signals</title>
        <publisher>Technical University of Denmark</publisher>
        <address>The Acoustics Laboratory</address>
        <note>Report No. 60, ISSN 0105-3027</note>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Anwendbarkeit eines psychoakustisch motivierten Sprachvorverarbeitungsmodells f&#252;r die Sprachqualit&#228;tsmodellierung</title>
        <publisher>ITA Dresden</publisher>
        <booktitle>Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung</booktitle>
        <editors>R. Hoffman and R. Ose</editors>
            <author>C. Helfferich</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Frauengesundheitsforschung - gestern und heute</title>
        <keywords>Frauengesundheit;Gender;Gesundheit;Gesundheitsforschung;Public Health</keywords>
        <publisher>De Gruyter</publisher>
        <booktitle>Forum Public Health</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. S. Colburn</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. Kohlrausch</author>
        <title>Model simulations of masked thresholds for tones in dichotic noise maskers</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. S. Colburn</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. Kohlrausch</author>
        <title>Simulationen der Mith&#246;rschwellen von Testt&#246;nen in dichotischen Rauschmaskierern</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 95, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility prediction in hearing-impaired listeners based on a psychoacoustically motivated perception model</title>
        <booktitle>Midwinter Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Erfassung der subjektiven Bewertung der H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens / A questionnaire for the subjective assessment of hearing aid fittings</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>T. Dau</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>Modeling the ear´s „effective“ signal processing to predict signal perception in normal and impaired listeners</title>
            <editor>A. Krokstadt</editor>
        <booktitle>ICA 95, Trondheim, Norwegen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>J. Rohde</author>
        <title>Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung und ihre Bedeutung f&#252;r die Belastungsbew&#228;ltigung im Pflegeproze&#223; – Netzwerkanalyse &#228;lterer Ehefrauen</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
        <key>Koppelin 1995</key>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>D. Schulz</author>
            <author>J. Behrens</author>
        <title>Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte gesundheitlich begrenzter T&#228;tigkeitsdauer</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Untersuchungen zur objektiven Berechnung der Verst&#228;ndlichkeit von Sprache mit einem Modell des auditorischen Systems</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 95, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>J. I. Alcántara</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. C. J. Moore</author>
        <title>Effects of phase and level on vowel identification: Data and predictions based on a nonlinear basilar-membrane model</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>J. Behrens</author>
            <author>J. O. Arrow</author>
            <author>A. Dreyer-T&#252;mmel</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>D. Schulz</author>
        <title>Abstiegskarrieren und Auffangpositionen III: Statuspassagen im Erwerbsleben bei begrenzter T&#228;tigkeitsdauer: Sonderforschungsbereich 186 &quot;Statuspassagen und Risikolagen im Lebenslauf&quot; - Inidividuelle Steuerung und individuelle Handlungsstrategien, Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1994 – 1996</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Erwerbst&#228;tige</keywords>
        <publisher>Universit&#228;t Bremen</publisher>
        <pages>193 – 215</pages>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Bremen</institution>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Inverse Messung von Erregerkr&#228;ften: Einflu&#223; von Fehlern bei der Bestimmung der &#220;bertragungsfunktionen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 1996 in Bonn</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>T. Dau</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Objektive Sprach\-qua\-li\-t&#228;ts\-vor\-her\-sa\-ge mittels einer geh&#246;rorientierten Vorverarbeitung</title>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik e.V., Oldenburg</publisher>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA &apos;96</booktitle>
        <editors>T. Portele, W. Hess</editors>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Prediction of Speech Quality based on Psychoacoustical Preprocessing Measures</title>
        <booktitle>Workshop on Quality Assessment in Speech, Audio and Image Communication, Proceedings</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Implementation of a psychoacoustical preprocessing model for sound quality measurement</title>
        <booktitle>Tutorial and Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>A new Objective Speech Quality Measure based on a psychoacoustically validated auditory model</title>
        <publisher>Q.18/12 Rapporteurs&apos;s Working Party and SQEG meetings</publisher>
        <booktitle>Workshop on Objective Quality Measures and Modeling</booktitle>
        <address>BT Laboratories, Ipswich</address>
        <note>23-24 September, unpublished</note>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility prediction in hearing-impaired listeners based on a psychoacoustically motivated perception model</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Models of speech perception and psychoacoustics</title>
        <publisher>World Scientific Publishing, Singapore</publisher>
            <editor>Birger Kollmeier</editor>
        <booktitle>Psychoacoustics, Speech and Hearing Aids</booktitle>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>T. Dau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>An auditory model framework for psychoacoustics and speech perception - and its applications</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Forum Acusticum</booktitle>
        <volume>82, Suppl. 1</volume>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>T. Dau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>J. Tchorz</author>
        <title>Auditory-based feature extraction for robust speech recognition and sound quality measurement</title>
        <booktitle>ITG-Fachbericht Sprachkommunikation 139</booktitle>
        <address>Frankfurt, 17.-18. Sept.</address>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>D. Schulz</author>
            <author>J. Behrens</author>
        <title>Gender-specific aspects of the health on individual´s employment status: A longitudinal analysis of women and men in West-Germany</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Gender, West-Deutschland, Barcelona, CAPS</keywords>
        <booktitle>Abstractband des Internationalen Kongresses Women, Work, Health; Barcelona, 17. -20. April 1996</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Erwerbsverlaufsanalysen von Frauen - Ein Bericht aus der Forschungspraxis</title>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>S. Launer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Categorical loudness scaling in hearing-impaired listeners – Can loudness growth be predicted from the audiogram</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>W. Woods</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier.</author>
            <author>T. Wittkop</author>
        <title>Using multiple cues for sound source separation</title>
        <publisher>World Scientific</publisher>
        <booktitle>Psychoacoustics, Speech and Hearing Aids</booktitle>
        <note>ISBN 981-02-2561-X</note>
        <editors>Kollmeier, B.</editors>
            <author>W. Woods</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>T. Wittkop</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier.</author>
        <title>A simple architecture for using multiple cues in sound separation</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings, ICSLP 96</booktitle>
            <author>W. Woods</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>T. Wittkop</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier.</author>
        <title>Scene Analyzer For Speech Processing</title>
        <booktitle>Tutorial and Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception</booktitle>
        <address>Keele, United Kingdom</address>
        <note>July 15-19</note>
            <author>C. Zerbs</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Simulation binauraler Schwellen f&#252;r Simultan- und Nachverdeckung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 96, (DPG-Kongre&#223; GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Indirect force spectra identification by FRF matrix inversion: A reliable approach based on quantitative error models</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Internoise &apos;97, Budapest</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Objektiv Talekvalitet baseret på et signalbehandelingsmodel af hørelsen</title>
        <booktitle>Danske Akustiske Dage</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>On the relative importance of individual critical bands for the perception of speech quality</title>
            <editor>A. Schick and M. Klatte</editor>
        <booktitle>Contributions to Psychological Acoustics</booktitle>
        <annote>7th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Sprach&#252;btertragungsg&#252;te in Telekommunikationssystemen</title>
        <booktitle>Erfassung, Beurteilung und Optimiertung von Klang- und &#220;bertragungsqualit&#228;t</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Modeling detectability and speech transmission quality of band-specific modulated-noise distortions</title>
        <booktitle>J. Acoust. Soc. Am.</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Using a quantitative Psychoacoustical Signal Representation for Objective Speech Quality Measurement</title>
        <publisher>Proc. of the IEEE</publisher>
        <booktitle>Proc. ICASSP &apos;97</booktitle>
        <annote>Paper SPCH6P.14</annote>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>S. Albani</author>
            <author>B. Gabriel</author>
        <title>Comparison between objective and subjective hearing aid benefit for speech intelligibility in quiet and in noise</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference, Iowa City, USA.</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
        <title>Verfahren zur Verst&#228;rkung von Eingangssignalen eines H&#246;rger&#228;tes sowie Schaltung zur Durchf&#252;hrung des Verfahrens / Method and circuit for the amplification of input signals of a hearing aid</title>
        <number>DE 19703228, US 6198830</number>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>W. A. Dreschler</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Speech intelligiblity prediction in hearing-impaired listeners for steady and fluctuating noise</title>
            <editor>W. Jesteadt</editor>
        <booktitle>Modeling sensorineural hearing loss</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>O. Weinfurtner</author>
        <title>Programmierbares H&#246;rger&#228;tesystem und Verfahren zum Ermitteln optimaler Parameters&#228;tze bei einem H&#246;rhilfeger&#228;t / Programmable hearing-aid system and method for determining an optimal set of parameters in an acoustic prosthesis / Programmable hearing aid system and method for determining optimum parameter sets in a hearing aid</title>
        <number>DE59609754, EP 0814634, US 6035050.</number>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Sigwanz</author>
            <author>R. Martin</author>
            <author>F. Zoel</author>
        <title>Programmierbares H&#246;rger&#228;t / Programmable hearing aid / Programmable hearing aid operable in a mode for tinnitus therapy</title>
        <number>DE59607724, EP 0820211, US 6047074</number>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Pflegebelastung und sozialer Unterst&#252;tzung bei pflegenden Ehefrauen &#252;ber 60</title>
        <keywords>Frauengesundheit;h&#228;usliche Pflege;Medizin;Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung</keywords>
        <institution>Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover</institution>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Strukturen der Professionalisierung und Institutionalisierung einer Frauengesundheitsforschung in Deutschland - Der Arbeitskreis Frauen und Gesundheit im Norddeutschen Forschungsverbund Public Health</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Frauengesundheit;Gender;Gesundheit;Gesundheitsforschung;Medizin;Public Health</keywords>
        <booktitle>Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation</booktitle>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Multi-channel speech enhancement in a car environment using Wiener filtering and spectral subtraction</title>
        <booktitle>Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP-97., 1997 IEEE International Conference on</booktitle>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. D. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Comparison of one-and two-channel noise-estimation techniques</title>
        <journal>Proc. 5th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, IWAENC-97, London, UK</journal>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Mehrkanalige Geraeschunterdrueckung von gestoerten Sprachsignalen in Kraftfahrzeuginnenraeumen</title>
        <publisher>DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR AKUSTIK</publisher>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Gabriel</author>
        <title>Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit in St&#246;rrauschen bei Schwerh&#246;rigen mit und ohne H&#246;rger&#228;t / Speech intelligibility in noise for hearing-impaired people with and without hearing aid</title>
        <journal>Audiologische Akustik</journal>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Albani</author>
            <author>B. Gabriel</author>
        <title>Akklimatisierungseffekt bei der H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Multichannel noise reduction—Algorithms and theoretical limits</title>
        <booktitle>Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998), 9th European</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Error considerations in inverse force synthesis: What is different with respect to sole measurements of FRFs and response spectra</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Euronoise &apos;98, M&#252;nchen</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brucke</author>
            <author>W. Nebel</author>
            <author>A. Schwarz</author>
            <author>B. Mertsching</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Digital VLSI-implementation of a Psychoacoustically and Physiologically Motivated Speech Preprocessor</title>
            <editor>S. Greenberg</editor>
        <booktitle>Proc. Computational Hearing</booktitle>
        <organization>ASI (Advanced Study Institue)</organization>
        <address>Il Ciocco</address>
            <author>T. Elkeles</author>
            <author>J. Behrens</author>
            <author>D. Schulz</author>
            <author>A. Dreyer-T&#252;mmel</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. Kolleck</author>
        <title>Gesundheitsbedingte Statuspassagen im Erwerbsverlauf</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>E. Hampel</author>
            <author>I. Jahn</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>H. Reinerth</author>
            <author>I. Steinbach</author>
            <author>B. Stumm</author>
        <title>Frauen und Gesundheit(en) in Forschung, Praxis und Politik</title>
        <keywords>Frau, Gesundheit, Forschung, Gesundheitspolitik</keywords>
        <publisher>Verlag Hans Huber</publisher>
            <editor>Arbeitskreis Frauen and Gesundheit im Norddeutschen Forschungsverbund Public Health</editor>
        <booktitle>Frauen und Gesundheit(en) in Forschung, Praxis und Politik</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Assessment and prediction of speech transmission quality with an auditory processing model</title>
        <school>Universit&#228;t Oldenburg</school>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Assessment and prediction of speech transmission quality with an auditory processing model</title>
        <note>Available through %%</note>
        <school>Universit&#228;t Oldenburg</school>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Kontinuierliche Beurteilung von Sprachqualit&#228;t: Messung und Modellierung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA &apos;98</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Continuous Assessment and Modeling of Speech Transmission Quality</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. ICA/ASA &apos;98</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Zeit in Schall, Ohr und Gehirn. Zur Physiologie und Psychologie des H&#246;rens</title>
        <publisher>Verlag Reinhard Fischer</publisher>
            <editor>A. Schwanebeck</editor>
            <editor>M. Ackermann</editor>
        <booktitle>Radio im Zeitdruck. Eine Dokumentation der N&#252;rnberger Radiotage 1997</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen f&#252;r digitale H&#246;rger&#228;te</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Binaural and monaural auditory filter bandwidths and time constants in probe tone detection experiments</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Profile pflegender &#228;lterer Ehefrauen: Welche Bedeutung haben soziale Netze bei der Belastungsbew&#228;ltigung im Pflegeproze&#223;?</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Ehefrauen, Koppelin, Psychologie, Medizin, Pflege, Belastung</keywords>
        <publisher>Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
            <editor>M. and Morfeld</editor>
            <editor>M. and Ravens-Sieberer</editor>
            <editor>U. and Koch</editor>
        <booktitle>Medizinische Psychologie in einem sich wandelnden Gesundheitssystem: Identit&#228;t, Integration &amp; Interdisziplinarit&#228;t</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Public Health: Ein Aufbaustudium an der Uni Bremen</title>
        <journal>Bremer &#196;rztejournal</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Alltagsrealit&#228;t und Bedarfe pflegender Angeh&#246;riger im Alter</title>
        <publisher>Siegfried Rieck</publisher>
            <editor>Miteinander - F&#252;reinander - Intergrierte gesundheitliche Versorgung in der Region</editor>
        <booktitle>Stadt Delmenhorst</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ringvorlesungstournee \Frauen und Gesundheit in Public Health und den Gesundheitswissenschaften</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheit;Public Health</keywords>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ringvorlesungstournee \dqFrauen und Gesundheit in Public Health und den Gesundheitswissenschaften\dq</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheit;Public Health</keywords>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>J. Behrens</author>
            <author>D. Schulz</author>
            <author>A. Dreyer-T&#252;mmel</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Verl&#228;ufe, Erfolge und Bedingungen bei reha&#228;rztlich anzuratendem Wechsel der beruflichen T&#228;tigkeit. Eine Panel-Studie zu begrenzter T&#228;tigkeitsdauer</title>
        <keywords>Public Health;Rehabilitation;Studien</keywords>
        <publisher>Hans Huber</publisher>
            <editor>Deutsche Public-Health-Forschungsverb&#252;nde in der Gesellschaft f&#252;r Public Health</editor>
        <booktitle>Public-Health-Forschung in Deutschland</booktitle>
        <address>Bern, G&#246;ttingen, Toronto, Seattle</address>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Houpert</author>
        <title>Azimuth-Correction: Digital Solutions in the Time-and Frequency-Domain</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 106</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
        <title>An alternative implementation of the superdirective beamformer</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE Workshop on Application of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA-99)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Theoretical noise reduction limits of the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) for speech enhancement</title>
        <booktitle>Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1999. Proceedings., 1999 IEEE International Conference on</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Multimicrophone noise reduction techniques for hands-free speech recognition-a comparative study</title>
        <booktitle>Robust Methods for Speech Recognition in Adverse Conditions (ROBUST-99)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Multi-microphone noise reduction by post-filter and superdirective beamformer</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Error considerations in inverse force synthesis: A closer look at the estimation of response spectra</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of ICSV 6, Copenhagen</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Indirect measurement of multiple excitation force spectra by frf matrix inversion: Influence of errors in statistical estimates of frfs and response spectra</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
        <shorttitle>Indirect measurement of multiple excitation force spectra by frf matrix inversion</shorttitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Force spectra identification by FRF matrix inversion: A sensor placement criterion</title>
        <shorttitle>Force spectra identification by FRF matrix inversion</shorttitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Zur Fehlerproblematik bei der inversen Messung von Erregerkraftspektren in der Vibroakustik</title>
        <school>TU Dresden</school>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Kann man den Ergebnissen inverser Kraftmessungen in Strukturen trauen?</title>
        <publisher>VDI Verlag</publisher>
        <booktitle>Maschinenakustik &apos;99</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brucke</author>
            <author>W. Nebel</author>
            <author>A. Schwarz</author>
            <author>B. Mertsching</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Silicon Cochlea: A digital VLSI implementation of a quantitative model of the auditory system</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Joint ASA/EAA/DEGA meeting</booktitle>
        <number>2, Pt. 2</number>
        <note>(abstract) paper 3pSC3</note>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Noise reduction algorithms for digital hearing instruments</title>
        <journal>J. Acoust Soc. Am.</journal>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Continuous Assessment of time-varying speech quality</title>
        <journal>J. Acoust. Soc. Am.</journal>
        <annote>jasa-paper zur diss</annote>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>Application of psychoacoustics in hearing aid development</title>
        <journal>Acustica - acta acoustica</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>Hearing instruments – noise reduction strategies</title>
            <editor>A. N. Rasmussen</editor>
            <editor>P. A. Osterhammel</editor>
            <editor>T. Andersen and T. Poulsen</editor>
        <booktitle>Auditory Models and Non-linear Hearing Instruments, Tagungsband des 18. Danavox- Symposiums</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>W. Meyer</author>
            <author>K. Husung</author>
            <author>A. Gebert</author>
            <author>G. Sporer</author>
        <title>H&#246;rger&#228;tesystem mit zwei H&#246;rhilfeger&#228;ten / Hearing aid system with two hearing aid devices and method of operation of such an hearing aid system</title>
        <number>DE 59913005, EP 0941014.</number>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>T. Dau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Modelling speech intelligibility and quality on the basis of the &quot;effective&quot; signal processing in the auditory system</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Joint ASA/EAA/DEGA meeting</booktitle>
        <number>2, Pt. 2</number>
        <note>(abstract) paper 4pSCb3</note>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Bremer Zentrum f&#252;r Public Health beginnt seine Arbeit</title>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Wissenschaft und Praxis im Gespr&#228;ch. Bremer Student/innen organisierten Public-Health-Forum.</title>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung - eine heimliche Ressource im h&#228;uslichen Pflegebereich?</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheit;h&#228;usliche Pflege;Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung</keywords>
        <publisher>DruckHaus Rieck</publisher>
            <editor>Stadt Delmenhorst</editor>
        <booktitle>Relative Gesundheit oder relative Last? Chronisch Kranke und alte Menschen in der Wachstumsgesellschaft</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Akzeptanz von Gesundheitspolitik, -dienstleistungen und -produkten: Ein Blick in die weibliche Perspektive</title>
        <publisher>Mabuse Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>Eberhard and H&#246;lling</editor>
        <booktitle>Macht - Geld - PatientInnen – Gesund? Anregungen f&#252;r eine Gesundheitsreform</booktitle>
        <address>Frankfurt a. Main</address>
            <author>T. A. Powers</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>The use of digital features to combat background noise</title>
        <journal>Supplement to Hearing Review, High performance hearing solutions</journal>
        <number>Hearing in Noise</number>
            <author>J. Rosca</author>
            <author>C. Darken</author>
            <author>T. Petsche</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Blind-Trennung von Quellen f&#252;r H&#246;rhilfeger&#228;te / Blind source separation for hearing aids</title>
        <number>CN 1261759, EP 1017253</number>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Integrationsma&#223;nahmen f&#252;r &#228;ltere und gesundheitlich beeintr&#228;chtigte Arbeitnehmer/innen des &#214;ffentlichen Dienstes – Ein Forschungs- und Dokumentationsprojekt</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Zur Quantifizierung statistischer Fehler des Betrages FFT-basierter Kreuzleistungsdichtesch&#228;tzer</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000 in Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Inverse force synthesis: State of the art and future research</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Internoise &apos;2000, Nice</booktitle>
        <volume>Paper 243</volume>
            <author>M. Dierks</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Public-Health-Studieng&#228;nge: Harmonisierung der Lehrinhalte im Grundstudium: Curriculare Entwicklung in den Public-Health-Studieng&#228;ngen</title>
        <keywords>Public Health</keywords>
        <publisher>De Gruyter</publisher>
        <booktitle>Public Health Forum</booktitle>
            <author>M. Dierks</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Curriculare Entwicklung in den Public-Health-Studieng&#228;ngen</title>
        <keywords>Public Health</keywords>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Einfluss von Kompressionszeitkonstanten auf subjektive Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und Klangqualit&#228;t von H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Forschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Effect of multichannel compression time constants on subjectively perceived sound quality and speech recognition</title>
        <annote>kein Proceedings band, nur abstract</annote>
        <note>Talk at Int. Hear. Aid Research Conf., Lake Tahoe</note>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Effect of multichannel compression time constants on subjectively perceived sound quality and speech recognition</title>
        <booktitle>Int. Hear. Aid Research Conf.</booktitle>
        <address>Lake Tahoe</address>
        <annote>kein Proceedings band, nur abstract</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Objective modeling of speech quality with a psychoacoustically validated auditory model</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc.</journal>
        <annote>JAES paper zur diss</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Perception of band-specific speech quality distortions: Threshold and preference data and their objective prediction</title>
        <journal>Acustica united with acta acustica</journal>
        <annote>acta paper zur diss</annote>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Noise reduction strategies for digital hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology, Cannes, Frankreich.</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>New signal processing and fitting strategies</title>
        <booktitle>International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Den Haag, Niederlande</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Multikanal-Dynamikkompression: Konzepte und Ergebnisse / Multi-channel dynamic compression: Concepts and results</title>
        <booktitle>45. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress, Median-Verlag, Heidelberg.</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. Mergell</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
        <title>Zum Stellenwert der Anpassstrategie f&#252;r den H&#246;rerfolg mit digitalen H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. M. Velde</author>
        <title>Digital hearing aids: why and how they work</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der American Academy of Audiology, Chicago, USA.</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Wesselkamp</author>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>B. Gabriel</author>
        <title>Multi-channel dynamic compression: Concepts and results</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. M. Velde</author>
        <title>DSP Hearing Instruments</title>
        <publisher>Singular Publishing Group</publisher>
            <editor>R. E. Sandlin</editor>
        <booktitle>Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Study on combining multi-channel echo cancellers with beamformers</title>
        <booktitle>Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2000. ICASSP&apos;00. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE International Conference on</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Public Health an der Bremer Universit&#228;t: der Aufbaustudien-gang &#214;ffentliche Gesundheit/Gesundheitswissenschaften</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
        <booktitle>Medizinische Forschung und Gesundheitswissenschaften in Bremen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Das Zentrum f&#252;r Public Health – Eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung im Fachbereich 11 Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universit&#228;t Bremen</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
        <booktitle>Medizinische Forschung und Gesundheitswissenschaften in Bremen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Public Health an der Bremer Universit&#228;t: der Aufbaustudien-gang &#214;ffentliche Gesundheit/Gesundheitswissenschaften</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
        <booktitle>Medizinische Forschung und Gesundheitswissenschaften in Bremen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Soziale Ungleichheit, soziale Unterst&#252;tzung und die Bew&#228;ltigung chronischen Pflegestresses von Frauen in der h&#228;uslichen Pflege</title>
        <keywords>h&#228;usliche Pflege;soziale Ungleichheit;Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung</keywords>
            <editor>Uwe Bammann</editor>
        <booktitle>M&#252;ssen Arme fr&#252;her sterben? Soziale Ungleichheit und Gesundheit in Deutschland</booktitle>
        <address>Weinheim, M&#252;nchen</address>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Kontroverse Brustkrebs-Fr&#252;herkennung</title>
        <booktitle>Rundbrief Netzwerk Frauen/M&#228;dchen und Gesundheit</booktitle>
            <author>P. K&#246;ltzsch</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>E. Sarradj</author>
        <title>Akustische Aspekte bei der Auslegung von Maschinen</title>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband Antriebstechnik/Zahnradgetriebe, Dresden, 2000</booktitle>
            <author>V. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Geschlecht und Gesundheit in gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Ausbildungen – Ergebnisse einer Evaluation</title>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Ma&#223;nahme zur Integration &#228;lterer und gesundheitlich beeintr&#228;chtigter Arbeiternehmer/innen des &#214;ffentlichen Dienstes in die Erwerbsarbeit - Suche nach innovativen und tragf&#228;higen Strategien</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
        <title>A new noise model for designing superdirective Beamformers for special applications</title>
        <booktitle>The 2001 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC 01)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Superdirective microphone arrays</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
        <booktitle>Microphone arrays</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Multi-microphone noise reduction techniques as front-end devices for speech recognition</title>
        <journal>Speech Communication</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>V. Ermisch</author>
        <title>Are current room impression criteria suitable for multiple source situations?</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy</booktitle>
            <author>E. Fischer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Verfahren zum Verarbeiten eines Eingangssignals in einer Signalverarbeitungseinheit eines H&#246;rger&#228;tes sowie Schaltung zur Durchf&#252;hrung des Verfahrens</title>
        <number>DE 10114101</number>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>E. Fischer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Methoden zur Klassifikation von H&#246;rsituationen / Methods of classifying listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>46. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker Kongress, Median-Verlag, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Verwendung von generischen Anpassregeln f&#252;r nichtlineare H&#246;rger&#228;te</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 46. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses 2001</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Englisch ist hansen_2001d2</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Recruitmentkompensation mit kurzen kompressionszeitkonstanten?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 45. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses 2000</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Englisch ist hansen_2001a2</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Recruitment compensation with short compression time constants?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 45. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses 2000</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Deutsch ist hansen_2001a1</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Use of generic fitting algorithms for non-linear hearing instruments</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 46. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses 2001</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Deutsch ist hansen_2001d1</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Which type of hearing aid compression is optimal for recruitment compensation?</title>
            <editor>G. and Oxenham</editor>
        <booktitle>Conference on Perceptual Consequences of Cochlear Nonlinearity</booktitle>
        <address>Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst</address>
        <annote>invited Talk, ohne proceedings paper. distributed auf CD-ROM.</annote>
        <note>invited talk</note>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rger&#228;te der Gegenwart</title>
        <booktitle>Winterschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r medizinische Physik, Pichl, &#214;sterreich</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Interpolation of MVDR Beamformer Coefficients for Joint Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction</title>
        <booktitle>International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC-01)</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Das Zentrum stellt sich vor</title>
            <editor>zph-info. Community Orientierung and Public Health</editor>
        <booktitle>Zentrum f&#252;r Public Health</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Brustkrebs-Fr&#252;herkennung in der Kontroverse - Einleitende Worte</title>
        <publisher>Hans Huber</publisher>
            <editor>Frauke and M&#252;ller</editor>
            <editor>Rainer and Keil</editor>
            <editor>Annelie and Hauffe</editor>
        <booktitle>Die Kontroverse um die Brustkrebs-Fr&#252;herkennung</booktitle>
        <series>Programmbereich Gesundheit</series>
        <address>Bern, G&#246;ttingen, Toronto</address>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>V. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Geschlecht und Gesundheit in der gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Ausbildung - ein Thema f&#252;r Deutschland?</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>R. Jansen</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
        <title>Arbeitsbelastungen und Gesundheit &#228;lterer Arbeitnehmer/innen im Dienstleistungsbereich</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>C. Marro</author>
        <title>Post-filtering techniques</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
        <booktitle>Microphone arrays</booktitle>
            <author>A. Then</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Vergleich ausgew&#228;hlter objektiver raumakustischer Parameter hinsichtlich ihrer Korrelation mit dem subjektiven Kriterium “Scheinbare Breite der Quelle” bei Musikdarbietungen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001, Hamburg</booktitle>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung – auch f&#252;r &#228;ltere Arbeitnehmer/innen? Der &#214;ffentliche Dienst zwischen Integration und Externalisierung</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meemken</author>
        <title>Methode und Verfahren zur Ver&#228;nderung der L&#228;nge und der Tonh&#246;he eines Musik- bzw. Sprachsignals</title>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Mehrkanalige Ger&#228;uschunterdr&#252;ckungssysteme: eine vergleichende Analyse</title>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Notes on spatial impression in concert halls</title>
        <journal>ACUSTICA/acta acustica</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Untersuchungen zur Wahrnehmbarkeit &#246;rtlicher Schwankungen von R&#228;umlichkeitsparametern bei Musikdarbietungen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Difference limens for measures of apparent source width</title>
        <booktitle>Official Publication of the Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain</booktitle>
        <volume>Paper RBA-02-006-IP</volume>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Die akustische Wahrnehmung des Raumes bei Musikdarbietungen: Scheinbare Quellbreite als Subkomponente des Raumeindrucks</title>
        <journal>Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>K. B. H&#252;ttenbrink</author>
            <author>M. Bornitz</author>
            <author>T. Zahnert</author>
            <author>G. Hofmann</author>
        <title>On the implantable hydroacoustic microphone</title>
        <booktitle>Official Publication of the Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain</booktitle>
        <volume>Paper PPA-Gen-006</volume>
            <author>I. Flerlage</author>
            <author>M. Weerts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>F. Jung</author>
        <title>Schnittstellen gemeindenbezogener Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Does it make sense to measure the insertion gain (IG) of a hearing aid fitting in small children?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 47. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Deutsch ist hansen_2002d1</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>M&#246;glichkeiten und Grenzen der Dynamikkompression bei H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Effects of Multi-Channel Compression Time Constants on Subjectively Perceived Sound Quality and Speech Intelligibility.</title>
        <journal>Ear &amp; Hearing</journal>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Ist es zweckm&#228;&#223;ig, bei Kleinkindern die Einf&#252;geverst&#228;rkung (insertion gain) einer H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung zu messen?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 47. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>derselbe artikel auf Englisch ist hansen_2002d2</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>L. Henningsen</author>
            <author>T. Henriksen</author>
        <title>Which type of compression is optimal for recruitment compensation?</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. AAA meeting</booktitle>
        <note>Poster Presentation 116</note>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>Å. Olofsson</author>
        <title>Objectively and Subjectively Measured Nonlinear distortion</title>
        <booktitle>Int. Hear. Aid Research Conf.</booktitle>
        <address>Lake Tahoe</address>
        <annote>kein Proceedings band, nur abstract</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Hearing aid and a method for enhancing speech intelligibility</title>
        <number>EP 1 522 206 B1</number>
        <howpublished>European Patent EP 1 522 206 B1</howpublished>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>T. Wittkop</author>
        <title>Method for the operation of a hearing aid device or hearing device system as well as hearing aid device or hearing device system / Verfahren zum Betrieb eines H&#246;rhilfeger&#228;tes oder H&#246;rger&#228;tesystems sowie H&#246;rhilfeger&#228;t oder H&#246;rger&#228;tesystem</title>
        <number>US 7013015, DE 10110258, DE50212199, EP 1239700, US 20020176594</number>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2002, (DPG-Kongress GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Residual echo estimation with the help of minimum statistics</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium, Leuven, Belgium</booktitle>
            <author>P. Kolip</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Geschlechtsspezifische Inanspruchnahme von Pr&#228;vention und Krankheitsfr&#252;herkennung</title>
        <publisher>Verlag Hans Huber: Bern, G&#246;ttingen, Toronto, Seattle</publisher>
        <booktitle>Geschlecht, Gesundheit und Krankheit. M&#228;nner und Frauen im Vergleich</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>C. Moore-Schmeil</author>
        <title>Violence against women</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Gewalt, Frauen, Konferenz, England, Koppelin</keywords>
        <booktitle>1. Nationale Konferenz Association of Dance Movenment Therapy, Bristol/England (Fachkonferenz des britischen Berufsverbandes der Tanz- und BewegungstherapeutInnen) am 02.11.2002</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Institutionelle Steuerung von ambulanten Pflegeleistungen in der Pflegeversicherung – Eine Chance f&#252;r die Entwicklung neuer professioneller Handlungsmuster unter Ber&#252;cksichtigung der Pflege-Qualit&#228;tssicherung</title>
        <publisher>Wirtschaftverlag NW</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gesundheit im Spannungsfeld individuellen Handelns und institutioneller Steuerung</booktitle>
        <series>Schriftenreihe \dqGesundheit - Arbeit - Medizin\dq</series>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Der Beitrag der Arbeitszeitgestaltung und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung zur Integration &#228;lterer und leistungsgewandelter Besch&#228;ftigter des &#214;ffentlichen Dienstes in die Erwerbsarbeit</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Arbeitszeit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>V. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Gender and Health in Public Education – A topic in Germany?</title>
        <keywords>Gender;Public Health</keywords>
            <editor>Carina and Gron&#228;s L. and Karlqvist</editor>
            <editor>Lena and Westberg</editor>
        <booktitle>Women, Work and Health – Book of Abstracts</booktitle>
            <author>A. Marcoux</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>M. B&#252;low</author>
        <title>A new pediatric hearing aid fitting involving in-situ audiometry</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. AAA meeting</booktitle>
        <note>Instructional course 123</note>
            <author>A. Marcoux</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>T. Henriksen</author>
        <title>The Effect of Non-Linear Amplification and Low Compression Threshold on Receptive and Expressive Speech Ability</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. AAA meeting</booktitle>
        <note>Poster Presentation 117</note>
            <author>J. Rademacher</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Method and apparatus for reducing random, continuous non-stationary noise in audio signals</title>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Simmer</author>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
        <title>Robust, time-variant design of MVDR Beamformers</title>
        <booktitle>DAGA 2003: Fortschritte in der Akustik, Jahrestagung</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Rademacher</author>
        <title>Detection, Interpolation and Cancellation Algorithms for GSM burst Removal for Forensic Audio</title>
        <booktitle>Conference of the Int&apos;l. Assoc. for Forensic Phonetics (IAFP 2003)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Wilde</author>
        <title>Kopplung des TLM-Verfahrens mit einer zeitdiskreten Modellierung von Plattenschwingern zur raumakustischen Simulation bei tiefen Frequenzen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>B. Gabriel</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>M. Kinkel</author>
            <author>H. Heuermann</author>
            <author>J. Kie&#223;ling</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Pastoors</author>
        <title>H&#246;rTech-Inventar: Ein einheitliches Fragebogeninventar f&#252;r die H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung?! / H&#246;rTech Inventory: A uniform questionnaire inventory for hearing aid fitting?!</title>
        <booktitle>48. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress, Median-Verlag, Heidelberg, Deutschland</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Rainer</author>
        <title>Modulationsspektrogramm – ein Messverfahren f&#252;r nichtlineare digitale H&#246;rger&#228;te / Modulation spectrogram – a measurement method for non-linear digital hearing instruments?</title>
        <booktitle>48. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress, Median-Verlag, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>R. Blum</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
        <title>Measurement methods for hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>H&#246;rger&#228;teentwicklerforum, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Post-Filtering for Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
        <title>Schatzung des Restechos mit Hilfe eines Mikrofonarrays</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>K. Kammeyer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Multi-microphone residual echo estimation</title>
        <booktitle>Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings.(ICASSP&apos;03). 2003 IEEE International Conference on</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>C. Moore-Schmeil</author>
        <title>Kukt - ein engmaschiges regionales Modellprojekt</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Kukt, Blickpunkt, Journal, Fachhochschule, Ostfriesland, Koppelin</keywords>
        <journal>blickpunkt 2003. Das Magazin der Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>H&#228;usliche Gewalt - Anforderungen an eine angemessene medizinische Versorgung</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
            <editor>Uwe and Pawils-Lechner</editor>
        <booktitle>Psychosoziale Versorgung in der Medizin</booktitle>
        <address>Lengerich, Berlin, Bremen, Miami, Riga, Viernheim, Wien, Zagreb</address>
            <author>A. Marcoux</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Ensuring accuracy of the pediatric hearing aid fitting</title>
        <journal>Trends in Amplification</journal>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>A. Wegener</author>
        <title>Alt werden im Betrieb? Besch&#228;ftigte im &#214;ffentlichen Dienst zwischen Integration und Externatisierung</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Arbeitszeit;Demografischer Wandel;Erwerbst&#228;tige;Gesundheitsforschung</keywords>
        <publisher>Verlag f&#252;r neue Wissenschaft</publisher>
            <author>C. Moore-Schmeil</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>KUKT- Therapie- und Beratungsvernetzung f&#252;r von h&#228;uslicher Gewalt betroffene Frauen und Kinder: Implementierung eines engmaschigen regionalen Modellprojektes</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Kukt, h&#228;usliche Gewalt, Frauen, Kinder, Poster</keywords>
        <booktitle>Tagung Innovations-Transfer Fachhochschule Oldenburg Ostfriesland Wilhelmshaven</booktitle>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>G. Marstedt</author>
            <author>O. Alberts</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ma&#223;nahme zur Integration &#228;lterer und gesundheitlich beeintr&#228;chtigter Arbeitnehmer/innen des &#214;ffentlichen Dienstes in die Erwerbsarbeit</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <booktitle>Forschungs-Informations Dienst</booktitle>
            <author>C. Paludan-M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Hearing aid and a method of noise reduction</title>
        <annote>published 2016</annote>
        <howpublished>European Patent EP 1 695 591 B1</howpublished>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Multi-Microphone Noise Reduction-Theoretical Optimum and Practical Realization</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Weerts</author>
            <author>I. Flerlage</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>F. Jung</author>
        <title>Gesundheitsvorstellungen sozial benachteiligter Frauen</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheitswesen, Public Health, Gesundheitsvorstellungen, Frauen, Benachteiligung</keywords>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Correlation of Apparent Source Width with Objective Measures in Synthetic Sound Fields</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Bornitz</author>
            <author>T. Zahnert</author>
            <author>G. Hofmann</author>
            <author>K. B. H&#252;ttenbrink</author>
        <title>Implantierbarer elektromechanischer Wandler</title>
        <number>DE 103 01 723</number>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Wilde</author>
        <title>Room acoustical simulation at low frequencies using the scattering element method</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of CFA/DAGA&apos;04, Strasbourg (France)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Design principles for modern hearing instruments</title>
        <booktitle>116th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), Berlin</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>R. Blum</author>
        <title>Measurement of the modulation transfer function of nonlinear hearing aid</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Qualit&#228;tsmanagement - eine Aufgabe der Kommission Lehre der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Public Health: Umsetzung der Empfehlungen f&#252;r Epidemiologie und Biostatistik</title>
        <keywords>Public Health</keywords>
        <publisher>Druckwerkstatt im Gr&#252;n and Dt. Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswiss</publisher>
            <editor>Frauke and Dierks</editor>
        <booktitle>Public Health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland // Public health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland</booktitle>
        <series>Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Abteilung f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie der Universit&#228;t Freiburg</series>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>M. Dierks</author>
        <title>Harmonisierung von Strukturen und Curricula des postgradualen Public Heath-Studiums in Deutschland</title>
        <keywords>Public Health</keywords>
        <publisher>Druckwerkstatt im Gr&#252;n and Dt. Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswiss</publisher>
            <editor>Frauke and Dierks</editor>
        <booktitle>Public Health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland // Public health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland</booktitle>
        <series>Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Abteilung f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie der Universit&#228;t Freiburg</series>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Geschlechterdifferenzierende Betrachtung der subjektiven Bewertung gesundheitlicher Belastungen erwerbst&#228;tiger M&#228;nner und Frauen</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
            <editor>von dem Knesebeck</editor>
            <editor>Olaf and Hasenbrink</editor>
            <editor>Monika and Hallner</editor>
        <booktitle>Neue Impulse in der Medizinischen Psychologie und Medizinischen Soziologie</booktitle>
        <address>Lengerich, Berlin, Bremen, Miami, Riga, Viernheim, Wien, Zagreb</address>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>M. Dierks</author>
        <title>Public Health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheit;Medizin;Public Health</keywords>
        <publisher>Druckwerkstatt im Gr&#252;n and Dt. Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswiss</publisher>
        <booktitle>Public Health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland</booktitle>
        <volume>Bd. 14</volume>
        <series>Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Koordinierungsstelle f&#252;r Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Abteilung f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie der Universit&#228;t Freiburg</series>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Macht Arbeit M&#228;nner krank</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gender;Gesundheit;M&#228;nnergesundheit</keywords>
        <address>Weinheim, M&#252;nchen</address>
            <author>V. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gender: (K)ein Thema in der gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Ausbildung?</title>
        <publisher>Druckwerkstatt im Gr&#252;n</publisher>
        <booktitle>Public Health Ausbildungsprofile und Berufsperspektiven in Deutschland</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Schaer</author>
        <title>Some Experiments on Short-Time Spectral Attenuation (STSA) Algorithms and Speech Intelligibility</title>
        <booktitle>International Workshop on Acoustics Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Eindhoven, Niederlande</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Acoustical Measurements for Everyone</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Internoise &apos;05, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Experience with the new Bachelor/Master study programme &apos;Hearing Technology and Audiology&apos; in Oldenburg, Germany</title>
        <booktitle>The 7th EFAS Congress</booktitle>
        <organization>European Association of Audiological Socities</organization>
        <note>(invited talk)</note>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Høreapparattilpasning til småbørn: IG og tidskonstanter</title>
        <booktitle>DTAS&apos; årsmøde</booktitle>
        <organization>Dansk teknisk audiologisk selskab</organization>
        <note>(invited talk)</note>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>The use of the modulation transfer function to describe the performance of hearing aids</title>
            <editor>A.N. and Poulsen</editor>
            <editor>T. and Andersen</editor>
            <editor>T. and Larsen</editor>
        <booktitle>Hearing Aid Fitting, Proc. 21th Danavox Symposium</booktitle>
        <note>ISBN 87-982422-0-2</note>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
        <title>Neue Messverfahren f&#252;r nichtlineare H&#246;rsysteme? / New measurement procedures for non-linear hearing instrument?</title>
        <publisher>Median-Verlag, Heidelberg</publisher>
        <booktitle>50. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>Anwendbarkeit der Modulations-Transfer-Funktion zur Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften von nichtlinearen H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Gruppe 4.2.1/9.3.2 Audiologische Akustik</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>R. Blum</author>
        <title>Charakterisierung von nichtlinearen H&#246;rger&#228;ten mit der Modulations-Transfer-Funktion</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Physiker und Ingenieure, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
        <title>Hearing-Aid Technologies</title>
            <editor>J. Blauert</editor>
        <booktitle>Communication Acoustics</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gesundheitliche Beschwerden und Belastungen von Frauen und M&#228;nnern im Spiegel der Erwerbsarbeit – Ergebnisse einer repr&#228;sentativen Besch&#228;ftigtenbefragung in Deutschland</title>
        <publisher>Fachhochschule Aargau, Niederschweiz</publisher>
        <booktitle>Forschungsnetzwerk Gender Health</booktitle>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>C. Hilge</author>
            <author>C. Nocke</author>
            <author>T. Br&#228;cker</author>
            <author>V. Lammers</author>
            <author>M. Lutzen</author>
            <author>R. Machner</author>
            <author>M. Muhlhan</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>B. Silge</author>
            <author>W. Wempe</author>
            <author>S. Wolter</author>
            <author>S. August</author>
        <title>Subjektive Einsch&#228;tzung der Sprechstimme und der H&#246;rumgebung in universit&#228;ren Seminarr&#228;umen</title>
        <journal>41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), M&#252;nchen, Deutschland</journal>
            <author>W. Puls</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Der Beitrag der Soziologie zur Praxis der betrieblichen Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung: Eine Diskussion am Beispiel eines Stressbew&#228;ltigungsprogramms</title>
        <journal>Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis (SuB)</journal>
            <author>W. Puls</author>
            <author>I. Ruhl</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Heyse</author>
            <author>N. Wild</author>
            <author>H. Wienold</author>
        <title>B&#252;rgerinitiativen gegen die Errichtung forensischer Psychiatrien in der Bev&#246;lkerungseinsch&#228;tzung: Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie</title>
        <abstract>&apos;Im Rahmen der hier vorgelegten Studie geht es um zwei Fragen: (1) Wie werden B&#252;rgerinitiativen, die sich gegen die Einrichtung von forensischen Kliniken richten bzw. bestimmte Auflagen fordern, durch die Bev&#246;lkerung bewertet und wie stabil ist diese Bewertung im Zeitverlauf? (2) Welche soziodemographischen Merkmale und Einstellungsstrukturen kennzeichnen Personen, die Verst&#228;ndnis f&#252;r diese B&#252;rgerinitiativen haben? In einer westf&#228;lischen Gro&#223;stadt wurden mittels telefonischer Befragung 728 (I. Welle), 754 (2. Welle), 730 (3. Welle) und 1056 Personen (4. Welle) hinsichtlich soziodemographischer Merkmale und spezifischer Einstellungen gegen&#252;ber der Einrichtung einer forensischen Psychiatrie befragt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Sympathie f&#252;r die B&#252;rgerinitiative weitgehend davon abh&#228;ngig ist, ob die Befragten eine Beeintr&#228;chtigung der Wohnqualit&#228;t erwarten. Die Einstellung gegen&#252;ber psychisch kranken und geistig behinderten Straft&#228;tern scheint von &#228;hnlichen Faktoren abh&#228;ngig zu sein wie auch die Haltung gegen&#252;ber psychisch kranken Menschen, die nicht straff&#228;llig geworden sind.&apos; (Autorenreferat)&apos;This study addresses two issue concerning citizens&apos; engagement with and protest against the establishment of forensic psychiatric institutions. (1) How does the public perceive local pressure groups opposing the establishment of forensic hospitals and issues related to their demands, and how do such perceptions develop over time. (2) Which sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes are related to sympathizing with the cause of such groups? In a city in Westphalia, three waves of telephone interviews were conducted with 728 subjects in the first wave, 754 subjects in the second wave, 730 in the third and 1056 in the final wave. Data on socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes toward forensic psychiatric institutions were collected. Sympathy and support for the cause of the group largely depended on expectations of the subjects that their level of residential quality and quality of life would be reduced through the presence of such an institution. Attitudes towards mentally ill and mentally challenged offenders are basically shaped by the same general patterns as for attitudes toward the non-delinquent mentally ill.&apos; (author&apos;s abstract)|</abstract>
        <journal>Soziale Probleme</journal>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>B. R.</author>
        <title>Messung der Modulationstransferfunktion (MTF) von nichtlinearen H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;05</booktitle>
        <annote>zum agip-projekt</annote>
            <author>U. Sonntag</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;ventionsgesetzentwurf unter Genderaspekten</title>
        <booktitle>Rundbrief Netzwerk Frauen/M&#228;dchen und Gesundheit Niedersachsen</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>D. Extra</author>
        <title>Artificial Reverberation: Comparing Algorithms by Using Binaural Analysis Tools</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 121</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>Z. Kurtisi</author>
            <author>T. Loesch</author>
            <author>T. May</author>
        <title>Distant Teaching of Chamber Music via Local Area Netwoks</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 120</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>D. Schmidt</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Parameter estimation of dynamic range compressors: models, procedures and test signals</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 120</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Neue Vorlesungen auf dem Gebiet der Akustik an der FH OOW</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2006, Braunschweig</booktitle>
            <author>D. Extra</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>S. Fischer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Artificial Reverberation: Comparing algorithms by using monaural analysis tools</title>
        <booktitle>121st AES Convention,(San Francisco, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>R. Schultz-Amling</author>
        <title>Untersuchungen zur perzeptiven Relevanz der Modulationstransferfunktion</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, K&#246;ln</booktitle>
        <organization>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</organization>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Comparison of objective and subjective measures for sound quality and speech intelligibility in nonlinear hearing instruments</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, Californien, USA</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Objektive und subjektive Messung nichtlinearer Verzerrungen in H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Lehre und Ausbildung in Psychoakustik mit psylab: freie Software f&#252;r psychoakustische Experimente</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;06</booktitle>
        <annote>erste publikation &#252;ber psylab</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>C. Paludan-M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Continuous optimization of amplification and noise reduction in hearing aids using the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) theory</title>
        <booktitle>Int. Hear. Aid Research Conf.</booktitle>
        <address>Lake Tahoe</address>
        <annote>kein Proceedings band, nur abstract</annote>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>C. Lenze</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>Preliminary Evaluation of a Force-Sensing Human-Machine Interface for an Interactive Robotic System</title>
        <booktitle>Procedings of the IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Anpassung und messtechnische &#220;berpr&#252;fung von H&#246;rsystemen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, K&#246;ln</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Anem&#252;ller</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>Speech-like test signals for hearing instruments</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, USA</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Wandel der Erwerbst&#228;tigkeit und gesundheitliche Folgen</title>
        <journal>Die BKK. Zeitschrift der Betrieblichen Krankenversicherung</journal>
            <author>R. Machner</author>
            <author>K. Heutschi</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Verwendung von Stimme, Gesang und Musikinstrumenten zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Parameter</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2006, Braunschweig</booktitle>
            <author>C. Moore</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>I. Harms-Wahlich</author>
            <author>A. Klostermann</author>
            <author>M. Lungeshausen</author>
            <author>M. M&#252;hrel</author>
            <author>M. Wollersheim</author>
        <title>Neue Wege in der Therapie- und Beratungsvernetzung f&#252;r von H&#228;uslicher Gewalt betroffener Frauen und Kinder</title>
        <publisher>Verlag f&#252;r neue Wissenschaft, Bremerhaven</publisher>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Wandel der Arbeitswelt – Implikationen f&#252;r die betriebliche Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung von mittleren F&#252;hrungskr&#228;ften. Erste Auswertungen eines mehrstufigen Erhebungsverfahrens mit Kontrollgruppe</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit;Medizin</keywords>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
            <editor>Yve and Hinz</editor>
            <editor>Andreas and Schr&#246;der</editor>
            <editor>Ch. and Br&#228;hler</editor>
        <booktitle>Medizintechnischer und soziodemographischer Wandel – Herausforderungen an die psychosoziale Medizin</booktitle>
        <address>Lengerich, Bremen, Berlin</address>
            <author>Å. Olofsson</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Objectively measured and subjectively perceived distortion in nonlinear systems</title>
        <journal>J. Acoust. Soc. Am.</journal>
            <author>H. Remmers</author>
            <author>M. Kappelmann</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Messung und Bewertung der Diffusit&#228;t des Schallfeldes in einem Hallraum</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2006, Braunschweig</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Anwendbarkeit des SII f&#252;r nichtlinear dynamik-komprimierte Sprache</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;06</booktitle>
        <annote>Tobias&apos;s Diplomarbeit</annote>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachqualit&#228;ts- und Verst&#228;ndlichkeitsmessung zur Bewertung von Ger&#228;uschunterdr&#252;ckungsalgorithmen</title>
        <booktitle>7. ITG-Congress on Speech Communication</booktitle>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Neuer Standard f&#252;r die Messung von H&#246;rger&#228;ten mit Hilfe eines sprach&#228;hnlichen Testsignals / New standard for the measurement of hearing aids using a speech-like test signal</title>
        <booktitle>51. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Spatial Distribution Meter: A new method to display spatial impression over time</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 122</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Teaching Acoustics Using IHA&apos;s Open Source TLM Package &quot;Lambda&quot;</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 19th Int. Congr. on Acoustics, Madrid (Spain)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Positioning Tasks in Multimodal Computer-Navigated Surgery</title>
        <abstract>We present conTACT, a new concept for assisting in surgical interventions via 3D multimodal computer-navigated surgery. In contrast to conventional computer-navigated surgery, our system explicitly processes and uses information about the surgeon to augment human machine interaction. We also evaluate humans&apos; neuroscientific behavior and show how we can transfer 3D navigation information via tactile signals delivered to the hand surface.</abstract>
        <keywords>3D multimodal computer-navigated surgery;3D patient image navigation;and medical application.;Calibration;Cameras;Computed tomography;computer-aided surgery;Control systems;DICOM;haptic interfaces;human computer interaction;human factors;human neuroscientific behavior;human-machine interaction;Instruments;Magnetic resonance imaging;medical image processing;navigation;neurophysiology;surgery;Surges;Surgical navigation system;tactile navigation;task positioning;vibrotactile display</keywords>
        <journal>MultiMedia, IEEE</journal>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Voruntersuchung zur vibrotaktil geregelten Instrumentenf&#252;hrung f&#252;r die multimodal unterst&#252;tze Navigation</title>
        <abstract>Inhalt dieses Beitrages ist ein Navigationssystem mit multimodaler Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation &#252;ber ein taktiles Display auf dem Handr&#252;cken. Gegen&#252;ber den kommerziellen Navigationssystemen, welche die Darstellung der Navigationsinformationen &#252;ber einen Bildschirm auf den visuellen Kanal beschr&#228;nken, soll mit diesem multi-modalen Ansatz die Zeit von chirurgischen Eingriffen verringert und die Genauigkeit erh&#246;ht werden. Um die mit dem Display erreichbare Navigationsgenauigkeit zu erh&#246;hen und die Kalibrierung des Displays auf den Menschen abzustimmen, wurden Experimente durchgef&#252;hrt, die Aufschluss &#252;ber die Lage des handeignen Koordinatensystems bringen sollten. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass durch Ermittlung eines Schnittpunktes oder -volumens der durch die Taktoren bedingten Bewegungsachsen kein Koordinatensystem ableitbar ist.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Computergest&#252;tzte Chirurgie, Karlsruhe</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>C. Lenze</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Evaluation of the intuitive control system for an interactive robotic system</title>
        <journal>GMS Current Topics in Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (GMS CURAC)</journal>
            <author>D. Extra</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Monaurale und binaurale Analyse digitaler Raumimpulsantworten</title>
        <booktitle>DAGA 2007: Forstschritte der Akustik, Jahrestagung</booktitle>
            <author>T. Fortune</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>A new (and better) test signals for hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, Arisona, USA</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Der erste Psychoakustiker: Gustav Theodor Fechner, 1801-1887</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA )in Stuttgart vom 19.-22. M&#228;rz 2007 und Beitrag im Tagungsband, Vortrag</booktitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>Measurement methods: How does a modern hearing aid process speech?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 52. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>selber Artikel in englisch ist hansen_2007a</annote>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>Messtechnik: Wie wird Sprache durch ein modernes H&#246;rger&#228;t verarbeitet?</title>
        <booktitle>Referate des 52. Internationalen H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker-Kongresses</booktitle>
        <organization>Union der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Akustiker e.V.</organization>
        <annote>selber Artikel in englisch ist hansen_2007b</annote>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>conTACT - A Vibrotactile Display for Computer Aided Surgery</title>
        <booktitle>Procedings of the Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (WHC&apos;07)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Charakterisierung von H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>Erstellung eines Testsignals mit Sprachcharakteristik</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2007, (DPG-Kongress GmbH, Bad Honnef)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Subjective and objective evaluation methods of complex hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>8th International Congress on Audiology, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>Ein k&#252;nstliches Sprachsignal f&#252;r die H&#246;rger&#228;temessung</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Physiker und Ingenieure, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Bewegung und Aktivit&#228;t – ad&#228;quate Trainingsinhalte f&#252;r Industriemeister? Gegen&#252;berstellung der Ergebnisse einer Evaluation eines Gesundheitscoachings f&#252;r Meister der Automobilindustrie mit den Daten des Bundesgesundheitssurveys 1998</title>
        <keywords>Public Health, Industriemeister, Gesundheitscoaching</keywords>
        <booktitle>Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007, Augsburg 17.-21. September</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Kindergesundheit–immer eine Frage der Balance</title>
        <journal>Wissen &amp; Wachsen, Schwerpunktthema Gesundheit &amp; Bewegung, Wissen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;vention und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung in Wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Arrangement</title>
        <publisher>Verlag f&#252;r neue Wissenschaft</publisher>
            <editor>Uwe and Braun</editor>
            <editor>Bernard and Milles</editor>
            <editor>Dietrich and Rothgang</editor>
        <booktitle>Gesundheitspolitik, Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin. Festschrift f&#252;r Rainer M&#252;ller. Schriftenreihe \glqqGesundheit-Arbeit-Medizin\grqq Sonderausgabe</booktitle>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Alltagstauglichkeit eines Gesundheitscoaching f&#252;r Meister – Evaluationsergebnisse eines Bausteins der betrieblichen Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</title>
            <editor>Heinz Erich and Nowak</editor>
            <editor>Dennis and Zapf</editor>
        <booktitle>Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007</booktitle>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Zeitdruck und Fehlbeanspruchung bei Meistern in der Automobilindustrie – Ist die Teamarbeit ein zus&#228;tzlicher Belastungsfaktor?</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit;Pr&#228;vention</keywords>
            <editor>Wilhelm and Badura</editor>
            <editor>Bernhard and Pfaff</editor>
        <booktitle>Pr&#228;vention und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung.</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Promotionsprojekt. Gesundheitliche Situation von Frauen in prek&#228;ren Arbeitsverh&#228;ltnissen. Ansatzpunkte f&#252;r die Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</title>
        <journal>ipp info</journal>
            <author>W. Puls</author>
            <author>I. Ruhl</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Heyse</author>
            <author>N. Wild</author>
            <author>H. Wienold</author>
        <title>Warum bilden sich B&#252;rgerinitiativen gegen die Errichtung forensischer Psychiatrien?</title>
        <journal>neuro aktuell</journal>
            <author>J. Rademacher</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Houpert</author>
        <title>Increasing Speech Intelligibility by Denoising: What can be achieved</title>
        <journal>Proceedings: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics</journal>
            <author>P. Roeske</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Mehrkanalsignalverarbeitung zur Bestimmung der Kopfausrichtung in geschlossenen Raumen</title>
        <journal>FORTSCHRITTE DER AKUSTIK</journal>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
        <title>Evaluation of Noise Reduction Algorithms in Hearing Aids with the Acceptable Noise Level Test (ANLT)</title>
        <booktitle>8th International Congress on Audiology, 7.-9. Juni, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>A. Mertins</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Bestimmung der Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit im St&#246;rger&#228;usch f&#252;r Freifeld-Bedingungen in unterschiedlichen Wiedergaber&#228;umen</title>
        <booktitle>10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Audiologie mit dem 8. Kongress der Europaischen Forderation der Audiologischen Gesellschaften, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Der erste Psychoakustiker: Gustav Theodor Fechner, 1801-1887</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2007, Stuttgart</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. LeBoeuf</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Evaluating perception of salient frequencies: Do mixing engineers hear the same thing?</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 124</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>H. Oberdanner</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>Einfluss des Otoplastikprofils auf den objektiven Okklusionseffekt</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2008, Dresden</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
            <author>H. Oberdanner</author>
            <author>N. Schmitt</author>
        <title>Acoustics of open fittings</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Acoustics&apos;08, Paris (France)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Multimodal Navigation with a Vibrotactile Display in Computer Assisted Surgery</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Sukhan and Suh</editor>
            <editor>IlHong and Kim</editor>
        <booktitle>Recent Progress in Robotics: Viable Robotic Service to Human</booktitle>
        <series>Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences</series>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>D. Ro&#223;kamp</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Fusion of Vibrotactile Signals Used in a Tactile Display in Computer Aided Surgery</title>
        <keywords>cas;Haptic I/O;medical sciences;tactile display</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
        <booktitle>Haptics: Perception, Devices and Scenarios</booktitle>
        <series>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</series>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
        <title>Applications of the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) on dynamic compression and noise reduction algorithms</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, Californien, USA</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Fragebogenstudie zur CI-Nachsorge</title>
        <booktitle>30. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgruppe ERA (AG-ERA) am 21. und 22. November 2008 an der Universit&#228;ts-HNO-Klinik Heidelberg, Vortrag</booktitle>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>Multimodale Mensch-Maschine Schnittstellen f&#252;r die chirurgische Navigation</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings der 39. Jahrestagung der DGMP</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Kappelmann</author>
        <title>Anwendung eines internationalen Sprach-Testsignals zur Charakterisierung von H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;08</booktitle>
        <annote>artikel &#252;ber das ISTS</annote>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Verifikation von H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Kiel</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Blab</author>
            <author>K. F&#252;rsen</author>
            <author>S. G&#252;rtler</author>
            <author>K. Meisenbacher</author>
            <author>D. Nguyen</author>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
        <title>Einfluss des St&#246;rger&#228;uschs und der Testmethode auf die Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwelle von j&#252;ngeren und &#228;lteren Normalh&#246;renden</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Kiel</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>Development and Analysis of an International Speech Test Signal (ISTS)</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, Californien, USA</booktitle>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Kabellose Signal&#252;bertragung f&#252;r taktile chirurgische Navigation Methoden Ergebnisse Diskussion</title>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Computergest&#252;tzte Chirurgie</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>S. Remdisch</author>
            <author>S. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Tandemprojekt: Gesundheitsmanagement betrieblicher Vorgesetzter in zwei Gro&#223;unternehmen. Teilprojekt 1: Gesundheitsmanagement als F&#252;hrungsaufgabe im Dienstleistungsunternehmen und Teilprojekt 2: Gesundheitscoaching von Meistern in der Automobilindustrie. Unver&#246;ffentlichter Abschlussbericht des Tandem-Forschungsprojektes. August 2008</title>
        <keywords>Gesundheitsmanagement, Ostfriesland, Leuphana</keywords>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Soziale Unterst&#252;tzung pflegender Angeh&#246;riger: Theorien, Methoden, Forschungsbeitr&#228;ge</title>
        <abstract>Alte, kranke, hilfs- und pflegebed&#252;rftige Menschen werden zum weitaus gr&#246;&#223;ten Teil durch die nahen Angeh&#246;rigen versorgt. Hierbei sind es insbesondere Frauen, die &#252;ber Jahre die Versorgung des Ehemannes, der Eltern oder Schwiegereltern im h&#228;uslichen Kontext sicherstellen. Dieses Buch arbeitet exemplarisch am Beispiel &#228;lterer pflegender Ehefrauen die Wechselwirkungen zwischen der sozialen Unterst&#252;tzung, Pflegebelastung und Pflegebew&#228;ltigung heraus. Es liefert damit Impulse f&#252;r gezielte Hilfen f&#252;r pflegende Angeh&#246;rige. Aufbauend auf einer umfangreichen Darstellung der Theorien und Methoden in der Unterst&#252;tzungs- und Netzwerkforschung und ihrer &#220;bertragung auf innerfamili&#228;re Pflegeverh&#228;ltnisse, liefern eigenen empirische Analysen Impulse f&#252;r gezielte Hilfen f&#252;r pflegende Angeh&#246;rige.</abstract>
        <series>Studien zur Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft</series>
        <edition>1. Aufl.</edition>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Sozialpolitik und soziale Lage in Deutschland</title>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Public Health als gesundheitspolitische Gestaltungsperspektive flexibler Arbeitsformen</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit;Public Health</keywords>
        <booktitle>Soziale Nachhaltigkeit in flexiblen Arbeitsstrukturen. Problemfelder und arbeitspolitische Gestaltungsperspektiven</booktitle>
        <series>Arbeitsgestaltung- Technikbewertung - Zukunft</series>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Belastungen, Beanspruchungen und Ressourcen m&#228;nnlicher Industriemeister – Ansatzpunkte f&#252;r ein geschlechtergerechtes Gesundheitscoaching</title>
        <publisher>Pabst Science Publishers</publisher>
            <editor>Jenny and Strau&#223;</editor>
        <booktitle>Psychosoziale Aspekte k&#246;rperlicher Krankheiten. Abstracts zum gemeinsamen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie</booktitle>
            <author>W. Puls</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Zum Einfluss der Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit auf den Alkohol-, Tabak- und Medikamentenkonsum: Stand der internationalen Forschung</title>
            <editor>Dieter and Zemlin</editor>
        <booktitle>Arbeitslosigkeit und Sucht</booktitle>
        <address>Frankfurt am Main</address>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>&#220;bertragungsfunktion der Basilarmembran</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;08</booktitle>
        <annote>&#252;ber Eugens Diplomarbeit, f&#252;r die er den Dega-Studienpreis 2008 erhalten hat.</annote>
            <author>A. Schlueter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
        <title>Application of the Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) to Single Microphone Noise Reductions</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
        <title>Untersuchung von St&#246;rger&#228;uschreduktionsalgorithmen mit dem Acceptable Noise Level Test</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Physiker und Ingenieure, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>K. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>C. Ludvigsen</author>
        <title>Recording and classification of the acoustic environment of hearing aid users</title>
        <journal>J. Am. Acad. Audiol.</journal>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>A. Schulz</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>T. Herzke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Interactive Fitting-Wizard in a Home Environment</title>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Acoustics, NAG/DAGA, Rotterdam, Niederlande</booktitle>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>A. Schulz</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>A fitting method for headphones to compensate individual hearing impairments</title>
            <editor>Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)</editor>
        <booktitle>3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2009 : PervasiveHealth 2009 ; 1 - 3 April 2009, London, United Kingdom ; [including workshop papers]</booktitle>
        <pages>keine Angabe-keine Angabe</pages>
        <address>Piscataway; NJ</address>
        <note>3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2009</note>
        <subtitle>PervasiveHealth 2009 ; 1 - 3 April 2009, London, United Kingdom ; [including workshop papers]</subtitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. LeBoeuf</author>
        <title>Automatic detection of salient frequencies</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 126</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Bornitz</author>
            <author>T. Zahnert</author>
            <author>G. Hofmann</author>
            <author>K. B. H&#252;ttenbrink</author>
        <title>Implantable converter for cochlea implants and implantable hearing aids</title>
        <number>US Patent 7,481,761</number>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>P. Roeske</author>
            <author>S. Fischer</author>
        <title>Predicting the acoustics of individual ears for hearing aid and audio applications - model framework and future work</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Optimal spectral smoothing in short-time spectral attenuation (STSA) algorithms: Results of objective measures and listening tests</title>
        <journal>Proc. 17th Eur. Signal Process. Conf.(EUSIPCO&apos;09)</journal>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>C. Dahmen</author>
            <author>R. Tunnell</author>
            <author>T. Wortmann</author>
            <author>A. Sill</author>
            <author>S. Fatikow</author>
            <author>R. Bombien</author>
            <author>G. Lutter</author>
            <author>M. Leester-Sch&#228;del</author>
            <author>S. B&#252;ttgenbach</author>
        <title>Multisensor Soft Tissue Navigation for the Controlled Guidance in Intra-Cardiac Microsurgery</title>
        <keywords>computer aided surgery;microactuation;minimally invasive surgery;navigation system;stereoscopy;valve resection</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Olaf and Schlegel</editor>
            <editor>WolfgangC and Magjarevic</editor>
            <editor>Ratko and Schlegel</editor>
            <editor>Wolfgang C.</editor>
        <booktitle>World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany</booktitle>
        <series>IFMBE Proceedings</series>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>Eine vibrotaktile Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle f&#252;r chirurgische Applikationen</title>
        <publisher>Fortschritt-Berichte VDI</publisher>
        <edition>Reihe 17</edition>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Tactile Guidance in Multimodal Computer Navigated Surgery</title>
        <journal>IEEE Potentials Magazine</journal>
            <author>M. Ebersold</author>
            <author>L. Weber</author>
            <author>S. &#214;hler</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Effect of airborne sound on installation noise. Part 1: Basic Investigations</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
        <title>Multi-channel noise reduction for binaural hearing aids by using short-time spectral attenuation combined with noise estimators for non-stationary noise</title>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Acoustics, including the 35th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (NGA/DAGA), Amsterdam</booktitle>
            <author>K. Hengst</author>
            <author>H. Drotleff</author>
            <author>R. Wack</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Methods to characterize the acoustic properties of periodic surfaces</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rger&#228;te im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Schweitzer H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongress, Interlaken, Schweiz</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Effektivit&#228;t von Dynamikkompressionsalgorithmen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Innsbruck, &#214;sterreich</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
        <title>Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und H&#246;ranstrengung in verschiedenen St&#246;rern</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Physiker und Ingenieure, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Blab</author>
            <author>K. F&#252;rsen</author>
            <author>S. G&#252;rtler</author>
            <author>K. Meisenbacher</author>
            <author>D. Nguyen</author>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
        <title>Einfluss des Maskierers und der Testmethode auf die Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit von j&#252;ngeren und &#228;lteren Normalh&#246;renden</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines neuen internationalen Sprach-Testsignals (ISTS): International einsetzbar</title>
        <title>3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2009</title>
            <editor>Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)</editor>
        <address>Piscataway; NJ</address>
        <note>3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2009</note>
        <subtitle>PervasiveHealth 2009 ; 1 - 3 April 2009, London, United Kingdom ; [including workshop papers]</subtitle>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>H. Ochsenfeld</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
        <title>A Novel Listening Test-Based Measure of Intelligibility Enhancement</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society, Convention Paper, Presented at the 127th Convention, 2009 October 9–12, New York NY, USA</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Informiert und Selbstbestimmt</title>
        <publisher>Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft</publisher>
            <editor>Norbert and Flie&#223;garten</editor>
            <editor>Anja and Nebling</editor>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung durch Coaching – ein Projekt mit Meistern aus der Automobilindustrie</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
            <editor>Stephan and Endl</editor>
            <editor>Hans and Gl&#228;nzer</editor>
            <editor>Edeltraut and Meyer</editor>
            <editor>Petra and M&#246;ning-Raane</editor>
        <booktitle>\glqqArbeit und Gesundheit – geschlechtergerecht?! Pr&#228;ventive betriebliche Gesundheitspolitik f&#252;r M&#228;nner und f&#252;r Frauen\grqq</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Zufriedenheit und Effektivit&#228;t eines Gesundheitscoachings mit m&#228;nnlichen Meistern in der Automobilindustrie-Ansatzpunkte f&#252;r eine gesunde F&#252;hrungskultur?</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>S. Gessler</author>
        <title>Personal Assistive Robots for AAL at Home The Florence Point of View</title>
        <abstract>The technical advances of the last years have made the robot for domestic usage both feasible and affordable. A Personal Assistive Robot extends the vision of a personal digital assistant by mobility, making new applications possible. Such a robot would be a mobile home automation infrastructure, interacting with available technology and car- rying around whatever is needed on top. Application areas include, but are not limited to health and well-being, entertainment and lifestyle, social connectedness and also household energy efficiency. The Florence Project that is currently under negotiation with the European Commis- sion aims to develop such a Personal Assistive Robot and the related AAL services.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 3rd. IoPTS workshop</booktitle>
            <author>B. C. Moore</author>
            <author>B. R. Glasberg</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
        <title>Detection of dead regions in the cochlea: relevance for combined electric and acoustic stimulation</title>
        <journal>Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology</journal>
            <author>K. Mozygemba</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>U. Krause</author>
        <title>Einleitung: Nutzerorientierung - ein Fremdwort in der Gesundheitssicherung?</title>
            <editor>Kati and M&#252;mken</editor>
            <editor>Sarah and Krause</editor>
            <editor>Ulla and Z&#252;ndel</editor>
            <editor>Matthias and Rehm</editor>
            <editor>Marion and H&#246;fling-Engels</editor>
            <editor>Nicole and L&#252;decke</editor>
            <editor>Daniel and Qurban</editor>
        <booktitle>Nutzerorientierung - ein Fremdwort in der Gesundheitssicherung?</booktitle>
        <title>Nutzerorientierung - ein Fremdwort in der Gesundheitssicherung?</title>
            <editor>Kati and M&#252;mken</editor>
            <editor>Sarah and Krause</editor>
            <editor>Ulla and Z&#252;ndel</editor>
            <editor>Matthias and Rehm</editor>
            <editor>Marion and H&#246;fling-Engels</editor>
            <editor>Nicole and L&#252;decke</editor>
            <editor>Daniel and Qurban</editor>
        <price>ca. sfr 42.00 (freier Pr.), EUR 24.95</price>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Der Industriemeister als Gesundheitsvorbild? Ergebnisse einer Fall-Kontroll-Studie mit m&#228;nnlichen Meistern</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>T. Kieselbach</author>
        <title>Prek&#228;re Arbeit und Gesundheit in unsicheren Zeiten</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift Arbeit</journal>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Ewert</author>
        <title>Modeling the masking of tones by Schroeder-phase harmonic tone complexes</title>
        <booktitle>NGA/DAGA 2009</booktitle>
            <author>P. Roeske</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
            <author>J. Schroeder</author>
            <author>M. Bokemeyer</author>
        <title>Modeling the sound field in front of the human ear drum for hearing aid applications</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Rohdenburg</author>
            <author>R. Huber</author>
            <author>P. van Hengel</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Appell</author>
        <title>Hearing aid technology and multi-media devices</title>
        <journal>ITG Fachtagung f&#252;r Elektronische Medien</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>P. Roeske</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
            <author>J. Schroeder</author>
            <author>M. Bokemeyer</author>
        <title>Estimation of the Sound Pressure at the Ear Drum for Hearing Aid Applications</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss verschiedener St&#246;rer auf die Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und die H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Innsbruck, &#214;sterreich</booktitle>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>A new International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) for the assessment of speech amplification in hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>Congress of the European Federations of Audiological Societies (EFAS), Teneriffa, Spanien</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Crosstalk cancellation in audiology</title>
        <journal>International Conference on Acoustics/including 35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik (NAG/DAGA), Rotterdam</journal>
            <author>C. Bartsch</author>
            <author>A. Volgenandt</author>
            <author>T. Rohdenburg</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Evaluation of different microphone arrays and localization algorithms in the context of ambient assisted living</title>
        <booktitle>International workshop on acoustic echo and noise control</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
        <title>Speech enhancement by adaptive noise cancellation: Problems, algorithms, and limits</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Conference: 39th International Conference: Audio Forensics: Practices and Challenges</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>P. Roeske</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
            <author>C. Thiele</author>
        <title>Prediction of the sound pressure at the ear drum in occluded human cadaver ears</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Detection of Hum in Audio Signals</title>
        <journal>International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWEAENC), Tel-Aviv</journal>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Automatisierte Viskoelastizit&#228;ts- und Rauigkeitsmessungen zur Fr&#252;h- diagnose bei Arthrose Automated: Visco-elastic and surface roughness measurement for early diagnosis in osteoarthritis</title>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 44. Jahrestagung der DGBMT</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>A Mobile Robot for Self-selected Gait Velocity Assessments in Assistive Environments</title>
        <abstract>This paper presents a novel idea on how mobile robots can be used to implement mobility assessments in home environments. The demographic change leads to an increasing demand of care, especially for elderly people. Falls are one major problem due to hospital stays, slow recovery time, and subsequent impairments. Assisting technologies from the field of Ambient Assisted Living could offer new diagnostic approaches and provide home assistance. Installing required technologies in a home environment is often difficult and costly. Here, mobile robots provide a new solution to bring sensors and actors into the home environment without any installation. Especially laser range scanners for robot navigation provide several possibilities to perform mobility assessments at home. In this paper results of a self-selected gait velocity assessment done with the aid of a laser range scanner are presented. The results show that it is possible to use a laser range scanner to compute the movement trajectory of a person and several parameters of gait. This offers new possibilities to transfer clinical assessment into the home environment. Mobility assessments in the domestic environment could be used for early and more objective detection of impairments and gait disorders.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA&apos;10)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Mehrkanaliges Verfahren zur Windgeraeuschreduktion bei Hoerger&#228;ten mit binauraler Kompensation</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Multi-channel algorithms for wind noise reduction and signal compensation in binaural hearing aids</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Tel Aviv, Israel</booktitle>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Qualit&#228;tsbeurteilungen durch Paarvergleich</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. Eichelberg</author>
            <author>M. Gietzelt</author>
            <author>B. Martens</author>
            <author>E. M. Meyer</author>
            <author>J. Spehr</author>
            <author>O. Wilken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Assistive Technologies for Supporting People with Dementia</title>
        <abstract>New approaches are required to address the need of care for the increasing number of dementia patients reaching 115 million worldwide in 2050. This article discusses research on a combined AAL approach that enables early diagnosis through mobility assessment, assessment of need of care by activity monitoring, estimation of fall risk, and support for everyday life activities for dementia patients in their domestic environments.</abstract>
        <keywords>activity monitoring;dementia;fall risk assessment;mobility monitoring</keywords>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the AALIANCE Conference</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Assistive Technologien - ein neuer Bachelor-Studiengang</title>
        <booktitle>AAL Kongress</booktitle>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>N. Moritz</author>
            <author>J. Appell</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>C. Bartsch</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Acoustic user interfaces for ambient-assisted living technologies</title>
        <publisher>Taylor &amp; Francis</publisher>
        <journal>Informatics for Health and Social Care</journal>
            <author>D. Heger</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Wie viele Menschen sind schwerh&#246;rig?</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>T. Herzke</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>S. Vormann</author>
            <author>M. Wehlau</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Quantifizierung des Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsgewinns durch Richtungsfilterung im H&#246;rger&#228;t: Vergleich verschiedener Algorithmen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>I. Eilers</author>
            <author>A. Escher</author>
            <author>A. Klein</author>
            <author>F. Kramer</author>
            <author>L. Wilholt</author>
            <author>F. Wolters</author>
        <title>Beurteilung eines Flugzeuginnenger&#228;uschs in Abh&#228;ngigkeit von der Kabinen-Farbgestaltung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2010, (DPG-Kongress GmbH, Bad Honnef)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Hearing aid sound processing features and user benefit</title>
        <booktitle>Nordic audiology college, Oslo, Norwegen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>A. F&#246;rstel</author>
            <author>F. Heitk&#246;tter</author>
            <author>B. Knothe</author>
            <author>J. Muncke</author>
            <author>M. Ottink</author>
            <author>J. Stever</author>
        <title>Erstellung eines Logatomtests f&#252;r die Konsonantenverst&#228;ndlichkeit</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Frankfurt</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
        <title>Percentileanalysis of different hearing instruments in First-Fit-Setting</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, Californien, USA</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Development and analysis of an International Speech Test Signal (ISTS)</title>
        <journal>International Journal of Audiology</journal>
        <title>Robotergest&#252;tztes Mobilit&#228;ts-Assessment f&#252;r Rehabilitation und Geriatrie</title>
            <editor>Melvin and Frenken</editor>
            <editor>Thomas and Brell</editor>
            <editor>Melina and Hein</editor>
        <institution>Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und &#196;rzte</institution>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>M. Barron</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Limits of intelligible speech in medium sized multi purpose spaces</title>
        <keywords>Limits of intelligible speech in medium sized multi purpose spaces</keywords>
        <booktitle>36. Deutsche Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA 2010)</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Arbeit und Gesundheit – Ressourcen und Risiken</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Gesundheit und Krankheit in \glqqbiopolitischen Zeiten\grqq</title>
        <publisher>VS Verlag f&#252;r Sozialwissenschaften</publisher>
            <editor>Bettina and Schmidt-Semisch</editor>
        <booktitle>Risiko Gesundheit</booktitle>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Haubold</author>
            <author>L. G&#246;nner</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Vormann</author>
        <title>Objective and subjective analysis of different hearing instruments in First-Fit-Setting</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, Californien, USA</booktitle>
            <author>R. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Lebenslauf, Arbeit und Gesundheit. In Politik f&#252;r Gesundheit</title>
        <publisher>Verlag Hans Huber</publisher>
            <editor>M. T.</editor>
        <booktitle>Politik f&#252;r Gesundheit</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Prek&#228;re Besch&#228;ftigung - Unsichere Gesundheit? Eine Analyse der Situation von Frauen im Niedriglohnbereich</title>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Bremen</institution>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Ein nichtlineares Basilarmembran-Filter mit modifiziertem Phasengang zur Simulation von Maskierungsschwellen von Schroederphasen-Tonkomplexen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;10</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky</author>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Subjektiver Vergleich individueller Entzerrungsfunktionen f&#252;r H&#246;rger&#228;te mit geschlossenen Otoplastiken</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2010, Berlin</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Perzeptive Ma&#223;e zur Evaluation von H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgungen bei Sprache im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>L. Ulrike</author>
        <title>Untersuchung eines subjektiven SNR-Vergleichs zur Bestimmung des Nutzens einkanaliger St&#246;rger&#228;uschreduktionen</title>
        <booktitle>13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Frankfurt</booktitle>
            <author>T. Schmidt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Digital equalization filter: New solution to the frequency response near Nyquist and evaluation by listening tests</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 128</booktitle>
        <title>Ambient assisted living 2010</title>
            <editor>VDI-VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH</editor>
        <note>3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2010</note>
        <subtitle>3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Zuhause und Unterwegs</subtitle>
            <author>F. Waldfahrer</author>
            <author>H. Iro</author>
            <author>M. v. Brevern</author>
            <author>M. Fetter</author>
            <author>K. Hamann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Lenarz</author>
            <author>A. Lesinski-Schiedat</author>
            <author>W. Stoll</author>
            <author>S. v. Stuckrad-Barre</author>
            <author>M. Westhofen</author>
        <title>Verkehrsmedizinische Begutachtung in der HNO-Heilkunde – Aktuelle Aspekte</title>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>M. Kallinger</author>
            <author>A. Mertins</author>
        <title>&#220;bersprechkompensation f&#252;r audiologische Messungen im Hinblick auf die Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Assistive Technologien- ein neuer Bachelor-Studiengang</title>
            <editor>VDI-VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient assisted living 2010 : 3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Zuhause und Unterwegs</booktitle>
        <pages>nicht ermittelbar-nicht ermittelbar</pages>
        <note>3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2010</note>
        <subtitle>3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Zuhause und Unterwegs</subtitle>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>T. J&#252;rgens</author>
            <author>D. Berg</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Adaptive Algorithmen zur Bestimmung der 80%-Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwelle</title>
        <abstract>Bei der Sprachaudiometrie mit S&#228;tzen wird in der Regel aus Gr&#252;nden der Effizienz und Genauig-keit die Schwelle f&#252;r 50% Wortverst&#228;ndlichkeit bestimmt. Diese schwierige Situation kann jedoch Patienten demotivieren. Au&#223;erdem k&#246;nnen einige H&#246;rhilfen hier keinen Nutzen bringen, weil die verwendeten Signalverarbeitungsstrategien nur bei h&#246;heren Signal-Rausch-Verh&#228;ltnissen funktionieren.In dieser Studie wurden 12 verschiedene adaptive Pegel-steuerungen mit einer Zielverst&#228;ndlichkeit von 80%- Wortverst&#228;ndlichkeit und mehr ver-glichenen. Dabei wurden sowohl transfomed up/down-Algorithmen als auch die f&#252;r den Oldenburger bzw. G&#246;ttinger Satztest empfohlenen adaptiven Algorithmen mit anderen Zielverst&#228;ndlichkeiten verwendet. Teilweise wurde „Satzwertung“ verwendet (d.h. alle W&#246;rter eines Satzes mussten verstanden werden), wodurch Zielverst&#228;ndlichkeiten bis zu 90% m&#246;glich werden. Durch die Erh&#246;hung der Zielverst&#228;ndlichkeit steigt allerdings der theoretisch optimale Standardfehler der Schwellensch&#228;tzung um 70% an. Zus&#228;tzlich erschwerend ist, dass die adaptiven Algorithmen ineffizienter und anf&#228;lliger gegen inkonsistente Antworten werden. Hief&#252;r l&#228;sst sich das Ma&#223; „Effizienz“ berechnen. Diese betr&#228;gt z.B. f&#252;r die adaptive Pegel-steuerung des Oldenburger Satztests 68% bei einer Ziel-Wortverst&#228;ndlichkeit von 80%.Bei der Verwendung einer geeigneten adaptiven Pegelsteuerung mit Schrittweiten, die auf die in etwa zu erwartende Steigung der Verst&#228;ndlichkeitsfunktion abgestimmt ist, kann so die Ziel-Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwelle um 3 bis 6 dB angehoben werden. Dies erm&#246;glicht den vor-her nicht realisierbaren Test von H&#246;rhilfen in einem f&#252;r sie geeigneteren, g&#252;nstigeren Signal-Rausch-Verh&#228;ltnis. Da diese Verfahren jedoch stets mit Einbu&#223;en der Effizienz verbunden sind, wird ihr Einsatz nur in Situationen empfohlen, f&#252;r die die 50%- Wortverst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwelle zu niedrig liegt.</abstract>
        <booktitle>14th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>T. Schmidt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Evaluation of a New Algorithm for Automatic Hum Detection in Audio Recordings</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 130</booktitle>
            <author>A. Escher</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines adaptiven Verfahrens zur Untersuchung der Lokalisation von schmalbandigen Rauschsignalen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>B. Vester</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>aTUG: Fully-automated timed up and go assessment using ambient sensor technologies</title>
        <abstract>A novel approach to fully automating the Timed Up &amp; Go (TUG) assessment test in professional and domestic environments is presented. The approach, called aTUG, is based on the usage of ambient sensor technologies i.e. two light barriers, four force sensors, and a laser range scanner built into a single apparatus i.e. a chair. aTUG supports execution and documentation of traditional TUG and enhanced component-based TUG. aTUG defines five components: Standing up, walking there, turning, walking back, and sitting down. Algorithms for detection of those components and for computation of their duration and the duration of the whole TUG are presented. An experiment with five elderly patients aged 74-91 years, four female, one male, most multi morbid has been conducted in a residential care facility in Oldenburg, Germany. Results of the experiment show that aTUG can reliably and precisely measure total duration of TUG and durations of the single components with mean error of only 0.05 seconds and mean standard deviation of 0.59 seconds using especially its force and range measurements. German patent is pending for the presented approach.</abstract>
        <keywords>ambient sensor technologies;aTUG;elderly patients;Event detection;force sensors;fully-automated timed up;geriatrics;Germany;Go (TUG);go assessment;laser range scanner;Legged locomotion;LIDAR;light barriers;Measurement by laser beam;mobility assessment;Oldenburg;optical scanners;Reliability;residential care facility;Sensor Fusion;sitting down;standing up;Time measurement;Timed Up;turning;walking back;walking there</keywords>
        <booktitle>5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>W. Nebel</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Motion Pattern Generation and Recognition for Mobility Assessments in Domestic Environments</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#214;RSTAT – Repr&#228;sentative Erhebung zur Verbreitung von H&#246;rst&#246;rungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Jena, 9. bis 11. M&#228;rz 2011</booktitle>
            <author>C. Gaefke</author>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>S. Simon</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>System Architecture for Palliative Care in the Home Environment</title>
        <abstract>To establish modern technical communication and monitoring systems also in the private homes of patients with pallia- tive care needs a special and complex architecture behind. With the help of modern communication technology the exist- ing social network like friends, family or social services will be starched. Additionally a monitoring system helps to de- tect upcoming crisis of the patient at an early stage to defuse the situation betimes, or – in case of eventuation- to cope with crisis in a appropriate way with the help of a well elaborated information forwarding system. On that way depressive and unnecessary hospitalizations should be avoided, if possible. Medical care and business models in the sense of end-of-life-care will be evaluated within the PAALiativ project. The models will be developed with two groups of pa- tients exemplarily, patients with pulmonary cancer and patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
            <author>S. Gerlach</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Evaluation of joint position-pitch estimation algorithm for localising multiple speakers in adverse acoustical environments</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), D&#252;sseldorf, Germany</booktitle>
            <author>S. G&#252;ndert</author>
            <author>I. Bork</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Fremdger&#228;uscheinwirkung und Raummoden bei tiefen Frequenzen im reflexionsarmen Raum</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>R. Haux</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>M. Eichelberg</author>
            <author>J. Appell</author>
            <author>H. Appelrath</author>
            <author>C. Bartsch</author>
            <author>T. Bisitz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Boll</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
            <author>F. B&#252;sching</author>
            <author>B. Erdmann</author>
            <author>U. Fachinger</author>
            <author>J. Felber</author>
            <author>T. Fleuren</author>
            <author>M. Gietzelt</author>
            <author>M. Goetze</author>
            <author>M. G&#246;vercin</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>W. Heuten</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>R. Huber</author>
            <author>J. H&#252;lsken-Giesler</author>
            <author>G. Jacobs</author>
            <author>R. Kayser</author>
            <author>A. Kerling</author>
            <author>Y. Klingenberg</author>
            <author>Y. K&#246;ltzsch</author>
            <author>H. K&#252;nemund</author>
            <author>J. Kunze</author>
            <author>W. Ludwig</author>
            <author>M. Marschollek</author>
            <author>B. Martens</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>E. M. Meyer</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>W. Nebel</author>
            <author>F. J. Neyer</author>
            <author>P. Okken</author>
            <author>H. Remmers</author>
            <author>L. R&#246;lker-Denker</author>
            <author>T. Rohdenburg</author>
            <author>M. Schilling</author>
            <author>G. C. Schulze</author>
            <author>B. Song</author>
            <author>J. Spehr</author>
            <author>E. Steinhagen-Thiessen</author>
            <author>U. Tegtbur</author>
            <author>W. Thoben</author>
            <author>P. van Hengel</author>
            <author>S. Wabnik</author>
            <author>F. Wahl</author>
            <author>S. Wegel</author>
            <author>O. Wilken</author>
            <author>S. Winkelbach</author>
            <author>T. Wist</author>
            <author>M. Wittrock</author>
            <author>K. Wolf</author>
            <author>L. Wolf</author>
            <author>M. Zokoll-van der Laan</author>
        <title>The Lower Saxony research network design of environments for ageing: towards interdisciplinary research on information and communication technologies in ageing societies</title>
        <journal>Informatics for Health &amp; Social Care</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. B&#246;ld</author>
            <author>T. Gerdes</author>
            <author>B. Jensen</author>
            <author>J. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>C. Schmuck</author>
        <title>Internationales Sprachtestsignal (ISTS) als fluktuierender Maskierer im Satztest</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Jena</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Erfolgskontrolle der H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung: Subjektive Evaluationsmethoden</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Jena</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
        <title>A representative study of hearing ability in North West Germany</title>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening, Cernobbio, Italien</booktitle>
        <journal>Audiology Research</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility in fluctuating maskers</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
        <title>Perzentilanlysis of different hearing instruments in First-Fit-setting</title>
        <booktitle>Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Wissenschaftler und Entwickler, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>S. G&#252;rtler</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
        <title>Perzentilanalyse von H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassungen</title>
        <booktitle>56. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongess, N&#252;rnberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>M. Vlaming</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
        <title>H&#246;rger&#228;temesstechnik mit Sprache – die neue Norm IEC 60118-15</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Robot interaction with domestic environments considering AAL services and smart home technologies</title>
        <publisher>IOS Press</publisher>
            <editor>Augusto and Aghajan and Callaghan and Cook and Donoghue and Egerton and Gardner and Johnson and Kovalchuk and Lopez-Cozar and Mikulecky and Ng and Poppe and Wang and Zamudio</editor>
        <booktitle>Workshop Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments</booktitle>
        <series>Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (AISE)</series>
        <address>Nottingham, UK</address>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>B. Vester</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Verbesserte Roboter-Navigation durch Mobilit&#228;ts-Assessments in h&#228;uslichen Umgebungen</title>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 4. Deutscher Kongress: Demographischer Wandel - Assistenzsysteme aus der Forschung in den Markt</booktitle>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>B. Vester</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Enhancing Mobile Robots&apos; Navigation through Mobility Assessments in Domestic Environments</title>
        <abstract>A new concept to enhance mobile robot navigation in domestic environments by the use of mobility assessment data is presented. The concept is part of our overall approach to enabling more precise and reliable mobility assessment by the use of a mobile monitoring platform i.e. a mobile service robot equipped with a laser range scanner. We are basing our new approach on our previous work on the application of the potential field method to mobility trend analysis and the precise measurements of human movement trajectories by a laser range scanner. The enhancements to the robot&apos;s navigation enable more precise assessment results while ensuring to not hinder or endanger the human. While navigating the robot moves from one to another observation location and tries to avoid the user&apos;s movement paths whenever possible. Additionally, it adapts its own driving speed to the human&apos;s. We call these secure observation locations which provide better assessment results Optimal Observation Lots (OOL). The concept&apos;s algorithm, which was only implemented partially yet, contributes to our ultimate goal to develop an &apos;`off the shelf&quot; robot that is placed in the user&apos;s home and is able to find its own observation spots and movement paths without further pre-programmed knowledge of the environment.</abstract>
        <keywords>ambient assisted living;domestic environments;mobile service robot;mobility assessment</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
            <author>K. Jaehrling</author>
            <author>M. Erlinghagen</author>
            <author>T. Kalina</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>L. Mesaros</author>
            <author>M. Schwarzkopf</author>
        <title>Arbeitsmarktintegration und sozio-&#246;konomische Situation von Alleinerziehenden. Ein empirischer Vergleich: Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Vereinigtes K&#246;nigreich</title>
        <series>Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums f&#252;r Arbeit und Soziales</series>
        <institution>Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation</institution>
            <author>F. Jung</author>
            <author>G. Tempel</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Subjektive Bedarfe von M&#228;nnern im mittleren Lebensalter – eine Studie des Rundes Tisches M&#228;nnergesundheit in Bremen</title>
        <journal>Impulse - Newsletter zur Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>T. Lenarz</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. A. Zokoll</author>
            <author>H. Sukowski</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
        <title>H&#246;rger&#228;teindikation und -&#252;berpr&#252;fung nach modernen Verfahren der Sprachaudiometrie im Deutschen</title>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
        <title>Gr&#252;nde f&#252;r Sportvermeidung – Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Sportverhalten von Emder B&#252;rgerinnen und B&#252;rgern</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>G. Tempel</author>
            <author>M. Bauknecht</author>
            <author>K. Giersiepen</author>
            <author>K. Mozygemba</author>
            <author>A. Baumk&#246;tter</author>
            <author>H. Rothgang</author>
        <title>M&#228;nnerspezifische Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung und Pr&#228;vention – Analyse der Angebotsstruktur und Inanspruchnahme in Deutschland</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>T. Kr&#246;ger</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>F. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>IDEAAL, der Mensch im Mittelpunkt</title>
        <abstract>F&#252;r die meisten Menschen ist ein selbst&#228;ndiges Leben in ihrem h&#228;uslichen Umfeld die optimale Vorstellung vom Leben im Alter. Dazu m&#252;ssen Konzepte, Produkte und Dienstleistungen erforscht und entwickelt werden, die die h&#228;usliche Versorgung optimal unterst&#252;tzen. Diese werden mit dem Begriff \dqAmbient Assisted Living\dq (AAL) bezeichnet. Um diese assistiven Technologien unter realen Bedingungen zu erforschen, wurde im OFFIS - Institut f&#252;r Informatik ein Senioren-Appartement, die IDEAAL-Wohnung, mit Wohnzimmer, Schlaf- und Arbeitszimmer, K&#252;che und Bad eingerichtet. Die IDEAAL-Wohnung dient zur Pr&#228;sentation bereits entwickelter technischer Innovationen im Bereich AAL. Um der Komplexit&#228;t computergest&#252;tzter h&#228;uslicher Assistenz gerecht zu werden, erf&#252;llt sie dabei verschiedenste Anforderungen. Zum Einen ist sie ein Labor und dient sowohl der Erforschung von neuen Ans&#228;tzen zur h&#228;uslichen Unterst&#252;tzung und Evaluierung technischer Machbarkeit und zum Anderen ist sie ein Demonstrationsraum zur Vorf&#252;hrung der Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Projekte aus dem AAL-Kontext. Durch die zahlreichen Besucher aus den verschiedensten Disziplinen, wird die IDEAAL Wohnung durch ihr Feedback stetig weiterentwickelt.</abstract>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 4. Deutscher Kongress: Demographischer Wandel - Assistenzsysteme aus der Forschung in den Markt</booktitle>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Das Gesundheitscoaching als Interventionsma&#223;nahme auf dem Weg zu einer gesunden F&#252;hrungskultur?</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Gesundheit in prek&#228;ren Arbeitsverh&#228;ltnissen</title>
        <abstract>Einleitung Obwohl prek&#228;r Besch&#228;ftigte im Hinblick auf ihre gesundheitliche Situation eine exponierte Gruppe bilden, steht die Forschung in diesem Bereich noch an ihren Anf&#228;ngen. Bislang konzentrierten sich Studien zum Zusammenhang von Arbeit und Gesundheit vorrangig auf ,,klassische\dq Vollzeitbesch&#228;ftigung und auch Unsicherheit in unterschiedlichster Form wird nur selten als Stressor untersucht.</abstract>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Implementationsstudie zu Ma&#223;nahmen der Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung im Modul C der Perspektive 50plus: Abschlussbericht</title>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Prek&#228;re Besch&#228;ftigung und Gesundheit. Die gesundheitliche Situation von Frauen im Reinigungsberuf</title>
        <abstract>Die Forschung zum Zusammenhang von Arbeit und Gesundheit hat sich lange Zeit fast ausschlie&#223;lich auf Berufe und Branchen konzentriert, in denen das m&#228;nnlich gepr&#228;gte Normalarbeitsverh&#228;ltnis vorherrschend war. Die Arbeitsbedingungen von Frauen und generell die Arbeit am Rande des klassischen Besch&#228;ftigungssystems, die oftmals ein hohes Prekarit&#228;tsrisiko mit sich bringt, waren und sind dagegen nur &#228;u&#223;ert selten Gegenstand arbeitswissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. Daten und Methoden: Im Rahmen der Studie wurde basierend auf einer internationalen Literaturrecherche eine Konkretisierung des Prekarit&#228;tsbegriffes vorgenommen und Indikatoren zu dessen Operationalisierung gesucht. Am Beispiel einer typischen Frauenbesch&#228;ftigung sollte die Arbeits- und Lebenssituation der Befragten hinsichtlich dieser Prekarit&#228;tsindikatoren dargestellt werden. Au&#223;erdem sollte der Frage nachgegangen werden, inwieweit diese Indikatoren im Zusammenhang mit Gesundheit stehen. Konkret wurden &#252;ber eine Krankenkasse (GEK) fast 1500 Frauen, die als Reinigungskr&#228;fte gemeldet waren, angeschrieben und gebeten einen Fragebogen auszuf&#252;llen. Ergebnisse: Als zentrales Merkmal von Prekarit&#228;t l&#228;sst sich Unsicherheit in verschiedensten Bereichen identifizieren. Dabei kann Unsicherheit nicht nur auf Arbeitsplatzsicherheit bezogen sein, sondern auch mit einer kritischen, wenig planbaren materiellen (Haushalts-)Situation, geringen Entwicklungsm&#246;glichkeiten, einer schlechten sozialen und rechtlichen Absicherung oder ungen&#252;genden Arbeitsqualit&#228;t bzw. -sicherheit einhergehen. Zudem beeinflussen stets pers&#246;nliche Pr&#228;ferenzen und Lebensumst&#228;nde den Prekarit&#228;tsgehalt der Arbeits- bzw. Lebenssituation. Auf Basis von &#252;ber 400 verwertbaren Antworten wurden zum Teil betr&#228;chtliche Missst&#228;nde unter den Reinigungskr&#228;ften sichtbar. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Aspekt der Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit konnte au&#223;erdem ein deutlicher Zusammenhang zu diversen Gesundheitsindikatoren nachgewiesen werden. Diskussion/Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Notwendigkeit auf, Unsicherheit nach M&#246;glichkeit erst gar nicht aufkommen zu lassen oder zumindest deren Folgen zu begrenzen. Auch sollte den Besch&#228;ftigten f&#252;r ihre Flexibilit&#228;t und unfreiwillig eingegangen Unsicherheiten eine angemessene Kompensation angeboten werden. Insgesamt besteht nicht nur ein Bedarf an weiterf&#252;hrender Forschung, sondern auch in der Praxis m&#252;ssen gesundheitsgerechte Arbeitsbedingungen in atypischen und speziell in prek&#228;ren Besch&#228;ftigungsverh&#228;ltnissen umgesetzt werden.</abstract>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
            <author>M. Knuth</author>
        <title>Vor Anhebung des Renteneintrittsalters: Arbeitslosigkeit am Ende des Erwerbslebens - Wenig F&#246;rderung &#228;lterer Arbeitsloser</title>
        <journal>Soziale Sicherheit</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
            <author>M. Knuth</author>
        <title>Besch&#228;ftigungslosigkeit im Alter - Die &#196;lteren ab 60 Jahren sind besonders betroffen</title>
        <address>Duisburg and D&#252;sseldorf</address>
        <institution>Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation and Hans-B&#246;ckler-Stiftung</institution>
            <author>D. Nguyen</author>
            <author>M. Mauermann</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Einfluss der Kalibriermethode bei audiologischen Messungen mit Geh&#246;rgangssonde</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings der 14. Jahrestagung der DGA, Jena</booktitle>
        <file>Nguyen et al - Kurzfassung DGA-CD.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/JJV7THF4/Nguyen et al - Kurzfassung DGA-CD.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>S. Nitzschner</author>
            <author>D. Schneider</author>
            <author>T. Rohdenburg</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Modellbasiertes Anpassverfahren f&#252;r h&#246;runterst&#252;tzende Technologien in Audioger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2011, (DPG-Kongress GmbH, Bad Honnef).</booktitle>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Online Adaptive Physiological Models for Dialysis Therapy: Modelling and Simulation</title>
        <publisher>De Gruyter</publisher>
        <booktitle>Proceedings BMT 2011, 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg</booktitle>
        <series>Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik</series>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Intelligent Environments Supporting the Care of Multi-morbid Patients: A Concept for Patient-centered Information Management and Therapy</title>
        <abstract>Evermore people are suffering from multi-morbidity, an accumulation of different afflictions that mutually affect each other. Simultaneously treatments which were previously conducted stationary are nowadays carried out in home settings. Therefore more and more ICT is employed to support such treatments. However, most of these systems are isolated and not accounting for technical interoperability or the determining factor that different treatments influence each other. An approach for an integrated system to treat multi-morbid patients is presented within this paper. It aims to join various means of monitoring, health data storage and telemedicine into a holistic system to account for the needs of such patients. Already implemented subsystems are presented and considerable advantages of the system under construction are illustrated by a use-case for its application.</abstract>
        <keywords>decision support system;electronic health records;homecare;personal medical devices;physiological modeling;telehealth</keywords>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies</booktitle>
        <series>ISABEL &apos;11</series>
        <address>New York, NY, USA</address>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Zahlentheoretisch motivierte Optimierung von Mikrofonpositionen f&#252;r einen virtuellen Kunstkopf</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Robustness of virtual artifcial head topologies with respect to microphone positioning</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg (Denmark)</booktitle>
            <author>R. Rehr</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>D. A. Holossi</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Speech / Non-Speech Discrimination for Acoustic Monitoring Considering Privacy Issues</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
            <author>C. Thiele</author>
        <title>Prediction of the Sound Pressure at the Ear Drum in Occluded Human Ears</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
        <file>Erratum_sound_pressure_at_the_eardrum.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/65FPDTMM/Erratum_sound_pressure_at_the_eardrum.pdf:application/pdf;Sankowsky-Rothe et al. - 2011 - Prediction of the Sound Pressure at the Ear Drum i.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/J74BG5WH/Sankowsky-Rothe et al. - 2011 - Prediction of the Sound Pressure at the Ear Drum i.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>T. Herzke</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Pilotstudie zur Wahrnehmbarkeit und Beurteilung verschiedener H&#246;rger&#228;te-Entzerrungsfunktionen durch H&#246;rger&#228;tetr&#228;ger</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Kontinuierliche Messung und Vorhersage von H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akusik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility as a function of time compression, age, word position, and signal-to-noise ratio</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen beschleunigter Sprache im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Jena</booktitle>
            <author>N. Schmedt</author>
            <author>J. T&#246;rper</author>
            <author>B. F&#252;hrer</author>
            <author>A. Simon</author>
            <author>K. Liegmann</author>
            <author>B. Braun</author>
            <author>T. Hilbert</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Unterschiede zwischen Studierenden und Auszubildenden hinsichtlich der Kenntnis und Inanspruchnahme des HIV-Test Angebotes des Gesundheitsamtes Bremen</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Schmidt</author>
            <author>M. Mauermann</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Streuung der H&#246;rschwelle von Normalh&#246;renden f&#252;r Frequenzen oberhalb 1kHz bei Bezug auf den Schalldruck im Ohrsimulator, im Freifeld und am Trommelfell</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2011, D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
            <author>E. Schmittendorf</author>
            <author>J. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Fall Detection Using Android Smart Phones</title>
        <booktitle>BMT – Biomedizinische Technik, 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>V. St&#246;rmer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Pupillometrie als objektives Ma&#223; f&#252;r die H&#246;ranstrengung?</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Jena</booktitle>
            <author>F. Simonis</author>
            <author>C. Kotsokalis</author>
            <author>J. Boomker</author>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>F. Poppen</author>
            <author>M. Simonis</author>
            <author>S. Wiegersma</author>
            <author>A. Boersma</author>
            <author>M. Ivan</author>
            <author>A. Raptopoulos</author>
            <author>M. Correvon</author>
            <author>G. Dudnik</author>
            <author>M. Schneider</author>
            <author>H. Anis</author>
            <author>F. Meyering</author>
            <author>J. Fils</author>
            <author>G. Marchand</author>
            <author>J. Hartman</author>
            <author>M. Wester</author>
            <author>J. Joles</author>
        <title>Nephron+ wearable artificial kidney</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) and IV Biennial Congress of the International Federation on Artificial Organs (IFAO)</booktitle>
            <author>B. Spie&#223;</author>
            <author>T. Deiters</author>
            <author>H. Heitland</author>
            <author>K. Jann</author>
            <author>D. Wolf</author>
            <author>F. Jung</author>
            <author>M. G&#246;tz</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung und Pr&#228;vention f&#252;r M&#228;nner in sozial benachteiligten Ortsteilen</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>E. Schmittendorf</author>
        <title>Introducing A Fall Detection App Using Android Phones</title>
        <booktitle>AAL Forum 2011</booktitle>
            <author>S. Wilsen</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>D. A. Holossi</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Speech Activity Detection for Activity Monitoring using an Embedded Platform</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>R. Eckert</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Nutzungsschnittstellen f&#252;r Medizinische Kommunikationsplattformen</title>
        <abstract>Modern technical communication and monitoring systems in the private homes of patients with palliative care have to support the patients in starking the existing social network like friends, family or social services with the help of modern communication technologies (1). Additionally a monitoring system helps to detect upcoming crisis of the patient at an early stage to defuse the situation betimes, or to cope with crisis in an appropriate way with the help of a well elaborated information forwarding system. Such system, designed for technical as well as medical laymen has to feature a high ease of use to enable and motivate patients, relatives, and professional caregivers, to join in specifying and recording impor-tant data for the information exchange.</abstract>
        <keywords>Nutzungsschnittstellen f&#252;r Medizinische Kommunikationsplattformen User Interfaces for a Medical Communication Platform</keywords>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 5. Deutscher AAL Kongress: Technik f&#252;r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Hum Removal Filters: Overview and Analysis</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 132</booktitle>
            <author>J. Br&#252;mmerstedt</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>F. Xiong</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Objective Evaluation of Speech Quality for Short-Term Spectral Attenuation Methods</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Measurement and prediction of the acceptable noise level for single-microphone noise reduction algorithms</title>
        <journal>International Journal of Audiology</journal>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. G&#246;vercin</author>
            <author>S. Wegel</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>V. Loia</author>
        <title>aTUG: Technical Apparatus for Gait and Balance Analysis within Component-based Timed Up &amp; Go Using Mutual Ambient Sensors</title>
        <abstract>A novel approach to instrumenting the Timed Up &amp; Go (TUG) assessment test and to performing a detailed mobility analysis during the test in professional and domestic environments is presented. The approach, called aTUG, is based on the usage of ambient sensor technologies i.e. a light barrier, four force sensors, and a laser range scanner built into a single apparatus. aTUG supports execution and documentation of traditional TUG and enhanced component-based TUG and computes several spatio-temporal parameters of gait and balance. aTUG defines five components: Standing up, walking there, turning, walking back, and sitting down. Algorithms for detection of those components, for computation of their durations and the duration of the whole TUG, and for detailed gait and balance analysis based on available sensor data are presented. An experiment with five elderly patients aged 74–91 years has been conducted in a residential care facility in Oldenburg, Germany. Results of the experiment show that aTUG can reliably and precisely measure total duration of TUG and durations of the single components with a mean error of only 0.05 s and mean standard deviation of 0.59 s using especially its force and range measurements. Initial results of gait and balance analysis are presented and challenges regarding application of the approach is domestic environments are outlined.</abstract>
        <volume>Online First</volume>
        <journal>Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing</journal>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. Govercin</author>
            <author>S. Wegel</author>
            <author>E. Steinhagen-Thiessen</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Novel approach to unsupervised mobility assessment tests: Field trial for aTUG</title>
        <abstract>A novel approach to performing unsupervised mobility assessment tests in domestic environments is presented. As a part of the aTUG concept the approach is based on the idea to segment assessment tests into components made up of recurring movement patterns which are measured independently by use of ambient sensor technologies. Quality criteria are defined which compute a score of eligibility for usage of sensor data to assess a certain test component. Valid component measurements are recombined to complete assessment tests according to a technical assessment test description defining the flow of segments and their constraints. An experiment has been conducted within a field trial with five elderly people aged 64-84 years over five weeks. The flats of all people were equipped with home automation (HA) sensors. A laser range scanner (LRS) was placed in one flat. Results from the fully-equipped flat show that the presented quality criteria are suitable to select LRS measurements according to their eligibility to assess a certain component. HA sensors and the LRS were used to compute a self-selected gait velocity of 0.71m/s unsupervised at home. TUG using the aTUG apparatus and a stopwatch was used as clinical reference data yielding a mean gait velocity of 1.18m/s. For the described setting a difference of 0.47m/s between capacity and performance in gait velocity was found.</abstract>
        <keywords>ambient sensor technologies;aTUG;aTUG apparatus;clinical reference data;Domestic Assessment;domestic environments;elderly people;force sensors;Go (TUG);home automation;home automation sensors;laser range scanner;LIDAR;medical computing;mobility assessment;movement patterns;optical scanners;Quantum cascade lasers;Radio frequency;self-selected gait velocity;sensor data;Sensor Fusion;Subspace constraints;technical assessment test description;Timed Up;unsupervised learning;unsupervised mobility assessment tests</keywords>
        <booktitle>Proceedings 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>N. Volkening</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Criteria for Quality and Safety while Performing Unobtrusive Domestic Mobility Assessments Using Mobile Service Robots</title>
        <keywords>ambient assisted living;domestic environments;mobile service robot;mobility assessment;quality;safety</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>N. Volkening</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Qualit&#228;ts- und Sicherheitskriterien bei unaufdringlichen h&#228;uslichen Mobilit&#228;ts-Assessments mit Hilfe mobiler Serviceroboter</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 5. Deutscher AAL Kongress: Technik f&#252;r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#214;RSTAT – Zwischenbericht zur Querschnittstudie &#252;ber die Verbreitung von H&#246;rst&#246;rungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
        <title>Zum Zusammenhang von H&#246;r-Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung und audiometrischen Messdaten – Deutschsprachige Kurzform des SSQ in der epidemiologischen Studie H&#214;RSTAT</title>
        <booktitle>57. Internationaler H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker-Kongess, Frankfurt</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
        <title>Chances and limits of self-screening: evaluation of the digit triplets test in noise (German version)</title>
        <booktitle>2nd International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening (AHS), Cernobbio, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>D. Geesen</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>M. Grawunder</author>
            <author>D. Nicklas</author>
            <author>H. Appelrath</author>
        <title>Data Stream Management in the AAL: Universal and Flexible Preprocessing of Continuous Sensor Data</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>D. Geesen</author>
            <author>M. Grawunder</author>
            <author>D. Nicklas</author>
            <author>H. Appelrath</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>Datenstrommanagement im AAL: Universelle und flexible Vorverarbeitung kontinuierlicher Sensordaten</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 5. Deutscher AAL Kongress: Technik f&#252;r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben</booktitle>
            <author>R. Haas</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>S. de Jonge</author>
            <author>C. L&#246;ning</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>D. Peschke</author>
        <title>Sportentwicklungsplanung der Stadt Emden 2012</title>
        <publisher>N-transfer GmbH an der Hochschule Emden/Leer</publisher>
        <institution>N-transfer GmbH an der Hochschule Emden/Leer</institution>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>3-D-Labor erm&#246;glicht Wanderungen durch virtuelle Welten</title>
        <annote>nicht wissenschaftliche Notiz zum neuen 3-D-Labor</annote>
            <author>N. Hellrung</author>
            <author>W. Ludwig</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>B. Veltin</author>
            <author>T. von Bargen</author>
            <author>M. G&#246;vercin</author>
            <author>S. Wegel</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>W. Thoben</author>
            <author>E. Steinhagen-Thiessen</author>
            <author>R. Haux</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Einbettung assistierender Technologien in Gesundheitsnetzwerke – von der Wohnung zum Arzt</title>
        <abstract>Die Bedeutung Informationstechnik(IT)-gest&#252;tzter Dienstleistungen f&#252;r die Sicherstellung bzw. Verbesserung von Qualit&#228;t und Effizienz der Gesundheitsversorgung ist l&#228;ngst weltweit erkannt. In ihrer eHealth-Resolution mahnt die World Health Organization bereits 2005 ihre Mitgliedsstaaten, entsprechende Programme systematisch umzusetzen (WHO Executive Board 2005). In reicheren L&#228;ndern mit gut umfassender Versorgungsstruktur liegt das Potenzial in der &#220;berwindung &#246;konomischer, wissenschaftlicher und, sozialer und operativer Barrieren. Im Fokus steht dabei die Unterst&#252;tzung eines \glqqcitizen-preventioneducation-home based\grqq (Healy 2007) Versorgungsparadigmas.</abstract>
        <publisher>Gabler Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>Karen A. and Leimeister</editor>
            <editor>Jan Marco</editor>
        <booktitle>Technologiegest&#252;tzte Dienstleistungsinnovation in der Gesundheitswirtschaft</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Epidemiological research: How good do German adults hear?</title>
        <booktitle>2nd International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening (AHS), Cernobbio, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>N. Volkening</author>
            <author>D. Lowet</author>
            <author>F. van Heesch</author>
            <author>D. van de Wouw</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Preferred services of assistive robots for elderly: Results of user studies within the Florence project</title>
            <author>F. Jung</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gesundheitskompetenzen und Gesundheitshandeln von M&#228;nnern - Ressourcen, Stolpersteine und gesellschaftlicher Wandel</title>
            <editor>Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg</editor>
        <booktitle>Dokumentation 17. Kongress Armut und Gesundheit- Pr&#228;vention wirkt!</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kaletta</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Modeling boundaries in acoustic TLM - local reflection coefficients vs. locally reacting impedances</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012, Darmstadt</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Arbeitslosigkeit, Geschlecht und Gesundheit – Ein Blick auf die psycho-sozialen Ressourcen und Risiken</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <booktitle>Programmheft Gemeinsamer Kongress der ESHMS und DGMS. Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit &#252;ber den Lebenslauf</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;vention und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung – m&#228;nnerspezifisch?</title>
            <editor>Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg</editor>
        <booktitle>Dokumentation 17. Kongress Armut und Gesundheit- Pr&#228;vention wirkt!</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Informierte Entscheidungsfindung bei der Inanspruchnahme von Screenings?</title>
        <abstract>Wer an den Entscheidungen &#252;ber seine Lebensgestaltung, seine Gesundheit und seine Krankenversorgung beteiligt ist, der hat auch gr&#246;&#223;ere Gesundheitschancen. Dieser sch&#246;ne Gedanke liegt vielen Ans&#228;tzen in Theorie, Konzepten und Praxis zugrunde - sowohl in der Pr&#228;vention und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung als auch in der Krankenversorgung. Der vorliegende Band stellt diese Annahme und ihre Tauglichkeit f&#252;r die Praxis auf den Pr&#252;fstand. Autorinnen und Autoren verschiedener Disziplinen fragen nach theoretischen Begr&#252;ndungen, empirischen Ergebnissen sowie f&#246;rdernden und hemmenden Bedingungen f&#252;r gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungsteilhabe. Daraus ergeben sich nicht nur Hinweise f&#252;r neue Beteiligungsformen, die Gestaltung von Gesundheitsinterventionen und den m&#252;hsamen Weg zu gelebter Partizipation, sondern auch offene Fragen f&#252;r die interdisziplin&#228;re Gesundheitsforschung.</abstract>
        <publisher>Hans Huber</publisher>
            <editor>Rolf and Hartung</editor>
        <booktitle>Handbuch Partizipation und Gesundheit</booktitle>
        <series>Verlag Hans Huber, Programmbereich Gesundheit</series>
            <author>W. Lamping</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Messung der Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit bei ver&#228;nderlicher Nutzsignalrichtung in einem Wellenfeldsynthese-System</title>
        <journal>Z. Audiol.</journal>
        <annote>&#252;ber wiebkes Bachelorarbeit</annote>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und H&#246;rqualit&#228;t in positivem SNR-Bereich: Neue Ans&#228;tze zur Evaluation von H&#246;rtechnologien</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik (DGMP), Jena</booktitle>
            <author>S. Maa&#223;en</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Verhey</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Lautheitswarhenhmung von Sprache und sprach&#228;hnlichen Signalen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2012</booktitle>
            <author>A. Meyer</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>T. Luhmann</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>3D-Diagnosesystem zur Beobachtung lastentragender Menschen</title>
        <publisher>Wichmann Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>Thomas and M&#252;ller</editor>
        <booktitle>Photogrammetrie-Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik</booktitle>
            <author>M. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>R. Pieren</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Modell zur Synthese akustischer Emissionen von Windturbinen</title>
        <journal>Proceedings DAGA, Darmstadt</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
        <title>Alterserwerbsbeteiligung in Europa. Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich</title>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Mobile Dialyse f&#252;r mehr Lebensqualit&#228;t</title>
        <abstract>Ein intelligentes und miniaturisiertes System zur Behandlung von Menschen mit Nieren– versagen soll erstmalig eine kontinuierliche Unterst&#252;tzung erm&#246;glichen. Dadurch werden Begleiterscheinungen der konventionellen Ans&#228;tze verhindert. Mit dem mobilen Ger&#228;t sollen Betroffene mehr Lebensqualit&#228;t erfahren.</abstract>
        <journal>inno - Innovative Technik, neue Anwendungen</journal>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>F. Poppen</author>
            <author>M. Wester</author>
            <author>F. Simonis</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>J. Joles</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Integrated Monitoring for Personalized Renal Replacement Therapy: Modelling and Simulation</title>
        <publisher>De Gruyter</publisher>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the Biomed Tech</booktitle>
        <series>Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik</series>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Psychoakustisch motivierte Gl&#228;ttung von kopfbezogenen &#220;bertragungsfunktionen: H&#246;rbarkeit der Linearisierung von Phaseng&#228;ngen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012, Darmstadt</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Smoothing head-related transfer functions for a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Acoustics 2012, Nantes (France)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Ruhland</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>A new approach for reduction of supergaussian noise using autoregressive interpolation and time-frequency masking</title>
        <booktitle>Acoustic Signal Enhancement; Proceedings of IWAENC 2012; International Workshop on</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
            <author>C. Thiele</author>
        <title>Prediction of the sound pressure at the ear drum for open fittings</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Acoustics 2012, Nantes (France)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>C. Thiele</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
        <title>Subjektive Evaluation verschiedener Methoden zur Entzerrung von H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012, Darmstadt</booktitle>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang von H&#246;ranstrengung, Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und STI</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Trainingseffekte bei normaler und schneller Sprache</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Training effects in a German speech-in noise test with original and fast speech</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>J. Schmidt</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Fedtke</author>
        <title>Audiometrie mit reinen T&#246;nen und schmalbandigen Testsignalen: Kalibrierung und Messunsicherheiten</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Schmitt</author>
            <author>M. Wolf</author>
            <author>M. Boretzki</author>
        <title>A method for hearing aid fitting and verification with phoneme audiometry</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Wardenga</author>
            <author>K. Wagener</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang zwischen Ergebnissen der Perzentilanalyse und subjektiver Einsch&#228;tzung zur Charakterisierung der Sprachverarbeitung von H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
        <title>&#220;bersprechkompensation f&#252;r audiologische Messungen: Lokalisation</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>M. W&#228;chtler</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Verhey</author>
        <title>Wahrnehmung und Modellierung von Lautheit instation&#228;rer, technischer Signale</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012</booktitle>
            <author>R. Asendorf</author>
            <author>J. Oetting</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Improvement of Speech Intelligibility in Telephone-Systems by adaptive gain maximization</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Bisitz</author>
            <author>T. Wittkop</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Klassifikation von Schwerh&#246;rigkeit anhand des Tonaudiogramms f&#252;r Screening-Zwecke</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Bornitz</author>
            <author>T. Zahnert</author>
            <author>G. Hofmann</author>
            <author>K. B. H&#252;ttenbrink</author>
        <title>Implantable eletromechanical Transducer</title>
        <number>EP 1 439 737</number>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>J. Schmidt</author>
        <title>Using inter-individual standard deviation of hearing thresholds as a criterion to compare methods aimed at quantifying the acoustic input to the human auditory system in occluded ear scenarios</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal (Canada)</booktitle>
            <author>F. Eckardt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>E. Fichtl</author>
            <author>F. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Auditory Ecology: Charakterisierung typischer Alltagssituationen mit objektiven und subjektiven Gr&#246;&#223;en</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>NAFOME: NAO Follows Me – tracking, reproduction and simulation of human motion.</title>
        <keywords>Social Robotics</keywords>
        <eventtitle>Technically Assisted Rehabilitation - TAR 2013, 4th European Conference</eventtitle>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. G&#246;vercin</author>
            <author>J. Kiselev</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>S. Wegely</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>A Novel ICT Approach to the Assessment of Mobility in Diverse Health Care Environments</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop \dqICT meets Medicine and Health\dq (ICTMH )</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Der Nordwesten h&#246;rt f&#252;r Deutschland</title>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Altersabh&#228;ngigkeit des Sprachverstehens im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Tonh&#246;rverm&#246;gen und H&#246;rselbsteinsch&#228;tzung mit dem SSQ17</title>
            <author>J. Grewe</author>
            <author>C. Thiele</author>
            <author>H. Mojallal</author>
            <author>P. Raab</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>T. Lenarz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Teschner</author>
        <title>New HRCT-based measurement of the human outer ear canal as a basis for acoustical methods: Development of the method and results</title>
        <journal>American Journal of Audiology</journal>
        <shorttitle>New HRCT-based measurement of the human outer ear canal as a basis for acoustical methods</shorttitle>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>F. Dollack</author>
            <author>L. Eberlei</author>
            <author>H. Grahlmann</author>
            <author>W. Lamping</author>
            <author>S. Raufer</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility in realistic listening situations for different numbers, azimuths and movement of speech or noise maskers</title>
        <booktitle>AIA/DAGA 2013</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Moderne Verfahren zur Verifikation von H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassungen</title>
        <booktitle>Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Audiologen und Neurootologen (ADANO), Kiel</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Der Fletcher-Index oder die Krux mit der Repr&#228;sentativit&#228;t</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Wie schlecht h&#246;rt Deutschland im Alter?</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. St&#246;rmer</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
        <title>Pupillometrie und Ma&#223;e zur H&#246;ranstrengung in verschiedenem Hintergrundger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, K&#246;ln</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>K. Giersiepen</author>
            <author>H. Rothgang</author>
        <title>Inanspruchnahme von gesetzlichen Angeboten zur Krankheits- und Krebsfr&#252;herkennung: Vergleich von GKV-Routinedaten mit Befragungsdaten der Studie \glqqGesundheit in Deutschland aktuell 2010\grqq (GEDA 2010)</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>A comparison of methods for estimating individual real-ear-to-coupler-differences (\RECD\s) in hearing aid fitting</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal (Canada)</booktitle>
            <author>F. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>P. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>O. Herzog</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>L&#228;nger selbstbestimmt Wohnen - Vernetzte Hausautomatisierung im Realeinsatz</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach and Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
            <editor>Birgid and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 6. Deutscher Kongress: Lebensqualit&#228;t im Wandel von Demografie und Technik</booktitle>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>S. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>R. Eckert</author>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>A. Felscher</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Acceptance and Usability of a Technical Support System for Ambulant Palliative Care</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings AAL Forum 2013</booktitle>
        <address>Norrk&#246;ping, Sweden</address>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
        <title>Die Arbeitsmarktpolitik wendet sich &#196;lteren zu: W&#228;hrend Wege in die Fr&#252;hverrentung versperrt wurden, ist die F&#246;rderung der &#196;lteren ausgebaut worden</title>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Duisburg-Essen</institution>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
        <title>Sichtbare Arbeitslosigkeit: Unter den 60- bis 64-J&#228;hrigen deutlich gestiegen: Reformen zielen auf eine Verl&#228;ngerung der Erwerbsphasen ab, doch auch die Altersarbeitslosigkeit steigt</title>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Duisburg-Essen</institution>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
        <title>Regionale Unterschiede im Alters&#252;bergang</title>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Duisburg-Essen</institution>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
        <title>Arbeitslosigkeit unter 60- bis 64-J&#228;hrigen deutlich gestiegen. Alters&#252;bergangs-Report 2013 zur Erwerbst&#228;tigkeit &#196;lterer</title>
        <journal>Sozialrecht + Praxis</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#214;RSTAT: Wie hoch ist die Messgenauigkeit der Tonaudiometrie au&#223;erhalb der H&#246;rkabine?</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>S. Petrarca</author>
            <author>S. Schmidt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Eine qualitative Expertenerhebung der Arbeitsbelastungen und Ressourcen von Besch&#228;ftigten in der station&#228;ren Behindertenhilfe</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gesundheit</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>T. Wallbaum</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Control and personalization approach for an ICT-enabled wearable artifical kidney</title>
        <keywords>Adsorption;artificial organs;Biomedical monitoring;Blood;clinical settings;control approach;control engineering computing;conventional dialysis;hydration level;ICT-enabled wearable artifical kidney;Kidney;medical computing;medical control systems;Medical treatment;mobile application;mobile computing;Monitoring;patient treatment;personalization approach;renal support system;selective adsorption filter;sensing capabilities;Sensors;unsupervised treatment</keywords>
        <booktitle>Proceedings on IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications Services (Healthcom)</booktitle>
            <author>L. Pielawa</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>A workflow for design and evaluation of embedded control systems in medical devices</title>
        <abstract>The recent development of more and more autonomous medical devices facilitates unsupervised treatment and thereby saving of costs for healthcare. While flawless control software is needed for such life-critical systems, no specific development processes are established in the medical domain. The here presented approach founds on the functional simulation of system components and their virtual integration as well as modelling of the decisive parts of the physiology influenced by the device. Additionally, a virtual execution platform is integrated enabling to develop the embedded control software and evaluate it online to the functional simulation. Finally, the coupling to an assertion engine for semi-formal verification allows validation of the system&apos;s behaviour and its compliance with requirements, specified as assertions. The utilisation of this proposed methodology is demonstrated on the control development for an autonomous dialysis system. The applicability is evaluated and insights gained through its utilisation exemplary demonstrate its benefits.</abstract>
        <keywords>assertion-based verification;control engineering;cyber-physical systems;development workflow;dialysis;personalised healthcare;simulation</keywords>
        <journal>International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology</journal>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>ERKI: Evaluación de la localización de fuentes de sonido virtuales en niños-primeros resultados</title>
        <journal>Ponencias del 58. \textordmasculine Congreso Internacional de Audioprotesistas celebrado del 16 al 18 de octubre de 2013 en Nuremberg</journal>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>C. Geldermann</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nweiler</author>
        <title>ERKI – Erfassung des Richtungsh&#246;rens bei Kindern – Entwicklung eines verbesserten Verfahrens durch Nutzung virtueller Quellen zur Erfassung des Richtungsh&#246;rens bei Kindern am Mainzer-Kindertisch</title>
            <editor>Manfred and Sch&#246;nweiler</editor>
        <booktitle>Aktuelle phoniatrisch- p&#228;daudiologische Aspekte 2013</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Least squares versus non-linear cost functions for a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal (Canada)</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Subjective importance of individual HRTF phase</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano (Italy)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Raufer</author>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>HRTF- Measurements with Earmolds and Conventional Ear Plugs - A Comparison</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano (Italy)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. L. Verhey</author>
        <title>Loudness of speech and speech-like signals</title>
        <journal>Acta acustica united with Acustica</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>D. Dalga</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Comparison of Transfer Functions in the Ear Canal for Open-Fitting Hearing Aids</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano (Italy)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>A comparison of methods for measuring the acoustic input impedance of ear canals for hearing aid applications</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal (Canada)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Zeitkompressionsschwelle von Sprache im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>A speech intelligibility test assessing time-compression thresholds for speech in noise</title>
        <booktitle>Second International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication (CHSCOM), Link&#246;ping, Schweden</booktitle>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
        <title>Evaluation of acoustic sound source localization in children: Vortrag auf dem Global Audiology Seminar 2013 in Ballerup (D&#228;nemark)</title>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Eichelberg</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Modeling individual healthy behavior using home automation sensor data: Results from a field trial</title>
        <journal>Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments</journal>
            <author>V. St&#246;rmer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
        <title>Pupillometrie und H&#246;ranstrengung in anspruchsvollen H&#246;rsituationen als kognitive Belastungsgr&#246;&#223;e</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>N. Volkening</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Housing Enabling–Aufsp&#252;ren von Gefahrenstellen im Wohnbereich unter Zuhilfenahme eines mobilen Roboters</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach and Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
            <editor>Birgid and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 6. Deutscher Kongress: Lebensqualit&#228;t im Wandel von Demografie und Technik</booktitle>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>T. Wallbaum</author>
            <author>C. Giehoff</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Mneme – Telemonitoring zur medizinischen Unterst&#252;tzung der Behandlung bei Demenzbetroffenen</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach and Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Eberhardt</editor>
            <editor>Birgid and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 6. Deutscher Kongress: Lebensqualit&#228;t im Wandel von Demografie und Technik</booktitle>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>S. Weihe</author>
            <author>V. Wittstock</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Diffuse-field reciprocity calibrations of measurement microphones</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano (Italy)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Schmitt</author>
            <author>M. Boretzki</author>
        <title>Phonemwahrnehmungstest: Anpasshilfe im Hochtonbereich</title>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Schmitt</author>
        <title>Phonemwahrnehmungstest zur Optimierung der Hochtonwahrnehmung in der H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Rostock</booktitle>
            <author>J. Adrian</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Erstellung und Untersuchung von Langzeitspektren und &#228;quivalenten Rauschsignalen f&#252;r klassische und popul&#228;re Musik in den Dekaden von 1960-2000</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Adrian</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Algorithms and evaluation on blind estimation of reverberation time</title>
        <booktitle>Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European</booktitle>
            <author>I. Beilfuss</author>
            <author>J. Aderhold</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Einkanalige Detektion von Windger&#228;uschen mittels Klassifikation</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>M. Neumann</author>
        <title>Evaluation Results of Speaker Verification for VoIP Transmission with Packet Loss</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Conference: 54th International Conference: Audio Forensics</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Automatic Detection of Hum in Audio Signals</title>
        <publisher>Audio Engineering Society</publisher>
        <journal>Journal of the Audio Engineering Society</journal>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
            <author>N. Dragano</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Health promotion for unemployed jobseekers: New developments in Germany</title>
        <abstract>AbstractObjectives The objective of the paper is to present findings from a health promotion programme for long-term unemployed older job seekers in Germany and to discuss conditions for successful linking health and employment promotion. Methods Implementation analysis: interviews with actors who implemented the programme and case studies of job centres where the programme took place. Results Health promotion with labour market programmes is possible, but requires (a) agreements and coordination between different branches of social security, (b) an enlargement of the dominant activation paradigm in labour market policy with a stronger emphasis on voluntary programme participation, (c) skills and competencies of the staff in job centres as well as an adapted work organization. Conclusions Efforts to connect health and employment promotion and to induce the related social security&apos;s to cooperation are still in their infancy. Further practical steps as well as research and evaluation are necessary to bring these areas together.</abstract>
        <journal>Health Policy</journal>
            <author>G. Eberlei</author>
            <author>I. Bork</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Schallschutzschirme f&#252;r Musiker - Untersuchungen zur Formgebung unter Ber&#252;cksichtigung der Akzeptanz durch Musiker</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>R. Eckert</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. J&#252;ptner</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>AmbiACT - Innovativer Stromsensor zur Aktivit&#228;tserkennung f&#252;r Hausnotrufsysteme</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 7. Deutscher Kongress: Wohnen – Pflege – Teilhabe \dqBesser leben durch Technik</booktitle>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>O. Lohmann</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Performing gait analysis within the timed up &amp; go assessment test: comparison of aTUG to a marker-based tracking system</title>
        <abstract>Results from a technical validation of the aTUG (ambient Timed Up &amp; Go) system are presented. The approach&apos;s gait analysis capabilities were compared to a gold standard: SIMI Motion, a marker-based motion tracking system. Seven people participated and computation of step length and step duration happened with a median error of 3?cm (IQR 3?cm) respectively 0.08?s (IQR 0.07?s). These results show that aTUG has a measurement precision which is sufficient for use in clinical gait analysis and enables the use of the device without a gold standard, i.e. in hospitals outside laboratories or in the homes of patients. aTUG is an approach and system that utilizes only ambient sensor technologies to support the execution of geriatric mobility assessment tests and to perform a gait analysis simultaneously. Such capabilities are strongly demanded in order to support physicians in executing the geriatric assessment tests frequently and objectively in professional and domestic environments. The latter may enable more early prevention and more sustainable rehabilitation.</abstract>
        <journal>Informatics for Health and Social Care</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Tonh&#246;rschwellen: Was ist heute, was ist morgen normal?</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Do the aging baby-boomers hear better than their parents did?</title>
        <booktitle>Hearing across the Life Span (HEAL), Cernobbio/Como, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
        <title>Was soll und kann ein H&#246;rtest per Telefon erreichen? Ergebnisse des deutschsprachigen Ziffern-Tripel-Tests aus der epidemiologischen Studie H&#214;RSTAT</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>S. Gerlach</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Joint estimation of pitch and direction of arrival: improving robustness and accuracy for multi-speaker scenarios</title>
        <publisher>Springer International Publishing</publisher>
        <journal>EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing</journal>
            <author>N. Glade</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>M&#228;nnergesundheit in der Forschung – Stand und Perspektiven</title>
        <booktitle>Armut und Gesundheit - Der Public-Health Kongress in Deutschland: Gesundheit nachhaltig f&#246;rdern (Langfristig - nachhaltig - gerecht)</booktitle>
            <author>N. Glade</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Subjektive Gesundheitskonzepte und individuelles Gesundheits- und Pr&#228;ventionshandel von M&#228;nner im Alter von 65-75 Jahren</title>
        <booktitle>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie</booktitle>
            <author>K. Haeder</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang von H&#246;ranstrengung, Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit und STI bei Schwerh&#246;renden</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>R. Haux</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>G. Kolb</author>
            <author>H. K&#252;nemund</author>
            <author>M. Eichelberg</author>
            <author>J. Appell</author>
            <author>H. Appelrath</author>
            <author>C. Bartsch</author>
            <author>J. M. Bauer</author>
            <author>M. Becker</author>
        <title>Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies-outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL)</title>
        <publisher>Taylor &amp; Francis</publisher>
        <journal>Informatics for Health and Social Care</journal>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rverlust im Alter und neuropsychologische Beeintr&#228;chtigungen</title>
        <booktitle>29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f&#252;r Neuropsychologie, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Hesselmann</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>C. Schmuck</author>
        <title>Entwicklung und Evaluation eines automatisierten, interaktiven H&#246;rscreening-Tests f&#252;r Kinder im Vorschulalter</title>
        <booktitle>DGA 2014</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Warum das Audiogramm (vielleicht) doch nicht auf dem Kopf steht</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
        <title>Technische Verifikation von H&#246;rger&#228;te-Versorgungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Puder</author>
            <author>T. M. Velde</author>
        <title>DSP Hearing Instruments</title>
        <publisher>Plural Publishing</publisher>
            <editor>Michael J. Metz</editor>
        <booktitle>Sandlin’s Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>K. Haeder</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Listening effort and speech intelligibility in reverberation and noise</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference IHCON, Lake Tahoe, California, USA</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
        <title>Schwerh&#246;rigkeit und H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung im Alter</title>
        <booktitle>Gerontologie und Geriatrie Kongress 2014 in Halle (Saale)</booktitle>
            <author>R. Huber</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>K. Klink</author>
            <author>C. Bartsch</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Audio reproduction for personal ambient home assistance: concepts and evaluations for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired persons</title>
        <publisher>Taylor &amp; Francis</publisher>
        <journal>Informatics for Health and Social Care</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Expertise f&#252;r das Thema M&#228;nnerspezifische Pr&#228;vention und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Gender;Gesundheit;Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung;m&#228;nnergerechte Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung;M&#228;nnergesundheit;Pr&#228;vention</keywords>
            <editor>Robert Koch-Institut Berlin</editor>
        <booktitle>Gesundheitliche Lage der M&#228;nner in Deutschland. Beitr&#228;ge zur Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes.</booktitle>
        <pages>S. 187–207</pages>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
        <title>Simultane Messung mehrerer HRTFs in nichtreflexionsarmer Umgebung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>Ankopplungseffekte bei der Messung akustischer Geh&#246;rgangsimpedanzen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>T. Luhmannn</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>B. J&#246;rg</author>
            <author>J. Pilinski</author>
        <title>ERKI: Erfassung des Richtungsh&#246;rens bei Kindern – Erweiterungsmodul f&#252;r die &#220;berpr&#252;fung von Lokalisationsleistungen am Mainzer Kindertisch</title>
        <booktitle>DGPP L&#252;beck</booktitle>
            <author>S. Mueller</author>
            <author>A. Helmer</author>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Automated Clustering of Home Sensor Networks to Functional Regions for the Deduction of Presence Information for Medical Applications</title>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 7. Deutscher Kongress: Wohnen – Pflege – Teilhabe \dqBesser leben durch Technik</booktitle>
            <author>F. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>P. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>O. Herzog</author>
        <title>LsW: Networked Home Automation in Living Environments</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>St&#228;rkung der Gesundheitskommunikation mit Hilfe der Vorbildwirkung – Evaluation eines betrieblichen Gesundheitscoaching</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
        <title>Generierung eines Kurzfragebogens zur Erhebung von h&#246;rbasierter Lebensqualit&#228;t von CI-Patienten</title>
        <booktitle>17. Jahrestagung Akustik und Audiologie – H&#246;ren f&#252;r alle</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Arbeitsbedingungen und Gesundheit &#228;lterer Erwerbst&#228;tiger</title>
        <institution>Universit&#228;t Duisburg-Essen</institution>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Messunsicherheit der Tonaudiometrie in der Studie H&#214;RSTAT: Einfluss von akustischen Messbedingungen und Okklusion</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Who is using Hearing aids? Analysis of epidemiological and customer pure-tone threshold data from hearing aid users</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, USA</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Bonsel</author>
        <title>Wer geht zum Akustiker? - Analyse tonaudiometrischer Daten von Kunden einer H&#246;rger&#228;teakustikerkette</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Bonsel</author>
        <title>Wer geht zum Akustiker? – Analyse tonaudiometrischer Daten von Kunden der H&#246;rger&#228;teakustikerkette Bonsel</title>
            <author>S. Petrarca</author>
            <author>S. Schmidt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Identifikation neuer Faktoren der Arbeitsbelastung und Ressourcen von Besch&#228;ftigten der station&#228;ren Behindertenhilfe</title>
        <keywords>Arbeit und Gesundheit;Arbeitszeit;Medizin;Sozialmedizin;Soziologie</keywords>
        <booktitle>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie</booktitle>
            <author>S. Petrarca</author>
            <author>S. Schmidt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Risiken und Ressourcen von Besch&#228;ftigten in der station&#228;ren Behindertenhilfe. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Expertenerhebung</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Pilinski</author>
            <author>T. Luhmann</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
        <title>Development of real time low-cost tracking system for medical and audiological problems: Vortrag auf der LowCost3D-Sensors, Algorithms, Applications, Berlin</title>
            <author>J. Pilinski</author>
            <author>T. Luhmann</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines echtzeitf&#228;higen Low-Cost-Systems f&#252;r medizinische und audiologische Fragestellungen</title>
        <publisher>Wichmann Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>Thomas and M&#252;ller</editor>
        <booktitle>Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik</booktitle>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
        <title>Abh&#228;ngigkeit der h&#246;rbasierten Lebensqualit&#228;t nach CI-Versorgung von der Dauer der pr&#228;operativen H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung und der Dauer der sensorischen Deprivation postlingualer CI-Tr&#228;ger</title>
        <booktitle>17. Jahrestagung Akustik und Audiologiee – H&#246;ren f&#252;r alle</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Individualized binaural reproduction using a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>The Impact of the White Noise Gain (WNG) of a Virtual Artificial Head on the Appraisal of Binaural Sound Reproduction</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. of the EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics, Berlin, Germany, 3-5 April 2014</booktitle>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Smoothing individual head-related transfer functions in the frequency and spatial domains</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Listening effort and speech intelligibility in listening situations affected by noise and reverberation</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>V. Rautenstrauch</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Verbesserung von Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit bei Telefongespr&#228;chen f&#252;r Probanden mit einem Hochtonh&#246;rverlust</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Saft</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Evaluation des Zusammenhangs zwischen individuellen Klangpr&#228;ferenzen und einer psychoakustischen Messgr&#246;&#223;e</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA&apos;14</booktitle>
        <annote>&#252;ber Merles Bachelorarbeit</annote>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>Reduzierung des Kalibrieraufwandes f&#252;r Impedanzmessungen in der H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Intelligibility improvement of noise reduction algorithms: Does the presentation of positive signal-to-noise ratios help?</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference IHCON, Lake Tahoe, California, USA</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>D. Herzog</author>
        <title>Verst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwellen im G&#246;ttinger und Oldenburger Satztest bei Variation der Sprachgeschwindigkeit</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>J. Aderhold</author>
            <author>S. Koifman</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Evaluation eines Einregelungsverfahrens zur Bestimmung des Nutzens einkanaliger Algorithmen zur St&#246;rger&#228;uschreduktion</title>
        <booktitle>Ausgezeichnet mit Publikationspreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Intelligibility of time-compressed speech: The effect of uniform versus non-uniform time compression algorithms</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>T. Luhmann</author>
            <author>J. Pilinski</author>
        <title>ERKI: Erfassung des Richtungsh&#246;rens bei Kindern - Erweiterungsmodul f&#252;r die &#220;berpr&#252;fung von Lokalisationsleistungen am Mainzer Kindertisch</title>
            <editor>Manfred and Sch&#246;nweiler</editor>
        <booktitle>Aktuelle phoniatrisch- p&#228;daudiologische Aspekte 2014</booktitle>
            <author>J. Schroeder</author>
            <author>D. Hollosi</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Notrufsysteme mit automatischer akustischer Gefahrendetektion</title>
        <journal>Homeland Security,Science^2, Safety and Security</journal>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Copingstrategien von Personen mit H&#246;rsch&#228;digung</title>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Functional Assessment in Elderlies Homes: Early Results From a Field Trial</title>
        <abstract>Early results from a field trial regarding the assessment of functional status relevant to self-care ability in domestic environments are presented. A previously developed technical system for unobtrusively recording location information using home automation data was installed in the homes of five participants aged 64-84 years over a period of partially more than nine month. The recordings are manually evaluated to check whether items of geriatric assessment tests relevant to self-care ability can be assessed using the sensor recordings. The evaluation is a preliminary step to develop an automatic assessment algorithm and to develop a model for mapping domestic assessment results to result scales of clinical assessment tests. The mapping is required since most clinical assessment tests are not suitable for execution in domestic environments and thus new approaches are required which do also account for the difference between performance and capacity in functional abilities as proposed within WHO&apos;s ICF.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>E. Steen</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Functional Assessment in Elderlies&apos; Homes: Early Results from a Field Trial</title>
        <keywords>Abstracted room model;Field trial;Functional assessment;Geriatric assessment;home automation;Mobility</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>N. Volkening</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Brell</author>
        <title>Housing Enabling: Detection of Imminent Risk Areas in Domestic Environments Using Mobile Service Robots</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>J. V&#246;lkering</author>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Examination of different HRTF interpolation methods</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>T. Wallbaum</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Acceptance of sensor networks by dementia patients</title>
        <abstract>We present results and experiences of a field trail of a telemonitoring system in dementia care. The system has been installed at the homes of five patients with mild dementia disease. Measuring parameters like physical activities, body weight, usage of household appliances, data was collected over a period of five up to nine weeks. Physicians involved in the project were able to access data using a web service. To get information about acceptance and usability, relatives and care professionals were asked to answer questionnaires. Results of the study show a relatively high acceptance of sensor networks at home by participants as well as caretakers. Also a body-worn pedometer and a body-scale were used continuously by the patients and have been shown to be useable in everyday life. Due to the proven acceptance it could be shown, that the use of telemonitoring systems is able to assist care for patients suffering from MCI or dementia.</abstract>
        <publisher>VDE Verlag GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband 7. Deutscher Kongress: Wohnen – Pflege – Teilhabe \dqBesser leben durch Technik</booktitle>
            <author>T. Wallbaum</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>C. Giehoff</author>
        <title>Mneme: Telemonitoring for Medical Treatment-Support in Dementia</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>J. Willhaus</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Adrian</author>
        <title>Blinde Sch&#228;tzung des globalen SNR und perzeptiv motivierte Alternativen bei Sprache und Musik</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Was wissen wir &#252;ber den Freiburger Sprachtest?</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
        <title>DGMP 2015</title>
        <publisher>Conventus Congressmanagement &amp; Marketing GmbH</publisher>
            <editor>Martin and Zink</editor>
        <note>46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, Marburg 2015</note>
        <subtitle>46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, Marburg, 9.-12. September 2015</subtitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Bestimmung des frequenzabh&#228;ngigen akustischen Zentrums eines Lautsprechers im Zeitbereich</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;valenz von Schwerh&#246;rigkeit im Nordwesten Deutschlands - Ergebnisse einer epidemiologischen Untersuchung des H&#246;rstatus (H&#214;RSTAT)</title>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rstatus und Sozialstatus</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>K. Haeder</author>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>R. Weber</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Erfassung der subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung und des Hautleitwertes in H&#246;rsituationen mit Nachhall und St&#246;rger&#228;usch bei normalh&#246;renden und schwerh&#246;renden Probanden</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>L. Haverkamp</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Erfassung von Alltagssituationen mithilfe von Echtzeitaufnahmen und subjektiven Bewertungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>P. Hehrmann</author>
            <author>D. Zimmermann</author>
            <author>B. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Brendel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. B&#252;chner</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>Stereo-Musikwahrnehmung mit Cochlea-Implantaten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen im St&#246;rger&#228;usch ohne Arbeitsged&#228;chtnis Herr Hinz und Herr Kunz – Doppelte Dissoziation zwischen Arbeitsged&#228;chtnis und Sprachverstehen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <publisher>Audiology Online, Inc.</publisher>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
        <journal>Audiology online</journal>
        <address>San Antonio, Tex.</address>
        <subtitle>getting to know the ISTS</subtitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>L. Haverkamp</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Allt&#228;gliche H&#246;rumgebungen: Eigenschaften, H&#228;ufigkeit und Relevanz</title>
        <booktitle>46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, 9.-12. September, Marburg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>L. Haverkamp</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Allt&#228;gliche H&#246;rumgebungen</title>
        <publisher>Conventus Congressmanagement &amp; Marketing GmbH</publisher>
            <editor>Martin and Zink</editor>
        <booktitle>DGMP 2015 : 46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, Marburg, 9.-12. September 2015</booktitle>
        <note>46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, Marburg 2015</note>
        <subtitle>Eigenschaften, H&#228;ufigkeit und Relevanz</subtitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>20Q: Getting to Know the ISTS</title>
        <volume>Article 13295</volume>
            <author>M. Isken</author>
            <author>T. Frenken</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Towards Pervasive Mobility Assessments in Clinical and Domestic Environments</title>
        <publisher>Springer International Publishing</publisher>
            <editor>Andreas and R&#246;cker</editor>
            <editor>Carsten and Ziefle</editor>
        <booktitle>Smart Health</booktitle>
        <series>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</series>
            <author>B. Jensen</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Die Testlisten&#228;quivalenz des Freiburger Einsilbertests bei simulierter Schwerh&#246;rigkeit</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>A smartphone-based, privacy-aware recording system for the assessment of everyday listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>A smartphone-based, privacy-aware recording system for the assessment of everyday listening situations</title>
        <publisher>Danavox Jubilee Foundation</publisher>
        <booktitle>Individual hearing loss : characterization, modelling, compensation strategies</booktitle>
        <note>5th International Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research 2015</note>
        <subtitle>characterization, modelling, compensation strategies</subtitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Der Einfluss der Frauengesundheitsforschung auf die Etablierung der M&#228;nnergesundheitsforschung in Deutschland</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <volume>77 - A65</volume>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. Babitsch</author>
        <title>Die Medizinische Soziologie und Public Health</title>
        <abstract>Dieser Beitrag widmet sich anhand der drei Themen, Soziale Ungleichheit und Gesundheit, Geschlecht und Gesundheit sowie Partizipation und Gesundheit, der Frage, welche m&#246;glichen Ber&#252;hrungspunkte als auch Unterschiede zwischen den Disziplinen Medizinische Soziologie und Public Health bestehen. Dabei wird deutlich, welchen Erkenntnisbeitrag die Medizinische Soziologie und/oder Public Health f&#252;r das Verst&#228;ndnis von Gesundheit und der Gesundheitsversorgung geleistet haben bzw. leisten.</abstract>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Entwicklung einer adaptiven Skalierungsmethode zur Ermittlung der subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>A. Mewes</author>
            <author>J. M&#252;ller-Deile</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>G. Brademann</author>
            <author>M. Hey</author>
        <title>Breitbandige Energie Absorbanz zur Mittelohrdiagnostik</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
        <file>ZfA 04-2015 Originalartikel Mewes FINAL.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/QB3GVZ6M/ZfA 04-2015 Originalartikel Mewes FINAL.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>T. Michalik</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
        <title>&#196;ltere Aussiedler und ihre Konzepte zur Gesundheit und Gesundheitserhaltung im Alter</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Dyadische Copingstrategien &#228;lterer Menschen mit H&#246;rbeeitr&#228;chtigung und der Lebenspartnerinnen und Partnern (significant other)</title>
        <keywords>Coping; Significant Other; Kommunikation</keywords>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 40. Jahrestagung Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Sozialmedizin und Pr&#228;vention</booktitle>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Dyadische Copingstrategien &#228;lterer Menschen mit H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung und der Lebenspartnerinnen und Partner (significant other)</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Zusammenh&#228;nge von Kommunikationsstrategien &#228;lterer Menschen mit H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung und deren Beeinflussung auf die Lebenspartnerinnen und - partner (significantother)</title>
        <keywords>Demografischer Wandel;H&#246;ren;H&#246;rsch&#228;digung;significant other</keywords>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Linking cognitive abilities to speech recognition in complex listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>Third International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication CHSCOM2015, Link&#246;ping, Schweden</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachverstehen in verschiedenen St&#246;rger&#228;uschen und kognitiven Funktionen von &#228;lteren Probanden mit und ohne H&#246;rger&#228;t</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Die Bedeutung der Kognition f&#252;r die auditorische Funktion: Ein Einblick in das H&#246;ren „zwischen den Ohren“.</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>R. Paluch</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss von Fingerfertigkeit und H&#246;rger&#228;teerfahrung auf die Bedienung von HdO- und IdO-H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>S. Petrarca</author>
            <author>S. Schmidt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Neue berufsgruppenspezifische Ans&#228;tze Betrieblicher Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung in der station&#228;ren Behindertenhilfe. Die Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen auf Basis einer Methodentriangulation</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <volume>77 - A314</volume>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Perzeptive Evaluation von individualisierten und generischen binauralen Reproduktionen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2015, N&#252;rnberg</booktitle>
            <author>M. Ruhland</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
        <title>Reduction of gaussian, supergaussian, and impulsive noise by interpolation of the binary mask residual</title>
        <journal>Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. K&#246;hler</author>
            <author>A. Stirnemann</author>
        <title>Individual Equalization of Hearing Aids with Integrated Ear Canal Microphones</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Reciprocal measurement of acoustic feedback paths in hearing aids</title>
        <keywords>Hearing, microphones, Acoustic waves, Sound pressure, Audiometry</keywords>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
        <file>Full Text PDF:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/U8CS3R4S/Sankowsky-Rothe et al. - 2015 - Reciprocal measurement of acoustic feedback paths .pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/A32ZCZ2P/1.html:text/html</file>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Reziproke Messung des akustischen Feedbackpfades bei H&#246;rger&#228;ten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2015, N&#252;rnberg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>S. Nitzschner</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Speech perception at positive signal-to-noise ratios using adaptive adjustment of time compression</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Vergleich der Lokalisationsf&#228;higkeit von realen und virtuellen Schallquellen am Aufbau des Mainzer-Kindertisches: Votrag auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Bochum</title>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Heimann</author>
            <author>M. Nienaber</author>
            <author>B. Seinecke</author>
            <author>T. St&#252;ttchen</author>
        <title>Lokalisation von realen und virtuellen Schallquellen am Mainzer Kindertisch</title>
            <editor>Manfred and Sch&#246;nweiler</editor>
        <booktitle>Aktuelle phoniatrisch-p&#228;daudiologische Aspekte 2015</booktitle>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
        <title>Patienteninformation- Kommunikation mit Partnern nach Cochlea Implantat</title>
        <keywords>Kommunikation Bezugsperson Cochlea Implantat</keywords>
        <journal>Sprache Stimme Geh&#246;r</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>B. Jensen</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Perceptual equivalence of test lists in a monosyllabic speech test with different hearing thresholds</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Der Freiburger Sprachverst&#228;ndnistest und die Norm DIN EN ISO 8253-3</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>N. Zimmermann</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>R. Heindorf</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung der H&#246;rger&#228;tenutzung unter Einbeziehung von Feinmotorik, Tastsinn, Sehverm&#246;gen und Technikbereitschaft</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>I. Baljić</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Schmidt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Freiburger Einsilbertest: Untersuchungen zur perzeptiven &#196;quivalenz der Testlisten</title>
            <author>T. Bernhardt</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>L. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Einsatz von Blended Learning bei nicht-traditionellen Studierenden in den Gesundheitswissenschaften und den Gesundheitsfachberufen</title>
        <keywords>Blended Learning, Studierenden, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Gesundheitsfachberufen, DGMS, DGMP, Berlin</keywords>
        <booktitle>Kongresses der DGMS und DGMP, bio.psycho.sozial 2.0. 28.-30. September 2016</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
        <title>Two-channel Coherence-Based Own Voice Detection for Privacy-aware Longterm Acoustic Measurements</title>
        <booktitle>Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium; Proceedings of</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Privacy-Aware Acoustic Assessments of Everyday Life</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc</journal>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>M. R. Sch&#228;dler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Wortverstehen in schnellen S&#228;tzen durch Mensch und Maschine: „Wie war das im Mittelteil?&quot;</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>M. Brussig</author>
            <author>M. Knuth</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Von der Fr&#252;hverrentung bis zur Rente mit 67: Der Wandel des Alters&#252;bergangs von 1990 bis 2012</title>
            <author>F. Dollack</author>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Einfluss von visueller Stimulation auf Distanzwahrnehmung und Externalisierung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Exter</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Phonemische Ausgewogenheit des Freiburger Einsilbertests</title>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Self-configuring home automation networks based on psychophysical principles</title>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>S. Klawitter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. Hehrmann</author>
            <author>M. Brendel</author>
            <author>D. Zimmermann</author>
            <author>A. B&#252;chner</author>
        <title>Stereomusikwahrnehmung mit bilateraler und bimodaler Cochlea-Implantat-Versorgung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;valenz von Schwerh&#246;rigkeit in Deutschland: Kein Nords&#252;d-Gegensatz in tonaudiometrischen Daten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie (DGA), Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Social stratification in epidemiological hearing research</title>
        <booktitle>Hearing across the Life Span (HEAL), Cernobbio/Como, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rverlust und Sprachverstehen im Alter.</title>
            <editor>Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York</editor>
        <journal>Sprache - Stimme - Geh&#246;r</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Hearing threshold distribution and effect of screening in a population-based German sample</title>
        <journal>International Journal of Audiology</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment: Subjective ratings and objective acoustic parameters in daily listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, USA</booktitle>
            <author>L. Hartog</author>
            <author>M. Lundbeck</author>
            <author>G. Grimm</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
        <title>Einfluss von binauraler St&#246;rger&#228;uschreduktion auf die Bewegungswahrnehmung von Normal- und Schwerh&#246;renden in komplexen H&#246;rumgebungen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>P. Hehrmann</author>
            <author>D. Zimmermann</author>
            <author>S. Klawitter</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Brendel</author>
            <author>A. B&#252;chner</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
        <title>Summenlokalisation bei bilateraler und bimodaler Cochlea-Implantat-Versorgung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>S. Herrmann</author>
            <author>D. Oetting</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Bandbreitenabh&#228;ngig binaurale Lautheitssummation bei Normal- und Schwerh&#246;renden</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;16</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>K. Haeder</author>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>R. Weber</author>
        <title>Subjective listening effort and electrodermal activity in listening situations with reverberation and noise</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Subjective and objective momentary ecological observations in everyday life using a smartphone-based system</title>
        <booktitle>World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, Kanada</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>L. Haverkamp</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Zeitnahe Erfassung und Auswertung subjektiver und objektiver Parameter des akustischen Alltags mit einem Smartphone-basierten System</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hamacher</author>
            <author>M. C. Killion</author>
        <title>Multi-channel compression: Concepts and (early but timeless) results</title>
        <journal>The Hearing Review</journal>
            <author>F. W. I.S. Condro</author>
        <title>NAO race: social context on motor imagery performance</title>
        <booktitle>In Proceedings on International Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Meeting</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ethische und methodische Implikationen bei der Forschung mit demenziell Erkrankten</title>
        <keywords>biopsychosozial, Koppelin, Ethische, Posterbeitrag, Implikationen, Demenz, DGMS, DGSMP</keywords>
        <booktitle>Posterbeitrag, Kongress Gesundheit bio-psycho-sozial 2.0., gemeinsamer Kongress der DGMS und DGSMP 2016</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Wie gelingt die Erfassung von Demenzen in der quantitativen Alter(n)sforschung?</title>
        <keywords>biopsychosozial, Koppelin, Demenz, Gesundheit, Posterbeitrag, DGMS, DGSMP</keywords>
        <booktitle>Posterbeitrag, Kongress Gesundheit - bio-psycho-sozial 2.0., gemeinsamer Kongress der DGMS und DGSMP 2016</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Alleine Leben mit Demenz? Aktuelle Versorgungsstrategien in der Politik</title>
        <abstract>The increase in people living alone with dementia necessitates the implementation of newly developed patient-centered care. This paper examines government-aided strategies that aim to support dementia patients in living self-sufficiently. The discussion will center on the role that volunteering and innovative technologies play. As the analysis demonstrates, these strategies are effective if implemented in social living environments, and with diverse professionals and agencies.</abstract>
        <keywords>Public Health;Technologie</keywords>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Einfluss der Rotationsachse auf die wahrgenommene Ausrichtung einer Schallquelle</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
        <key>ts. gf. w.2016</key>
            <author>R. T. K. I. Wolf</author>
        <title>Concept of a tool for automated usability evaluation of graphical user interfaces</title>
        <booktitle>5. Interdisziplin&#228;rer Workshop Kognitive Systeme 2016, Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bochum</booktitle>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Analysis of Current MEMS Microphones for Cost-Effective Microphone Arrays—A Practical Approach</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Convention 140</booktitle>
            <author>J. Klug</author>
            <author>D. Hollosi</author>
            <author>A. Volgenandt</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Analyse akustischer Emissionen und Profile ziviler Drohnen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Koifman</author>
            <author>F. Sellami</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>M. A. Z. d. Laan</author>
        <title>Comparing evaluation data of the digit triplet test for Arabic, Hebrew and Persian</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Weiterbildungsangebote in Oldenburg f&#252;r Angeh&#246;rige der Gesundheitsfachberufe</title>
        <journal>Therapie Lernen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Lebenswelten der M&#228;nner ber&#252;cksichtigen</title>
        <publisher>hkk Krankenkasse, Bremen</publisher>
        <journal>hkk Magazin</journal>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
        <title>Adaptive scaling of listening effort for speech in noise</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference IHCON, Lake Tahoe, California, USA</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>J. Korte</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Evaluation einer adaptiven Skalierungsmethode zur Ermittlung der subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Z. d. Laan</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Relation between listening effort and speech intelligibility in noise</title>
        <booktitle>HEAL 2016, Cernobbio (Lake Como), Italien</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Entwicklung und Evaluation einer adaptiven Skalierungsmethode zur Ermittlung der subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Internationaler H&#246;ger&#228;te-Akustiker Kongress (EUHA), Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Adaptive scaling of listening effort</title>
        <booktitle>World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, Kanada</booktitle>
            <author>C. Lins</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>L. Halder</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Designing and Introducing an Activity Motivating Mobile Web App Platform for Seniors</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
        <series>Advanced Technologies and Societal Change</series>
            <author>M. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Head-Orientation-Based Device Selection: Are You Talking to Me?</title>
        <booktitle>Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium; Proceedings of</booktitle>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>&quot;Dann sprich doch einfach lauter!&quot; Dyadische Bew&#228;ltigungsstrategien &#228;lterer H&#246;rbeintr&#228;chtiger und ihrer Lebenspartner</title>
        <keywords>Coping; Significant Other; Kommunikation</keywords>
        <journal>Sprache Stimme Geh&#246;r</journal>
            <author>B. M&#252;ller-Dohm</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Bedeutung der Lebenspartnerinnen und -partner (significant other) f&#252;r die Kommunikation und &#228;lteren Menschen mit H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung</title>
        <keywords>Coping; Significant Other; Kommunikation</keywords>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>S. Eberhard</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Atypische Besch&#228;ftigung und psychische Gesundheit von Frauen und M&#228;nnern</title>
        <keywords>Berlin, biopsychosozial, Atypisch, Psychologie, Psychisch, Gesundheit, Mann, Frau</keywords>
        <booktitle>Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Psychologie „Gesundheit – bio.psycho.sozial 2.0, September 2016</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
        <title>Arbeitsmarktpolitik f&#252;r &#196;ltere: Die Aktivierung &#196;lterer auf dem Pr&#252;fstand</title>
        <publisher>Springer VS</publisher>
            <editor>Matthias and Schwarz</editor>
            <editor>Oliver and Stark</editor>
            <editor>Toralf and Weissenbach</editor>
        <booktitle>Legitimit&#228;tspraxis. Politikwissenschaftliche und soziologische Perspektiven</booktitle>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Atypische Besch&#228;ftigung im Kontext von Gesundheit und Geschlecht</title>
        <journal>sicher ist sicher</journal>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Einflussfaktoren atypischer Besch&#228;ftigungsverh&#228;ltnisse auf die Gesundheit</title>
        <publisher>Apollon University Press.</publisher>
            <editor>Johanne and Scherenberg</editor>
        <booktitle>Erfolgsfaktor Gesundheit in Unternehmen: Zwischen Kulturwandel und Profitkultur</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
        <title>Die Bedeutung der Kognition f&#252;r die auditorische Funktion: Ein Einblick in das H&#246;ren «zwischen den Ohren»</title>
        <booktitle>Schweizer Kongress der H&#246;rger&#228;teakustiker, Oberentfelden, Schweiz</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Linking cognitive abilities to speech recognition in complex listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Conference IHCON, Lake Tahoe, California, USA</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung der Zusammenh&#228;nge zwischen verbalen und non-verbalen kognitiven Messverfahren</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>S. Petrarca</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ausgewiesener Nutzen pr&#228;ventiver Gesundheits-programme f&#252;r psychisch erkrankte Langzeitarbeitslose. Eine Untersuchung aus unterschied-lichen Perspektiven</title>
        <keywords>Poster, biopsychosozial, Koppelin, Langzeitarbeitslose, Arbeitslos, Psychisch, Kongress, Psychologie</keywords>
        <booktitle>Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Soziologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Psychologie „Gesundheit – bio.psycho.sozial 2.0, September 2016</booktitle>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>H. L&#246;wenheim</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Entwicklung des Richtungsh&#246;rens nach Cochlear Implant-Vergleich realer und virtueller Schallquellen</title>
            <editor>Manfred and Caffier</editor>
            <editor>Philipp P. and Schade</editor>
            <editor>G&#246;tz and Sch&#246;nweiler</editor>
            <editor>Rainer and Kummer</editor>
            <editor>Peter and Keilmann</editor>
        <booktitle>Aktuelle phoniatrisch-p&#228;daudiologische Aspekte 2016</booktitle>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>H. L&#246;wenheim</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Entwicklung des Richtungsh&#246;ren nach Cochlear Implant – Vergleich realer und virtueller Schallquellen</title>
        <booktitle>33. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Phoniatrie und P&#228;daudiologie (DGPP), Regensburg</booktitle>
            <author>J. Poppitz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Systems zur Messung individueller HRTFs in privater Wohn-Umgebung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2016, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>J. Poppitz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
        <title>Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Systems zur Messung individueller HRTFs in privater Wohn-Umgebung</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA &apos;16</booktitle>
        <annote>&#252;ber Josefs Bachelorarbeit</annote>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. v. d. Par</author>
            <author>D. Puschel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Regularization Approaches for Synthesizing HRTF Directivity Patterns</title>
        <keywords>transfer functions, least squares approximations, microphones, microphone arrays, speech, Robustness, head-related transfer functions, filters, HRTF directivity patterns, HRTF synthesis, artificial heads, beamformer design procedures, filter coefficients, filter design, frequency bands, human auditory system, microphone array, narrowband least squares cost function, random deviations, regularization approaches, spatial directivity pattern, spectral resolution, virtual artificial head, white noise gain, Cost function, IEEE transactions, Power generation, White noise, Beamforming, head-related transfer functions (HRTFs), regularization, white noise gain (WNG)</keywords>
        <journal>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing</journal>
        <file>IEEE Xplore Abstract Record:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/FAGKD2DE/articleDetails.html:text/html;IEEE Xplore Full Text PDF:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/69T2M5N4/Rasumow et al. - 2016 - Regularization Approaches for Synthesizing HRTF Di.pdf:application/pdf</file>
        <title>Individual hearing loss</title>
        <publisher>Danavox Jubilee Foundation</publisher>
        <note>5th International Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research 2015</note>
        <subtitle>characterization, modelling, compensation strategies</subtitle>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>K. Haeder</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Listening effort and speech intelligibility in reverberation and noise for hearing-impaired listeners</title>
        <journal>International Journal of Audiology</journal>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
        <title>Speech recognition tested at fixed, positive signal-to-noise ratios using time compression: Methods and applications</title>
        <booktitle>Universit&#228;t Oldenburg,</booktitle>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Normal and time-compressed speech: How does learning affect speech recognition</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
        <title>St&#246;rung beim Richtungsh&#246;ren – neues System verbessert die Diagnose: Interview</title>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Lokalisation virtueller Schallquellen mit einem automatisierten Erweiterungsmodul am Mainzer-Kindertisch -ERKI-</title>
        <booktitle>5th European Pediatric Conference</booktitle>
            <author>N. Schmitt</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. Boretzki</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>A phoneme perception test method for high-frequency hearing aid fitting</title>
        <journal>Journal of the American Academy of Audiology</journal>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
        <title>Wie viele Unterbrechungen ertr&#228;gt ein Gespr&#228;ch?</title>
        <keywords>Kommunikation H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung</keywords>
        <pages>141 - 143</pages>
        <journal>Sprache Stimme Geh&#246;r</journal>
            <author>M. Toborg</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Mit Technik zu mehr Bewegung im Alter</title>
        <keywords>Bewegung, Alter, Technik, Koppelin, Vortrag</keywords>
        <booktitle>Niedersachsen-Forum „Alter und Zukunft“ in Wilhelmshaven am 28.09.2016</booktitle>
            <author>M. Toborg</author>
            <author>J. Schnauber</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>S. Boll</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Mittels Nutzereinbeziehung zu mehr Akzeptanz einer technikgest&#252;tzten Pr&#228;ventionsma&#223;nahme zur Bewegungsf&#246;rderung &#196;lterer</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen 2016</journal>
            <author>S. Vogl</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Elektroakustische Modellierung eines Ohrpassst&#252;cks mit intergrierten Mikrofonen und Lautsprechern</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2016, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Evaluation of motion tracking methods for therapeutic assistance in everyday living environments</title>
        <keywords>Adaptive optics;Cameras;Goniometers;Shoulder;Tracking;Training</keywords>
        <booktitle>2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI)</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Adaptive Bewegungsanalyse von physiotherapeutischen &#220;bungen f&#252;r eine optimierte Mensch-Roboter-Trainingsinteraktion</title>
        <booktitle>DuEPublico 2016-1</booktitle>
        <journal>DuEPublico 2016-1 Journal Kognitive Systeme (KogSys)</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Test-Retest-Reliablit&#228;t des Freiburger Einsilbers</title>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Der Freiburger Einsilbertest und die Norm DIN EN ISO 8253-3: Technische Analyse</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Baljić</author>
            <author>T. Schmidt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Perzeptive &#196;quivalenz der Testlisten des Freiburger Einsilbers</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Open versus closed hearing aid fittings: A literature review of both fitting approaches</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>A. Winneke</author>
        <title>Neuroergonomic assessment of listening effort in older call center employees</title>
        <publisher>Berlin: VDE Verlag GmbH</publisher>
        <volume>April 20-21</volume>
        <journal>Zukunft Lebensr&#228;ume Kongress. Frankfurt</journal>
            <author>D. V. Winneke</author>
        <title>Reduction of listening effort with binaural algorithms in hearing aids: an EEG Study</title>
        <booktitle>43rd Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting of the American Auditory Society</booktitle>
        <volume>March 3 – 5</volume>
        <journal>Scottsdale, AZ.</journal>
            <author>J. Adrian</author>
            <author>T. Gerkmann</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Synthesis of Perceptually Plausible Multichannel Noise Signals Controlled by Real World Statistical Noise Properties</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc</journal>
            <author>M. Barron</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
        <title>A possible acoustic design approach for multi-purpose auditoria suitable for both speech and music</title>
        <abstract>In several auditoria, it has been observed that the reverberation time is longer than expected and that the cause is a horizontal reverberant field established in the region near the ceiling, a field which is remote from the sound absorbing audience. This has been observed in the Boston Symphony Hall, Massachusetts, and the Stadthalle G&#246;ttingen, Germany. Subjective remarks on their acoustics suggest that there are no unfavourable comments linked to the secondary sound field. Two acoustic scale models are considered here. In a generic rectangular concert hall model, the walls and ceiling contained openings in which either plane or scattering panels could be placed. With plane panels, the model reverberation time (RT) was measured as 53% higher than the Sabine prediction (frequency 500/1000 Hz), compared with 8% higher with scattering panels. The second model of a 300 seat lecture theatre with a 6 m or 8 m high ceiling had raked seating. In this case, the amount of absorption in the model was increased until the point was reached where speech had acceptable intelligibility, with the early energy fraction, D ⩾ 0.5. For this acceptable speech condition with the 6 m ceiling, the measured mid-frequency T15 was 1.47 s, whereas the Sabine predicted RT was 1.06 s. The sound decay was basically non-linear with T30 &gt; T15 &gt; EDT. Exploiting a high-level horizontal reverberant field offers the possibility of acoustics that are better adapted as suitable for both speech and unamplified music, without any physical change in the auditorium. Using secondary reverberation in an auditorium for a wide variety of music might also be beneficial.</abstract>
        <keywords>Auditorium acoustics, Non-linear decays, Speech intelligibility</keywords>
        <journal>Applied Acoustics</journal>
            <author>B. Bechtold</author>
            <author>S. Volke</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Web Technologies for Scientific Hearing Experiments and Teaching - An Overview</title>
        <abstract>Scientists of audio-related fields need to verify their theories by conducting controlled experiments with human test subjects. The process of developing and conducting such experiments often poses non-trivial challenges to scientists and test subjects. Web technologies promise simple delivery of experiments as interactive websites, possibly even on subjects&apos; own computers. Similar benefits are possible for teaching science. While many tasks in hearing experiments and teaching are well-supported with current web-based tools, support for scientific data structures, signal processing operations and statistical data analysis methods is still incomplete in comparison with entrenched non-web tools. These shortcomings could easily be overcome with a few libraries, however, and would provide a great boon to scientists and educators in many areas of research.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 3rd Web Audio Conference</booktitle>
            <author>M. Behrends</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>M. Gietzelt</author>
        <title>Teilnehmerrekrutierung f&#252;r AAL und AGT-Projekte: Herausforderungen und L&#246;sungswege</title>
        <keywords>Partizipation; AAL; AGT; Projekte</keywords>
        <booktitle>62. Jahrestagung der GMDS in Oldenburg</booktitle>
        <journal>German Medical Science</journal>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>T. Gerkmann</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Impulsive Disturbances in Audio Archives: Signal Classification for Automatic Restoration</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc</journal>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>S. Vogl</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>The Acoustically Transparent Hearing Device: Towards Integration of Individualized Sound Equalization, Electro-Acoustic Modeling and Feedback Cancellation</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology (CHAT-17), Stockholm, Sweden, August 19, 2017</booktitle>
            <author>F. Dollack</author>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>On the Analysis of Acoustic Distance Perception in a Head Mounted Display</title>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Optimizing the microphone array size for a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR) 2017</booktitle>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>High spatial resolution binaural sound reproduction using a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, Kiel</booktitle>
        <file>Fallahi et al_DAGA2017.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/DF3V5NNG/Fallahi et al_DAGA2017.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Regulation of Ventilation Systems based on Psychophysical Principles</title>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Reiner and Klausing</editor>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Perception based Method for Indoor Air Quality Control</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics</booktitle>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>The Potential of Psychophysical and Health related Knowledge for Building Automation Control</title>
        <publisher>Walter de Gruyter</publisher>
        <booktitle>Annual Conference Biomedical Engingeeing / Biomedical Technology (BMTMedPhys 2017)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Forberger</author>
            <author>K. Bammann</author>
            <author>J. Bauer</author>
            <author>S. Boll</author>
            <author>G. Bolte</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>S. Lippke</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>C. R. Pischke</author>
            <author>C. Voelcker-Rehage</author>
            <author>H. Zeeb</author>
        <title>How to Tackle Key Challenges in the Promotion of Physical Activity among Older Adults (65+): The AEQUIPA Network Approach</title>
        <abstract>The paper introduces the theoretical framework and methods/instruments used by the Physical Activity and Health Equity: Primary Prevention for Healthy Ageing (AEQUIPA) prevention research network as an interdisciplinary approach to tackle key challenges in the promotion of physical activity among older people (65+). Drawing on the social-ecological model, the AEQUIPA network developed an interdisciplinary methodological design including quantitative/qualitative studies and systematic reviews, while combining expertise from diverse fields: public health, psychology, urban planning, sports sciences, health technology and geriatrics. AEQUIPA tackles key challenges when promoting physical activity (PA) in older adults: tailoring of interventions, fostering community readiness and participation, strengthening intersectoral collaboration, using new technological devices and evaluating intervention generated inequalities. AEQUIPA aims to strengthen the evidence base for age-specific preventive PA interventions and to yield new insights into the explanatory power of individual and contextual factors. Currently, the empirical work is still underway. First experiences indicate that thenetwork has achieved a strong regional linkage with communities, local stakeholders and individuals. However, involving inactive persons and individuals from minority groups remained challenging. A review of existing PA intervention studies among the elderly revealed the potential to assess equity effects. The results will add to the theoretical and methodological discussion on evidence-based age-specific PA interventions and will contribute to the discussion about European and national health targets.</abstract>
        <journal>International journal of environmental research and public health</journal>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>J. Hurka</author>
        <title>Building Automation and Control Systems for Healthcare in Smart Homes</title>
        <publisher>Springer International Publishing</publisher>
            <editor>Samee U. Khan and Albert Y. Zomaya and Assad Abbas</editor>
        <booktitle>Handbook of large-scale distributed computing in smart healthcare</booktitle>
        <series>Scalable Computing and Communications</series>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Pr&#228;valenz von Schwerh&#246;rigkeit in Nord- und S&#252;ddeutschland</title>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Prevalence of hearing loss in Northern and Southern Germany</title>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Sobotka</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Adjusting expectations: Hearing abilities in a population-based sample using a SSQ short-form</title>
        <booktitle>6th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Social inequalities in pure-tone hearing assessed using occupational stratification schemes</title>
        <journal>International Journal of Audiology</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Vormann</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen im St&#246;rger&#228;usch in klinischer und bev&#246;lkerungstypischer Population</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>H&#246;rverlust und Sprachverstehen im Alter</title>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>S. Eberhard</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Absch&#228;tzung der administrativen Inzidenz und Pr&#228;valenz psychischer St&#246;rungen im Erwerbsalter anhand von Sekund&#228;rdaten der AOK Niedersachsen</title>
        <keywords>Biometrie, psychischer, St&#246;rung, Erwerbsalter, Sekund&#228;rdaten, AOK Niedersachsen, Jahrestagung, Epidemiologie</keywords>
        <booktitle>62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)</booktitle>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>S. Eberhard</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Psychische St&#246;rungen im Erwerbsalter: Ermittlung der administrativen Inzidenz und Pr&#228;valenz sowie regionaler Unterschiede in Niedersachsen anhand von Sekund&#228;rdaten einer gesetzlichen Krankenkasse</title>
        <abstract>BACKGROUND Mental disorder is the subject of ever-increasing attention in the field of public health. However, the actual number of such cases is difficult to determine owing to the lack of comprehensive longitudinal studies. OBJECTIVES The administrative incidence and prevalence of mental disorders were estimated on the basis of data from 2010 to 2013 provided by the health insurance company AOK, Lower Saxony, and were assessed according to age and gender. Additionally, possible correlations between local conditions and the occurrence of diagnosed mental disorders were examined for both urban and rural districts. MATERIALS AND METHODS Analyses were conducted using the secondary datasets of 1.5 million persons born between 1940 and 1994 who had been continuously insured throughout the period specified. Only documented diagnoses from outpatient care were taken into account. RESULTS One third of the insured persons showed at least one documented diagnosis of a mental disorder within a 12-month period. In approximately 11 out of 100 cases, there was a newly documented diagnosis in 2012. With the exception of cases relating to psychotropic substance use, women were significantly more frequently affected than men. Age-specific differences were also determined. At a regional level, in relation to administrative prevalence, mental disorders showed positive correlations in the density of doctors and psychotherapists. Moreover, regions with a high rate of unemployment generally show a higher prevalence of mental disorders. CONCLUSION Despite certain limitations, the use of administrative incidence and prevalence data is a viable approach to assessing gender- and age-specific, and regional differences. Our regional analyses suggest a correlation between the local job situation and the level of regional administrative prevalence.</abstract>
        <journal>Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz</journal>
            <author>A. Gerka</author>
            <author>F. Bayer</author>
            <author>M. Eichelberg</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Ambient Water Usage Sensor for the Identification of Daily Activities</title>
        <abstract>Dementia patients, like most older adults, preferto live in their own home as long as possible. This requires,however, that they are able to perform activities of daily living(ADL). Therefore, many research projects install different sensorsetups to identify ADLs. Though the water usage correlates withmany ADLs (i.e.: bathing, cooking) only few of these systemsuse water usage sensors. The reason is that there is no waterusage sensor available that is unobtrusive, ambient and precise.In this article, we propose a water usage sensor that is basedon a piezoelectric element that fulfills these requirements. Wedescribe the implementation of the sensor system in a living lab.Additionally, we discuss different features that were extractedfrom the sensor signal and different machine learning algorithmsthat were used to classify the data. Finally, we present the resultsto several tests we performed to determine the accuracy of oursensor system under different environmental conditions.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings IEEE Global Internet of Things Summit</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
        <title>Leserbrief : &quot;Zur korrekten Umrechnung von Sprachsignalen f&#252;r deren Darstellung im Tonaudiogramm“ von Thomas Steffens, Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie 55 (4), Seite 138–145</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
        <file>ZfA01-2017 Endstand Leserbrief_H.pdf:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/65ARJUE6/ZfA01-2017 Endstand Leserbrief_H.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen und H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA), Kiel</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>An open-source mobile device for outside-lab sound field research</title>
        <booktitle>Hearing Aid Developers Forum, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Charakterisierung von Sinnesleistungen im Alter – eine audiologische und neuropsychologische Testbatterie</title>
        <booktitle>XIX. Hannoverscher Cochlea-Implantat Kongress, 1.-2.9.2017</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
        <title>CCITT, ICRA1 &amp; Co.</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Assessment of listening effort and speech intelligibility in every-day life</title>
        <booktitle>4th International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication (CHSCOM2017), Link&#246;ping, Schweden</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Speech intelligibility and listening effort in every-day listening situations</title>
        <booktitle>173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum (ASA), Boston, USA</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
        <title>Charakterisierung von Sinnesleistungen im Alter – Erste Ergebnisse einer audiologischen und neuropsychologischen Testbatterie</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Demenz im Fokus der Gesundheitsforschung: Eine vergleichende Analyse aktueller Altersstudien</title>
        <abstract>Health research on an increasingly aging population calls for careful consideration of aging-associated phenomena, such as dementia. Accounting for such diseases is a necessary step for gaining a view of health in the elderly. It is moreover imperative to gather data on subjects&apos; mental limitations in surveys to better evaluate the validity of answers disclosed by elderly participants. This article discusses the availability of data on individuals suffering from dementia in national studies on aging. It centers on the question of how surveys respond to the challenge of diagnosing dementia. The analysis is based on a literature review, which focuses on national studies on aging that were conducted no later than 2005, and that enforced an upper age limit of at least 79 years old for their subjects. By evaluating these published studies, and analyzing their data descriptively, it was determined how many subjects suffering from dementia were part of each sample, and which methods were applied to diagnose such illnesses. Overall, the availability of data on age and aging is satisfactory in Germany. The literature review discovered seven studies on aging, as well as five that lend themselves to a framework oriented toward research on aging. The number of subjects suffering from dementia in the samples is between 0 and 14% - over half of the studies reach less than 1.5% of those affected. These results thus point out problems in surveying individuals suffering from dementia. They highlight the limitations of studies on aging that do not account for dementia in their subjects. The following discussion aims to contribute to the debate on relevant research methodology, and to the development of methodological approaches that consider dementia as a crucial factor.</abstract>
        <journal>Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz</journal>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Der Einsatz technischer L&#246;sungen zur Terti&#228;rpr&#228;vention von Demenz</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>H. Jaeger</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. U. Simmer</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Echtzeitf&#228;higes binaurales Rendering mit Bewegungssensoren von 3D-Brillen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte in der Akustik: Tagungsband der Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA)</booktitle>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>An improved privacy-aware system for objective and subjective ecological momentary assessment</title>
        <booktitle>Conference OverHear: Real-world assessment of hearing aids and listening behaviour, 6.-7. Oktober 2017, London, GB</booktitle>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>An improved privacy-aware system for objective and subjective ecological momentary assessment</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kropp</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Erhebung der Kommunikationswahrnehmung aus der Perspektive der h&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigten Person und ihrer Angeh&#246;rigen</title>
        <abstract>Ist in einer Partnerschaft eine Person von einer H&#246;rminderung betroffen, herrscht oft Unsicherheit oder fehlende Kenntnis bei den Angeh&#246;rigen, in welchen Situationen das Verstehen der lautsprachlichen Informationen f&#252;r eine h&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigte Person gut m&#246;glich oder erschwert ist. Fehlt dar&#252;ber der Austausch zwischen den Gespr&#228;chspartner_innen, k&#246;nnen Fehleinsch&#228;tzungen &#252;ber das Gelingen der Kommunikation, Ausgrenzung bzw. R&#252;ckzug und emotionale Probleme als Folgen auftreten (Arlinger 2003, Scarinci et. al, 2012). Um die individuelle Kommunikationswahrnehmung bei Paaren zu erfassen, bei denen jeweils ein_e Partner_in von einer leicht- bis mittelgradigen H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung betroffen ist, wurde im Rahmen einer Interventionsstudie zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation (ACE - Active Communication Education; Hickson et al. 2015) diese seitens der Person mit einer H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung als auch seitens des/der Angeh&#246;rigen an drei Zeitpunkten (vor der Intervention sowie zwei Wochen bzw. sechs Monate danach) erhoben. Dazu wurde eine deutsche Version des SAC- bzw. SOAC-Fragebogens verwendet, die zuvor vom H&#246;rzentrum Oldenburg im Auftrag der Phonak AG erstellt worden war (engl. Self/Significant Other Assessment of Communication; Schow &amp; Nerbonne, 1982; vgl. Scherpiet et al., in Vorbereitung). Neben der Wahrnehmung des Effekts der H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung auf die Kommunikation erhebt der SAC-Fragebogen zudem, ob in einer entsprechenden Kommunikationssituation soweit vorhanden das/die H&#246;rger&#228;t/e eingesetzt wird/werden. Untersuchungsziel ist die &#220;berpr&#252;fung der &#220;bereinstimmung von Eigen- und Fremdeinsch&#228;tzung der Beeintr&#228;chtigung der Kommunikation durch die individuelle H&#246;rsituation innerhalb der Paare sowie die Beurteilung, ob sich diese durch der Teilnahme an der ACE-Intervention angleicht. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einsch&#228;tzungen der Paare in einigen F&#228;llen entgegen der Erwartung zwei Wochen nach der Interventionsstudie weiter auseinander liegen als zuvor. Dies k&#246;nnte auf eine geschultere Wahrnehmung der Angeh&#246;rigen zur&#252;ckgef&#252;hrt werden. Um diese Hypothese zu untermauen sollen weitere Analysen folgen.</abstract>
        <keywords>Significant Other, H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtung, Kommunikationswahrnehmung</keywords>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kropp</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Erhebung der Kommunikationswahrnehmung aus der Perspektive der h&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigten Person und ihren Angeh&#246;rigen</title>
        <keywords>Significant Other; Kommunikation; Kommunikationswahrnehmung</keywords>
        <journal>Audiologisch - Zeitschrift des Berufsverbands f&#252;r AudiologieAssistenten e.V. (BAA)</journal>
            <author>M. Krueger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. A. Zokoll</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Relation between listening effort and speech intelligibility in noise</title>
        <journal>American Journal of Audiology</journal>
            <author>M. Krueger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Development of an adaptive scaling method for subjective listening effort</title>
        <journal>Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>M. Krueger</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Relation between listening effort and speech intelligibility in noise</title>
        <booktitle>Speech in noise (SPIN) Workshop, Oldenburg, 5.-7. Januar 2017</booktitle>
            <author>D. L&#252;ckehe</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>G. von Voigt</author>
        <title>Analysis of Sound Localization Data Generated by the Extended Mainzer Kindertisch</title>
        <publisher>Springer International Publishing</publisher>
            <editor>Gabriele and F&#252;rnkranz</editor>
            <editor>Johannes and Thimm</editor>
        <booktitle>KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence</booktitle>
        <series>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</series>
            <author>J. L&#252;hring</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hey</author>
        <title>Postoperative audiometrische Diagnostik bei Cochlea-Implantat-Patienten mit einseitiger Taubheit</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen.</booktitle>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>M. Gebhard</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>G. Grimm</author>
            <author>R. Paluch</author>
        <title>Development and application of a code system to analyse behaviour in real life listening environments</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, D&#228;nemark</booktitle>
            <author>S. Muellmann</author>
            <author>I. Bragina</author>
            <author>C. Voelcker-Rehage</author>
            <author>E. Rost</author>
            <author>S. Lippke</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>J. Schnauber</author>
            <author>M. Wasmann</author>
            <author>M. Toborg</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>H. Zeeb</author>
            <author>C. R. Pischke</author>
        <title>Development and evaluation of two web-based interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: Study protocol for a community-based controlled intervention trial</title>
        <abstract>BACKGROUND Regular physical activity (PA) is a key contributor to healthy ageing. However, despite known health benefits, only one third of older adults in Germany reach the PA levels recommended for persons aged 65 years and above by the World Health Organization. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effectiveness of two web-based interventions for the initiation and maintenance of regular PA (i.e., intervention groups 1 and 2) compared to a delayed intervention control group of older adults aged 65 to 75 years. METHODS/DESIGN Study participants will be randomly assigned to one of three study arms in five communities in the Bremen-Oldenburg metropolitan region: a) Participants in the first arm will receive access to a web-based intervention for 10 weeks allowing them to track their weekly PA (subjective self-monitoring, intervention group 1); b) participants in the second arm will receive access to the web-based intervention for 10 weeks and, in addition, track PA using Fitbit Zips (objective self-monitoring, intervention group 2); c) participants in the delayed intervention control group will receive access to the intervention implemented in the first study arm after completion of the 12-week follow-up in the other two groups within each community. In addition, weekly group meetings in the communities will be offered to study participants in the intervention groups providing the opportunity to address questions related to the use of the website and to practice PA in groups (e.g., neighborhood walks, strength and balance exercises). To evaluate short-term effects of the intervention on physical and psychological health, PA, physical fitness, and cognitive and psychological variables will be assessed at baseline and 12-week follow-up. DISCUSSION This study will provide answers regarding acceptance and effectiveness of web-based interventions promoting uptake and maintenance of regular PA in persons aged 65-75 years. Study findings will contribute to a growing body of evidence in Germany concerning the role of community-based interventions for the promotion of PA and healthy ageing in older adults. TRIAL REGISTRATION German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00010052 (Date of registration 07-11-2016).</abstract>
        <keywords>Gesundheit;Gesundheitsforschung;Health;Public Health;Studien</keywords>
        <journal>BMC public health</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>E. Urry</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Role of cognitive functioning in speech recognition in older participants</title>
        <booktitle>4th International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication (CHSCOM2017), Link&#246;ping, Schweden</booktitle>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss der kognitiven Funktionen auf das Sprachverstehen bei &#228;lteren Probanden</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Gacek</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Zugang zu &#228;lteren Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund – Ergebnisse aus der BELLA-Studie (Besser Leben durch lebenslange Aktivit&#228;t)</title>
        <keywords>Bedarfsanalyse; Nutzerakzeptanz; Pr&#228;vention; K&#246;rperliche Aktivit&#228;t, &#196;ltere Menschen; Migrationshontergrund</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gemeinsame Tagung der DGEpi, DGMS und DGSMP in L&#252;beck</booktitle>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Gacek</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Experience and Acceptance in Use of Healthcare Technologies Regarding People from the Age of 65 up - a Qualitative Survey within the Bella Study (Living Better by Lifelong Activity)</title>
        <keywords>Bedarfsanalyse; Nutzerakzeptanz; Pr&#228;vention; K&#246;rperliche Aktivit&#228;t, &#196;ltere Menschen</keywords>
        <booktitle>DKVF in Berlin</booktitle>
        <journal>German Medical Science</journal>
            <author>C. Pischke</author>
            <author>S. Muellmann</author>
            <author>I. Bragina</author>
            <author>C. Voelker-Rehage</author>
            <author>E. Rost</author>
            <author>S. Lippke</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>J. Schnauber</author>
            <author>M. Wasmann</author>
            <author>M. Toborg</author>
            <author>F. &amp;. Z. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Tailoring web-based physical activity interventions to promote active aging in older adults: a studyprotocol for a delayed intervention randomized controlled trial</title>
        <journal>BMC Public Health</journal>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
        <title>Lokalisation realer und virtueller Schallquellen mit einem automatisierten Erweiterungsmodul am Mainzer-Kindertisch- Entwicklung des ERKI-Verfahrens</title>
        <journal>Z Audiol</journal>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>H. L&#246;wenheim</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>K. Bomke</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
        <title>Entwicklung des Richtungsh&#246;rens nach einer Cochlear-Implant-Versorgung gemessen mit virtuellen Schallquellen</title>
        <pages>Doc 126</pages>
        <journal>GMS Current Posters in Otorhinolaryngology - Head Neck Surgery 2017</journal>
            <author>E. Rasumow</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>V. Mellert</author>
        <title>Perceptual Evaluation of Individualized Binaural Reproduction Using a Virtual Artificial Head</title>
        <journal>Journal of the Audio Engineering Society</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Static and dynamic measurements of the acoustic feedback path of hearing aids on human subjects</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics</booktitle>
        <file>Full Text PDF:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/K3A727LC/Sankowsky-Rothe and Blau - 2017 - Static and dynamic measurements of the acoustic fe.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/blau/.mozilla/firefox/yxzux1ru.default/zotero/storage/NRHIDD6H/2.html:text/html</file>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>A. Decker</author>
            <author>A. Bohnert</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>A. Radelof</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Data collection of localization skills in CI listeners - measured with real and virtual sound sources (ERKI- method)</title>
        <booktitle>13th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, Lissabon</booktitle>
            <author>H. Schoof</author>
            <author>H. Holst</author>
            <author>U. Simmer</author>
            <author>R. Matuschek</author>
            <author>K. Betke</author>
            <author>S. G&#252;ndert</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Bellmann</author>
        <title>Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Systems zur akustischen Detektion von Schweinswalen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, Kiel</booktitle>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Was m&#246;chten Personen mit H&#246;rst&#246;rung und ihre Bezugspersonen an ihrer Alltagskommunikation verbessern?</title>
        <abstract>Abstract f&#252;r die 20. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie Was m&#246;chten Personen mit H&#246;rst&#246;rung und ihre Bezugspersonen an ihrer Alltagskommunikation verbessern? Sybille Seybold, Prof. Dr. Frauke Koppelin Abteilung Technik und Gesundheit f&#252;r Menschen, Fachbereich Bauwesen Geoinformation und Gesundheitstechnologie, Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg, Deutschland H&#246;rst&#246;rungen haben vielf&#228;ltige Auswirkungen auf die Kommunikation von Betroffenen und auf ihre nahestehenden Angeh&#246;rigen. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen „Welche individuellen Ziele zur Verbesserung der Alltagskommunikation haben Personen mit einer erworbenen H&#246;rst&#246;rung und ihre Bezugspersonen“. Zur Erhebung individueller Kommunikationsziele ist eine adaptierte Version des COSI‐Client Oriented Scale of Improvement innerhalb einer Interventionsstudie verwendet worden (Dillon et al. 1997 in Hickson et al. 2015). Die Interventionsstudie beinhaltete die Durchf&#252;hrung des Kommunikationstrainings ACE (Active Communication Education, Hickson et al. 2015) mit 49 Personen, davon 30 Personen mit H&#246;rst&#246;rung und 19 Lebens‐ bzw. Ehepartnerinnen. Die individuellen Ziele des COSI sind zu Kursbeginn festgelegt und an den beiden post‐ Messzeitpunkten (t1=2 Wochen, t2= 6 Monate nach letzter Kurssitzung) hinsichtlich der Verbesserung durch die Probanden bewertet worden. Die Ziele sind inhaltlich kategorisiert und nach dem Grad der Verbesserung analysiert worden. Die Ergebnisse geben wichtige Einblicke in individuelle W&#252;nsche und Bed&#252;rfnisse von Personen mit H&#246;rst&#246;rungen und ihren Bezugspersonen hinsichtlich ihrer Alltagskommunikation. Zus&#228;tzlich zeigen die Ergebnisse Kurz‐ und Langzeiteffekte auf die subjektiv eingesch&#228;tzte Zielerreichung im Kontext des Kommunikationstrainings. Gef&#246;rdert wird die Studie durch das nieders&#228;chsische VW‐Vorab im Forschungsschwerpunkt HALLO (H&#246;ren im Alltag Oldenburg). Die Datenerhebung erfolgte von November 2015 bis Dezember 2016.</abstract>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</publisher>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Individuelle Kommunikationsziele von Personen mit H&#246;rst&#246;rung und ihren Bezugspersonen</title>
        <keywords>Kommunikationsziele H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung</keywords>
        <publisher>BAA Berufsverband der AudiologieAssistenten e.V.</publisher>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Communication and hearing goals of Significant Others within the Preliminary German Version of the Active Communication Education Program for Adults with Hearing Loss</title>
        <abstract>Communication and Hearing Goals of Significant Others within the Preliminary German Version of the Active Communication Education Program for Adults with Hearing Loss Sybille Seybold Frauke Koppelin Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburg, Germany Significant Others (SO) of persons with hearing loss (PHL), such as family members or friends, play a central role in aural rehabilitation. As frequent communication partners, they can be an important contributing factor for effective communication. Simultaneously they experience various changes in their own everyday lives due to their partners’ hearing loss. Thus, the Active Communication Education (ACE) Program for Adults with Hearing Loss (Hickson et al., 2015) includes both, PHL and SO. In order to develop a German Version of the ACE Program an Intervention study (pre-post-design) was conducted by means of a preliminary German version (n=49, SO =19, PHL=30). This presentation focusses on individual hearing and communication goals of the SO (n=19). An adapted version of the Client Oriented Scale of Improvement (COSI) (Dillon et al., 1997, Hickson et al., 2015) was used to identify the individual goals within the first ACE session. After 2 weeks and 6 months postprogram the SO assessed the degree of change for each goal. In total, 70 individual goals were identified which provided an important insight into issues of SO associated with their partners’ hearing loss. The assessed degree of change showed how goals were influenced by participating in the communication training.</abstract>
        <keywords>communication goals, hearing loss, significant others, communication training</keywords>
        <booktitle>CHSCOM 2017: 4th International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, Link&#246;ping, Sweden</booktitle>
            <author>F. Sobotka</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Distributional regression of self-reported hearing abilities in the H&#214;RSTAT study</title>
        <booktitle>62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Zertifikats- und Br&#252;ckenkurse im Blended Learning-Format in den Gesundheitswissenschaften und den Gesundheitsfachberufen, Abstract im Rahmen der Drei-L&#228;nder-Fachtagung Gesundheitsberufe – Wege in die Zukunft</title>
        <keywords>Koppelin, Blended, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Gesundheitsberufe, Fachtagung, Wien</keywords>
        <booktitle>Internationale Fachtagung f&#252;r Gesundheitsberufe. 28.-29. September 2017</booktitle>
            <author>T. Theuerkauff</author>
            <author>Y. Wagner</author>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>K. I. Wolf</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Robust adaptable human-robot dialogues for production processes</title>
        <abstract>Future industry is characterized by high product individualization. Individualization also means the need for flexible production. In the future, people and robots will work increasingly closely together into order to maintain flexibility. The modeling and implementation of an adaptive assistance robot is therefore aimed at in this project. The robot shall exclusively be controlled by voice allowing for an hands-free production. The system should be able to learn new scenarios and individual working steps, in order to carry them out as required. The final goal of the project is the exploration of interaction strategies between a human worker and a robot based on novel dialog models.</abstract>
        <keywords>Adaptive algorithms, Adaptive control, Adaptive Systems, Cognitive interaction, Computer-aided work, Human-machine Interface, Industrial control, Industrial production systems, Industrial robots, Speech control</keywords>
        <booktitle>Interdisziplin&#228;rer Workshop Kognitive Systeme</booktitle>
            <author>T. Theuerkauff</author>
            <author>T. Werner</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>T. Brinkhoff</author>
        <title>3D-Visualisierung von &#220;ber- und Unterwasserfahrzeugen zur Evaluation von Steuerungsalgorithmen mithilfe einer Game-Engine</title>
        <abstract>Simulationen von &#220;ber- und Unterwasserfahrzeugen erfolgen bislang durch eine Kombination unterschiedlicher Softwarebibliotheken. Game-Engines schaffen unter m&#246;glichst realen Bedingungen eine virtuelle Welt und b&#252;ndeln physikalische Modelle und Visualisierung in einem Softwareprodukt. Sie bieten somit die Grundfunktionalit&#228;ten zur Durchf&#252;hrung von Simulationen. Mit dem Ziel, eine Evaluation von Steuerungsalgorithmen vorzunehmen, fokussiert sich dieser Beitrag auf den Aspekt der Visualisierung von &#220;ber- und Unterwasserfahrzeugen in einer m&#246;glichst realit&#228;tsnahen Umgebung. Hierf&#252;r werden verschiedene Gel&#228;ndemodelle eingebunden, in denen ein Fahrzeug durch eine Netzwerkschnittstelle positioniert und gesteuert werden kann.</abstract>
        <publisher>Fraunhofer Verlag</publisher>
        <booktitle>Go-3D 2017 Mit 3D Richtung Maritim 4.0</booktitle>
            <author>S. Volke</author>
            <author>B. Bechtold</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>HTML Web Audio Elements: Easy Interaction with Web Audio API Through HTML</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 3rd Web Audio Conference</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Autonomous Learning of Motion Sequences within a Human-Robot Interaction</title>
        <booktitle>in Proceedings of Kognitive Systeme Workshop (KogSys)</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Recognition of human motion exercises using skeleton data and SVM for rehabilitative purposes</title>
        <keywords>image motion analysis;image recognition;patient rehabilitation;support vector machines;3 dimensional body positions;3 dimensional positions;Microsoft™ Kinect v2;SVM;Support Vector Machine;classified motion sequences;gymnastic motion exercises;human motion exercises;joint angles;preprocessing phase;rehabilitative purposes;skeleton data;training assistant;Heuristic algorithms;Kernel;Legged locomotion;Motion segmentation;Shape;Support vector machines;Training</keywords>
        <booktitle>2017 IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC)</booktitle>
            <author>K. Wagener</author>
            <author>J. Ro&#223;bach</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Der weibliche Oldenburger Kinder-Satztest</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen</booktitle>
            <author>A. Warzybok</author>
            <author>E. S. Garbaruk</author>
            <author>M. Goykhburg</author>
            <author>Z. Merza</author>
            <author>G. E. Puglisi</author>
            <author>C. Montuschi</author>
            <author>F. di Berardino</author>
            <author>D. Zanetti</author>
            <author>F. Sellami</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Astolfi</author>
            <author>R. Albera</author>
            <author>P. A. Pavlov</author>
            <author>G. Tavartkiladze</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Evaluation of internationally compatible speech test in noise for the pediatric population</title>
        <booktitle>13th Congress of the European Federation of Audiology Societies, Interlaken, Schweiz</booktitle>
            <author>J. Willhaus</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Studium und dann?</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Carroll</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Analyse von Nachbarschaftsparametern anhand der Freiburger Einsilber</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Aalen</booktitle>
            <author>K. I. Wolf</author>
            <author>S. Goetze</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Computer-Based Adaption of Cooking Recipes Integrated in a Speech Dialogue Assistance System</title>
        <booktitle>Ambient Assisted Living</booktitle>
            <author>S. Bilert</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung eines Algorithmus zur Eigenspracherkennung &#252;ber Signal-Koh&#228;renz in Labor- und Alltagssiituationen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>S. Birkner</author>
            <author>M. Freitag</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gendersensibilit&#228;t als Innovationstreiber im Gesundheitswesen</title>
        <keywords>Gr&#252;ndung Gender Gesundheit</keywords>
            <editor>Pfannstiel Mario</editor>
            <editor>Da-Cruz Patrick</editor>
            <editor>Rasche Christoph</editor>
        <booktitle>Entrepreneurship im Gesundheitswesen</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Bilert</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Evaluation of binaural Own Voice Detection (OVD) algorithms</title>
        <booktitle>Speech Communication; 13th ITG-Symposium, Oldenburg, Germany</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Budnik</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
        <title>Assessment of perceptual attributes of classroom acoustics: real versus simulated room</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Institute of Acoustics</booktitle>
        <volume>40 Pt.3</volume>
        <file>Blau et al. - 2018 - Assessment of perceptual attributes of classroom a.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/XUBLE5T8/Blau et al. - 2018 - Assessment of perceptual attributes of classroom a.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Constrained optimization for binaural sound reproduction using a virtual artificial head</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, M&#252;nchen</booktitle>
        <file>Fallahi et al_DAGA2018.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/C4EYVJ88/Fallahi et al_DAGA2018.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Individual binaural reproduction of music recordings using a virtual artificial head</title>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>High Level Modeling of Building Automation and Control Systems based on Perceptual Knowledge</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings 2nd Annual IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>H. Groenewold</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Open Hardware Mobile Wireless Serial Audio Transmission Unit for Acoustical Ecological Momentary Assessment using Bluetooth RFCOMM</title>
        <booktitle>144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 23.-26. Mai, Mailand, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Der H&#246;rstatus Erwachsener in sozialepidemiologischer Perspektive: Tonh&#246;rverm&#246;gen und Pr&#228;valenz von Schwerh&#246;rigkeit</title>
        <abstract>This dissertation reports results from the cross-sectional study H&#214;RSTAT 2010-2012 which examined pure-tone hearing in 1903 randomly selected adults. Hearing thresholds, the prevalence and degree of hearing loss according to the WHO classification were ana-lyzed separately by gender, age, education, place of residence, noise exposure and occu-pation. From the sixth decade of life, prevalence among men was higher than among women of the same age. In comparison with results from most international studies, how-ever, gender differences were small and the age-specific prevalence rates were overall low. A social gradient in pure-tone hearing was observed in both gender using internationally applicable stratification methods. The association of pure-tone hearing and social position is attenuated but not repealed, when main risk factors are controlled for. Extrapolated to the total population in Germany, hearing impairment affects approximately 16% of the adults. Owing to demographic changes, the prevalence of hearing impairment is expected to increase in the medium term by around 1% per 5-year period.</abstract>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Otto-Sobotka</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Adjusting Expectations: Hearing Abilities in a Population-Based Sample Using an SSQ Short Form</title>
        <abstract>The German short form of the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) was administered in a cross-sectional study based on stratified random samples complemented by audiometric tests and a general interview. Data from 1,711 unaided adults aged 18 to 97 years were analyzed in order to determine a distribution of hearing abilities considered as normal and the main factors that impact self-assessments. An innovative mathematical approach was used to overcome the constraints of statistics based on the mean. Quantile regression analysis yielded a benchmark distribution of SSQ scores that might support audiologists in setting realistic SSQ score targets and estimated how the effect of auditory and nonauditory factors changes across the distribution of SSQ scores. Regression models showed significant effects for nonauditory factors on SSQ ratings when controlled for pure-tone hearing and interaural asymmetry. Self-reporting of hearing difficulties, when asked in general terms, was substantially related to SSQ ratings. This effect was observed in both high and low scoring participants and led to a considerable score decrease in all SSQ subscales. Gender, educational level, and self-reporting of health issues also were significantly related to SSQ ratings, but the corresponding effects were regularly unbalanced across the score distribution and particularly large at lower quantiles. The estimated effects of age, however, were mostly small in size, inconsistent regarding the direction, and failed significance for all SSQ items. Overall, the results suggest that nonauditory factors and cumulative effects must be considered when evaluating rehabilitative interventions against an ideal outcome.</abstract>
        <keywords>age, self-reporting, hearing difficulties, hearing loss, questionnaire</keywords>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Otto-Sobotka</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen nach Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung und im G&#246;ttinger Satztest in der Allgemeinbev&#246;lkerung</title>
        <abstract>„Sie sind mit einer Gruppe von etwa f&#252;nf Personen in einem belebten Restaurant …. K&#246;nnen Sie der Unterhaltung folgen?“ Die Antwort mit Hilfe einer visuellen Analogskala von 0 (= &#252;berhaupt nicht) bis 10 (=perfekt) liefert einen numerischen Messwert, der qualitativ nicht zwingend das Testergebnis sprachaudioaudiometrischer Verfahren im St&#246;rger&#228;usch widerspiegelt. Im Gegenteil ist bekannt, dass skalenbasierte Selbsteinsch&#228;tzungen bei vergleichbaren diagnostischen Befunden sehr breit streuen. Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung und Testperformanz leuchten unterschiedliche Dimensionen individueller H&#246;rf&#228;higkeiten aus. Dies begr&#252;ndet, entsprechende Verfahren komplement&#228;r in der H&#246;rrehabilitation einzusetzen. Die eingangs zitierte Frage ist der von Gatehouse und Noble (2004) entwickelten Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale entnommen. Die deutschsprachige Kurzversion dieses Fragebogens (SSQ17, Kie&#223;ling et al. 2011) wurde in einer bev&#246;lkerungsbasierten H&#246;rstudie neben umfassenden audiometrischen Untersuchungen eingesetzt. F&#252;r 1780 Erwachsene im Alter von 18-97 Jahren liegen valide Messdaten aus dem G&#246;ttinger Satztest (G&#214;SA) im St&#246;rger&#228;usch und dem SSQ17 vor, die mit Hilfe der semiparametrischen Verteilungsregression analysiert wurden. Mit diesem statistischen Verfahren, das insbesondere f&#252;r nicht normalverteilte Daten geeignet ist, k&#246;nnen f&#252;r beliebige Quantile Regressionskoeffizienten gesch&#228;tzt werden, die parametrisch zu interpretieren sind. Mit einer gro&#223;en Zahl an gesch&#228;tzten Quantilen k&#246;nnen – im Gegensatz zu der klassischen Konzentration auf die Mittelwertsregression – Effekte auf der gesamten Verteilung der Zielgr&#246;&#223;e untersucht werden. Ziel der Analyse war, den Einfluss auditorischer und nicht-auditorischer Faktoren auf die Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung der H&#246;rf&#228;higkeiten in einer &#252;berwiegend testunerfahrenen Population zu untersuchen. Konkret wurden die SSQ17-Messdaten zu ausgew&#228;hlten Items, die das Sprachverstehen in akustisch komplexen H&#246;rsituationen erfragen, auf die zugeh&#246;rigen G&#214;SA-Messdaten regressiert. Als Kovariablen in die Regressionsmodelle wurden u.a. Alter, Geschlecht, Schulbildung, Angabe von H&#246;rproblemen, Deutsch als Muttersprache und die interaurale Differenz der G&#214;SA-Schwellen aufgenommen, um deren Effekte auf die Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung in verschiedenen, im SSQ17 beschriebenen Alltagssituationen zu beurteilen. Gatehouse S, Noble W (2004) The speech, spatial and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ). Int J Audiol 43:2, 85-99. Kie&#223;ling J, Grugel L, Meister H, Meis M (2011) &#220;bertragung der Frageb&#246;gen SADL, ECHO und SSQ ins Deutsche und deren Evaluation. Z Audiol, 50, 6-16.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Bilert</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Data analysis from real-world hearing assessment</title>
        <abstract>Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is a promising approach for evaluating the impact of hearing loss and the benefit of rehabilitative interventions in real-world settings. However, largely abandoning controlled test conditions involves challenges of many kinds. It certainly underlines the need for a conceptual and procedural framework that guides both the technical validation and the patient-centered interpretation of the gathered data. In an ongoing EMA field study, a smartphone-based device is used to collect subjective listening assessments by means of an app-based digital questionnaire as well as objective acoustical parameters (see IHCON-contribution Kowalk et al, 2018). Audio signals are received by means of two microphones mounted on the left and right temple of the participant’s glasses. However, the storage of audio features is limited to RMS levels, smoothed Auto and Cross-Power Spectral Densities (A/C-PSD) and Zero-Crossing Rates (ZCR) to ensure privacy. Initially, an ad-hoc analysis is performed when the study participants return the EMA device, basically to inform the supervisor about the hardware runtime, data storage and validity, and the main assessment results sorted by the participants’ activities and locations. Descriptive statistics, e.g. on the frequency of assessments, mean ratings of speech understanding or listening effort are mostly graphically displayed, thus easy to grasp for the supervisor and – complemented by some oral explanations – mostly accessible to the study participant. As this EMA study is primarily designed for rehabilitative purposes, we reject to regard study participants as mere data providers, but try to let them participate as much as possible in their EMA results. In addition, this ad-hoc analysis includes so-called day prints. These figures show RMS level, PSD and assessments versus time, thus carry highly condensed and detailed information useful both to the supervisor and for later data analyses. Subsequently, the real part of the coherence calculated from PSDs is used to identify data segments containing the study participants’ own voice. Whatever approach is applied in order to estimate the level of signals and background noise, reliable detection of own-voice segments is crucial to prevent biased results. Reference on own-voice activity, moreover, allows for cross-validating communication situations reported in the questionnaire. This contribution outlines this two-step data analysis established to cope with EMA data in rehabilitative hearing research and shows exemplary results derived in hearing-impaired persons.</abstract>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>A. Gerka</author>
            <author>M. Pfingsthorn</author>
            <author>C. L&#252;pkes</author>
            <author>K. Sparenberg</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>C. Lins</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
        <title>Detecting the Number of Persons in the Bed Area to Enhance the Safety of Artificially Ventilated Persons.</title>
        <abstract>Caregivers and relatives of artificially ventilated persons are under high pressure as errors or miscues in care activities can lead to the death of the patients. Therefore, the joint research project &quot;MeSiB&quot; aims at implementing a safety and alerting system for these patients. The MeSiB system is comprised of sensors that are connected to a so-called SafetyBox, which analyzes the sensor events, infers whether the situation is dangerous, and, if so, alarms the caregiver and/or a telemedicine station. Among other factors, the number of persons in the bed area of the patient is important for the inference on the SafetyBox. Therefore, a subsystem of this safety system detects the number of persons with an infrared array sensor (Panasonic Grid-EYE). This subsystem is presented in this work. The paper describes the general approach and system design, and how the subsystem integrates into the MeSiB architecture. The structure of the software is presented and different machine learning approaches are tested. Finally, the results of an evaluation study in a realistic home care environment are presented and discussed.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom)</booktitle>
            <author>H. Groenewold</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Wearable mobile Bluetooth device for stereo audio transmission to a modified Android smartphone</title>
        <booktitle>144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 23.-26. Mai, Mailand, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Qualit&#228;t von sprachaudiometrischen Untersuchungen</title>
        <booktitle>24. Friedberger Cochlea Implantat und H&#246;rsystem-Symposium</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
        <title>Modellierung der Reliabilit&#228;t des Freiburger Einsilbertests in Ruhe mit der verallgemeinerten Binomialverteilung</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Gebhard</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>S. Bilert</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Auditory Ecology and its contribution to Quality of Life: How to assess individual listening perceptions and conditions in real life?</title>
        <booktitle>45. Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch t&#228;tiger Wissenschaftler und Entwickler, 22.-23. Februar, Erlangen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Sch&#252;ssler</author>
            <author>R. Jacob</author>
        <title>H&#246;rtestergebnisse bei 18-bis 20-j&#228;hrigen M&#228;nnern aus Kreiswehrersatz&#228;mtern von 2008–2010</title>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>What’s going on? Individualized evaluation in the real world</title>
        <abstract>Hearing loss is a common impairment on population level. Nonetheless, hearing rehabilitation and coping essentially remain on the individual level. Since hearing loss is an individual condition, audiologists often complement audiometric profiles derived in standardized test settings with questionnaire-based disability measures addressing everyday experience. Currently used questionnaires focus on predefined listening situations and rarely take into account the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. Hence, the impact of hearing impairment on the personal everyday life and the benefit of hearing devices might not become evident. Moreover, paper-and-pencil questionnaires are usually filled out retrospectively. Therefore, the responses are potentially influenced by memory bias. To overcome the constraints of these conventional methods, we developed assessment tools for highly individual momentary data collection in every-day listening situations. The project Individual Hearing Aid Benefit in Real Life (IHAB-RL), funded by the Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC), forms part of our long-term research objectives. IHAB-RL focuses on the method of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) and on behavior observation to assess the health-related quality of life as relating to social inclusion, participation, and emotional well-being. For the EMA, a smartphone system with two head-worn microphones has been devised. The hardware enables the recording of objective acoustical parameters and further off-line analysis without storing any audio signals, thus preserving the privacy of all communication partners and bystanders. The objective data is used to characterize the environment in respect to levels and spectra as well as to distinguish between the system operator’s own voice and other voices or sound sources to identify communication situations. Simultaneously, an application running on a smartphone system allows for subjective ratings on predefined scales, situational descriptions using staggered queries and free descriptions, e.g., of current activities. In addition, communication situations that are important and yet challenging to the listener are more specifically explored by systematic external observations of the individual’s body postures and movements when conversing with communication partners. A code system for behavior analysis based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) concepts activity and participation is used for this purpose. The presentation summarizes past experiences with these new assessment methods in audiology and opens up discussions on future cooperative research using a flexible open-source system and open databank concept. Everything from hardware design to software tools is and will be available on GitHub.</abstract>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>B. Hu&#223;</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
        <title>Chronische Krankheiten im Alter: Welchen Einfluss haben familiale Ressourcen auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden und die Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Leistungen?</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>PPmP-Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie</journal>
            <author>A. Illg</author>
            <author>L. E. Jung</author>
            <author>A. B&#252;chner</author>
            <author>A. Lesinski-Schiedat</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Vergleich des Satzverstehens in Ruhe und im St&#246;rger&#228;usch bei Patienten mit Cochlea-Implantaten verschiedener Fabrikate</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Bedeutung der Krankheits- und Selbstwahrnehmung bei alleinlebenden Personen mit Demenz. 17. Deutscher Kongress f&#252;r Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). Berlin, 10.-12.10.2018.</title>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Alleinlebende mit Demenz – Eine Datenanalyse der ambulanten Pflege in einer kreisfreien Gro&#223;stadt</title>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Method to Estimate the Acoustic Center of Directional Sources and its Psychoacoustic Evaluation</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc</journal>
            <author>M. Kerner</author>
            <author>U. Giese</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
        <title>Vergleich von TrueEar und direktionalem Mikrofon im Alltag mit einer Methode des Ecological Momentary Assessment</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>H. Groenewold</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>An open source toolkit for privacy-preserving real-world EMA data collection</title>
        <abstract>Modern audiological studies show a deep interest in the combination of objective data and subjective ratings, especially when personal benefit of rehabilitation measures is the desired entity. In order to perform experiments that gather data of both varieties in an ecological, compliant, and privacy-preserving manner, we developed and evaluated a system modeled around a smartphone allowing for comfortable usage with minimal user interaction needed. Audio signals recorded close to the ears are transmitted to the device via a stereo A2DP bluetooth stream. All objective parameters are then extracted in real time and no audio data is stored. Simultaneous to recording objective data, surveys are taken in situ on the smartphone at a fixed or random time interval. Questionnaire design follows a simple set of rules and new surveys can be produced without any programming skills. This system is the central element of data collection within the IHAB-RL study on hearing aid benefit in real-world scenarios. The technical assessment of the system has shown a flat frequency response with low inherent noise, a sufficient dynamic range, and a runtime suitable for real-life experiment purposes. The interface itself has been designed for unambiguity and clean display of only the most essential variables. While the software may traverse different states and handle various tasks in the background, the user is only involved in case of critical battery level or permanent loss of the downlink. With our new evaluation software we are able to display compressed results of whole multi-day experiments (compare the corresponding IHCON contribution Gablenz et al, 2018). An external module checks all data blocks for plausibility, ensuring that only meaningful data is included. In order to manage the huge amount of data and enable international collaboration, we designed and implemented a database, which is specifically structured for ease of access, expandability, and assignment of individual permissions. Access and permission management is facilitated by a specially tailored programming interface (API). Furthermore, a revised hardware design is presented which utilizes a serial wireless connection to the benefit of increased dynamic range, broader control of the system variables and a less restricted catalog of usable hardware. In order to promote collaborative approaches, all software is published under an open source license while all hardware plans are made available under an open hardware license.</abstract>
        <keywords>EMA, android, smartphone, IHAB</keywords>
        <booktitle>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA</booktitle>
            <author>M. Kropp</author>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Belastungserleben und Copingstrategien in allt&#228;glichen H&#246;rsituationen aus zwei Perspektiven</title>
        <keywords>Kommunikation; Significant Other</keywords>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>M. Krueger</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Gebhard</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>R. Paluch</author>
        <title>Development and Application of an Annotation Procedure to Assess the Impact of Hearing Aid Amplification on Interpersonal Communication Behavior</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>M. Grundmann</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>G. Schulze</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>&#220;bersicht &#252;ber generische und h&#246;rspezifische Lebensqualit&#228;tsfrageb&#246;gen im Bereich der H&#246;rsystemversorgung als Tool der Markt&#252;berwachung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>A. Baltus</author>
            <author>A. Schlueter</author>
            <author>E. Urry</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Cognitive skills and speech recognition in elderly people: a structural equation modeling approach</title>
        <booktitle>Hearing Across the Lifespan (HEAL), 7.-9. Juni 2018, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italien</booktitle>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>R. Steenken</author>
            <author>T. Neher</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Exploring the link between cognitive abilities and specch recognition in the elderly under different listening conditions</title>
        <journal>Frontiers in Psychology</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>A. Baltus</author>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>E. Urry</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Das Frailty-Konzept in der H&#246;rforschung: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Charakterisierung von gerontologischen Probandengruppen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a.S.</booktitle>
            <author>M. Ohlenbusch</author>
            <author>N. F. H. Bartner</author>
            <author>S. V&#246;ge</author>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Installation and Control of Building Automation Systems using Human-Robot-Interaction</title>
        <abstract>In this work, an implementation of a building automation system extendable in a dialog with a robot counterpart is designed and evaluated. The system enables its users to integrate new building automation devices into an existing configuration and control them using only voice control. Key findings of this work are that users of the developed system find it more desirable to be able to extend their building automation by themselves. Moreover they perceive the interaction scheme to integrate new automation components as mostly positive. The study was conducted with a group consisting of 13 subjects. The acceptance and usability determined by questionnaires is shown. The presented study underpins the superiority of voice driven interaction within an installation and parametrization setting.</abstract>
        <booktitle>23rd IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Motivation von Personen ab 65 Jahren zur Teilnahme an Forschungsprojekten im Bereich der Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung – Erfahrungen aus der Fit im Nordwesten-Studie</title>
        <keywords>Teilnahmebereitschaft; Evaluation; Pr&#228;vention; K&#246;rperliche Aktivit&#228;t, &#196;ltere Menschen</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gemeinsame Tagung der DGMP und DGMS in Leipzig</booktitle>
        <journal>PPmP - Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie</journal>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Erfahrungen mit einem IT-basierten Pr&#228;ventionsprogramm im Nordwesten - Eine qualitative Evaluationsstudie bei Menschen ab 65 Jahren</title>
        <keywords>Evaluation; Pr&#228;vention; K&#246;rperliche Aktivit&#228;t, &#196;ltere Menschen</keywords>
        <booktitle>DKVF in Berlin</booktitle>
        <journal>German Medical Science</journal>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>A. Becker</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines Mittelohrscreenings f&#252;r Neugeborene und Kleinkinder</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <booktitle>In 89. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn</booktitle>
        <file>Sankowsky-Rothe et al. - 2018 - Entwicklung eines Mittelohrscreenings f&#252;r Neugebor.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/MG6SCL5S/Sankowsky-Rothe et al. - 2018 - Entwicklung eines Mittelohrscreenings f&#252;r Neugebor.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Development of the German ACE: An Active Communication Education Training Program</title>
        <abstract>Development of the German ACE: An Active Communication Education Training Program Sybille Seybold Frauke Koppelin Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburg, Germany Introduction: In Germany there are a lack of evidence-based communication training programs for persons with hearing loss. Having been diagnosed with hearing loss, hearing aid fitting, if indicated, tends to be the only healthcare service offered to outpatients. However, hearing loss has a negative impact on the everyday life communication of Persons with Hearing Loss (PHL) and their Significant Others (SO). Communication difficulties caused by the hearing loss can crucially be influenced by the use of effective communication strategies. Both, the lack of German communication training programs and the importance of communication strategy use, underline the relevance of developing a German version of the ACE program (Hickson et al., 2015) for rehabilitation of hearing loss. Study objective: The overall objective of the study was to develop a final German version of the Active Communication Education (ACE) program which meets the needs of German study participants. Intervention: A preliminary ACE version that was closely translated from the original ACE version of Hickson et al. (2015). The ACE program consisted of 5, weekly group sessions, containing 6 to 10 participants. Methods: An intervention study (pre-post-design) was conducted with 49 participants (N = 49, SO = 19, PHL = 30), aged from 54-78 (SO) and 59-79 (PHL) years. Outcomes were self-reported measures collected before initiation of the program (pre-program) and 2 weeks and 6 months after attending the ACE program (post-program). Pre-post measures for PHL referred to communication strategy use, acceptance of hearing loss, activity and participation, health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression. SO pre-post measures referred to 3rd party disability, health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression. Additionally post measures were used for PHL and SO to measure the degree of change of individual communication goals and usage of learnt communication strategies. Qualitative data were collected from feedback sheets for each session and the whole program. Categories of individual communication goals and feedback sheets were analysed using the summarising qualitative content analysis of Mayring (Mayring, 2010). Within-group comparisons and effect sizes (Cohens-d) were calculated for the pre-post measures; post-measures were descriptively analysed. Results of the outcome measures, and the structure of the final German version of the communication training “ZAKS” (Zusammen Aktiv Kommunizieren Schulung), will be presented and discussed.</abstract>
        <keywords>Communication training, hearing loss</keywords>
        <booktitle>HeAL 2018: Hearing Across the Lifespan, Cernobbio, Italy</booktitle>
            <author>S. Seybold</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Communication Strategy Use and Acceptance of Hearing Loss of older Adults within the Preliminary German Version of the Active Communication Education Program</title>
        <abstract>Communication Strategy Use of older Adults with Hearing Loss within the Preliminary German Version of the Active Communication Education Program Sybille Seybold Frauke Koppelin Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburg, Germany Hearing Loss has a various impact on everyday life communication of Persons with Hearing Loss (PHL) and their Significant Others (SO). The success of everyday life communication can crucially be influenced by the communication strategy use. The study objective was to investigate if the use of communication strategies can be improved by attending the preliminary German Version of the Active Communication Education (ACE) Program (Hickson et al., 2015). In order to develop a Final German Version of the ACE Program an Intervention study was conducted (pre-post-design). The study participants (N = 49, SO = 19, PHL = 30) were aged from 59 to 79 (PHL) and from 54 to 78 (SO). PTA - 4 for the better ear of the PHL was M = 45.75 (SD = 19.25, R = 26.25-120.00). The subscales verbal, nonverbal and maladaptive communication strategies of the German Communication Profile for the Hearing Impaired (Wisotzki &amp; M&#252;hlich, 1992) were used to assess the degree of self-reported strategy use pre- and postprogram (2 weeks and 6 months after the last session). Results of descriptive statistics showed increased verbal and nonverbal communication strategy use at different measure times and simultaneously a reduced use of maladaptive strategies. Further statistical analysis follows.</abstract>
        <keywords>communication strategies, acceptance, hearing loss, communication training</keywords>
        <booktitle>CPLOL 2018: 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy), Cascais, Portugal</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sievers</author>
            <author>K. Eggenschwiler</author>
            <author>A. Taghipour</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Untersuchungen zur raumakustischen Aufenthaltsqualit&#228;t in Innenh&#246;fen von Wohnbauten</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, M&#252;nchen</booktitle>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
            <author>D. Scholze</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Umgang mit Heterogenit&#228;t in der Weiterbildung in den Gesundheitswissenschaften und Gesundheitsfachberufen</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>PPmP-Psychotherapie\Psychosomatik\Medizinische Psychologie</journal>
            <author>T. Theuerkauff</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>Y. Wagner</author>
        <title>Realtime Simulation ans 3D-Visualization of Surface and Underwater Vehicles for Monitoring and Evaluating Autonomous Missions</title>
        <abstract>The use of autonomous underwater vehicles requires stable and reliable algorithms within the control software. A misdirected vehicle can quickly lead to a costly damage or even loss of the vehicle. In this paper, an application is presented that allows an ongoing underwater mission to be tracked in real-time within a 3D simulation and, in the event of a problem, aborts it to set the vehicles into a safe state. It can communicate directionally with the control software of each vehicle, thus providing the basis of a simulation environment. Furthermore, first implementations for evaluating the control algorithms of autonomous vehicles within the simulation environment will be presented.</abstract>
        <keywords>Simulation, 3D-Visualisation, Real Time, Low-Cost-Monitoring, Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Mission Planning, Maritime</keywords>
        <publisher>32nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation</publisher>
            <author>M. Thiermann</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
        <title>Detektion von Windgeraeuschen und Windrichtungen: Analyse mit einem acht-kanaligen Mikrofonarray</title>
        <booktitle>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA 2018)</booktitle>
            <author>S. Vogl</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Transferfunktionen im Geh&#246;rgang in Abh&#228;ngigkeit verschiedener Quellen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, M&#252;nchen</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Preprocessing and Normalization of 3D-Skeleton-Data for Human Motion Recognition</title>
        <keywords>Human motion recognition;preprocessing;3D-skeleton-data;normalization;support vector machine</keywords>
        <booktitle>2018 IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC)</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Human Motion Recognition Using 3D-Skeleton-Data and Neural Networks</title>
        <abstract>This work addresses the recognition of human motion exercises using 3D-skeleton-data and Neural Networks (NN). The examined dataset contains 16 gymnastic motion exercises (e.g. squats, lunges) executed from 21 subjects and captured with the second version of the MicrosoftTM Kinect sensor (Kinect v2). The NN was trained with eight datasets from eight subjects and tested with 13 unknown datasets. The investigation in this work focuses on the configuration of NNs for human motion recognition. The authors will conclude that a backpropagation NN consisting of 100 neurons, three hidden layers, and a learning rate of 0.001 reaches the best accuracy with 93.8% correct.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer International Publishing</publisher>
            <editor>Max and Petridis</editor>
        <booktitle>Artificial Intelligence XXXV</booktitle>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Artificial Increase of 3D-Skeleton-Data for Human Motion Recognition using supervised SVM and NN</title>
        <keywords>image classification;image motion analysis;interpolation;learning (artificial intelligence);neural nets;support vector machines;gymnastic human motion exercises;20 different motion exercises;unified classification framework;personal deviations;motion sequences;3d-skeleton-data;human motion recognition;supervised SVM;support vector machines;neural networks;random interpolation;human motion recognition;single training example;machine learning;3D-skeleton-data</keywords>
        <booktitle>2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS)</booktitle>
            <author>B. Wiercinski</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Der Oldenburger Satztest mit synthetischer Stimme</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Techniknutzung und ihr Zusammenhang zu sensorischen, motorischen und kognitiven F&#228;higkeiten</title>
        <booktitle>AAL-Wissenschaftskongress Karlsruhe</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss von verschiedenen St&#246;rger&#228;uschen auf das Einsilberverstehen</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss von verschiedenen St&#246;rger&#228;uschen auf das Einsilberverstehen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Halle a. S.</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Freiburger Einsilbertest im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>63. Internationaler H&#246;rakustiker-Kongress, 17.-19. Oktober 2018, Hannover</booktitle>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Otto-Sobotka</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Adjusting expectations: Hearing abilities in a population-based sample using an SSQ short form</title>
        <journal>Trends in hearing</journal>
        <address>Thousand Oaks, Calif</address>
            <author>M. Brandt</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Automatic Noise PSD Estimation for Restoration of Archived Audio</title>
        <journal>J. Audio Eng. Soc</journal>
            <author>A. Budnik</author>
            <author>H. Steffens</author>
            <author>S. D. Ewert</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Dynamische binaurale Auralisierung von Klassenraumakustik - Einfluss der Quellenrichtcharakteristik</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock</booktitle>
        <file>Budnik et al. - 2019 - Dynamische binaurale Auralisierung von Klassenraum.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/FXDSCCSZ/Budnik et al. - 2019 - Dynamische binaurale Auralisierung von Klassenraum.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>C. Busse</author>
            <author>T. Krause</author>
            <author>J. Ostermann</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Improved Gunshot Classification by Using Artificial Data</title>
        <booktitle>Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2019 AES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUDIO FORENSICS</booktitle>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>M. Lettau</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>J. Bach</author>
            <author>J. Wellmann</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>A one-size-fits-all earpiece with multiple microphones and drivers for hearing device research</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. AES Conference on headphone Technology, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 27-29, 2019</booktitle>
        <file>Denk et al. - 2019 - A one-size-fits-all earpiece with multiple microph.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/NTBLZWDQ/Denk et al. - 2019 - A one-size-fits-all earpiece with multiple microph.pdf:application/pdf;Denk_AES_HPT19_2701.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/CMMNHYJ4/Denk_AES_HPT19_2701.pdf:application/pdf;Denk_AESHP19_earpiece_presented.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/B5MFSGZ2/Denk_AESHP19_earpiece_presented.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Acoustically transparent sound presentation in hearing devices: algorithms, devices and models</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 23rd Int. Congr. on Acoustics, Aachen (Germany)</booktitle>
        <file>Doclo et al. - Acoustically transparent sound presentation in hea.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/3VZXDG47/Doclo et al. - Acoustically transparent sound presentation in hea.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
        <title>Binaural Reproduction of Signals captured in a reverberant Room with a Virtual Artificial Head</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock</booktitle>
        <file>Fallahi et al. - 2019 - Constrained optimization for binaural sound reprod.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/X3TQKR5X/Fallahi et al. - 2019 - Constrained optimization for binaural sound reprod.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Individualized dynamic binaural Auralization of Classroom Acoustics using a Virtual Artificial Head</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 23rd Int. Congr. on Acoustics, Aachen (Germany)</booktitle>
        <file>Fallahi et al. - Individualized dynamic binaural Auralization of Cl.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/HHQ3ZWZK/Fallahi et al. - Individualized dynamic binaural Auralization of Cl.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>O. Eppmann</author>
            <author>R. Heuermann</author>
            <author>F. Jansen</author>
            <author>T. Schneider</author>
            <author>K. Sprenger</author>
            <author>M. Vo&#223;</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Mobile Feedback System for Gait Analysis based on a wireless instrumented Crutch</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE AIBEC Proceedings</booktitle>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Towards Perceptual Computing in BACS: An Air Quality Assistant based on Fuzzy Logic and Perceptual Knowledge</title>
        <abstract>An air quality assistant is modeled with the purpose to advertise visual feedback about the predicted perceived air quality. Therefore, a literature research about environmental parameters affecting the perception of the air quality is done to create a knowledge base. The knowledge base is used to model the system behavior. Following the resulting model, the temperature and the CO2 concentration are monitored. Quantitative data about the air quality perception are analyzed and fuzzy logic is used to assign the measured parameter values to an adequate visual representation. A pilot study is carried out to get a first impression of differences between the advertised air quality and the actual perception of the air quality. The results show that the advertised air quality is generally slightly accepted. However, the acceptance ratings show differences between air quality conditions perceived as pleasant and those perceived as unpleasant.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Individueller Nutzen der H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung: Zeitnahe Bewertung von H&#246;rf&#228;higkeiten</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Individual hearing aid benefit: Ecological momentary assessment of hearing abilities.</title>
        <publisher>The Danavox Ju Jubilee Foundation</publisher>
            <editor>A. Kressner</editor>
            <editor>J. Regev</editor>
            <editor>J. C.-Dalsgaard</editor>
            <editor>L. Tranebjærg</editor>
            <editor>S. Santurette</editor>
            <editor>and T. Dau</editor>
        <booktitle>Auditory Learning in Biological and Artificial Systems</booktitle>
        <journal>Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research.</journal>
        <isbn>2596-5522: 213-220</isbn>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Individual hearing aid benefit: Ecological Momentary Assessment of hearing abilities</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</booktitle>
            <author>J. Heeren</author>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
        <title>Concurrent OLSA: A paradigm to measure shared attention effects on speech perception in multi-talker situations</title>
        <booktitle>Tagungsband der 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Hearing loss: demographics, indicators, and relevance – a review of progress and shortcomings in hearing assessment</title>
        <booktitle>14th Congress of the European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS), 22.-25. Mai 2019, Lissabon, Portugal</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
        <title>Modellierung der Test-Retest-Reliabilit&#228;t von Sprachtests</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Versorgung mit H&#246;rger&#228;ten in Nord- und S&#252;ddeutschland</title>
        <booktitle>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</booktitle>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Hearing-aid adoption in Northern und Southern Germany</title>
        <journal>GMS Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Stand der Versorgung mit technischen H&#246;rhilfen bei Senioren</title>
        <booktitle>1. Interdisziplin&#228;res Kolloquium der KIND H&#246;rstiftung, 4. Februar 2019, Berlin</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) in hearing – current state, challenges, and future directions</title>
        <booktitle>6th Eriksholm Workshop on Ecological valid assessments of hearing and hearing devices</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Assessment of acoustical properties and subjective perception in everyday life</title>
        <booktitle>23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9.-13. September 2019, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Real-time real-life measurements</title>
        <booktitle>Hearing well and being well - a strong scientific connection, An international conference sponsored by Phonak, 14.-16.11.2019 in Frankfurt</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Hearing aid benefit in everyday life</title>
        <booktitle>23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9.-13. September 2019, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>O. Strelcyk</author>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>A. Schlueter</author>
        <title>Applicability and outcomes of a test for binaural phase sensitivity in elderly listeners</title>
        <booktitle>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Steffens</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
        <title>Zur Kalibrierung des Freiburger Einsilbertests – Leserbrief zu Memmeler T et al</title>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
        <title>Audiovisuelle Erweiterung des subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengungsverfahrens ACALES</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Alleine leben mit Demenz?! Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Selbstgef&#228;hrdung. 7. Ratzeburger Demenz-Forum.</title>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Disease awareness and self-concept of persons living alone with dementia. Abstract-Band der 8th World Conference on Psychology and Sociology</title>
            <author>C. Imbery</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Auditory Facing Angle Perception: The Effect of Different Source Positions in a Real and an Anechoic Environment</title>
        <publisher>S. Hirzel Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Acta Acustica united with Acustica</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
        <title>Die Nutzerakzeptanz von heterogenen Zielgruppen ab 65 Jahren am Beispiel von pr&#228;ventiven Technologien zur Messung und Unterst&#252;tzung der k&#246;rperlichen Aktivit&#228;t</title>
        <keywords>Bedarfsanalyse; Nutzerakzeptanz; Pr&#228;vention; K&#246;rperliche Aktivit&#228;t, &#196;ltere Menschen</keywords>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gemeinsame Tagung der DGMS und DGSMP in D&#252;sseldorf</booktitle>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsbelastungen und Ressourcen in der station&#228;ren Behindertenhilfe – eine Ann&#228;herung</title>
        <journal>Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Public Health: Theorien verstehen, Strukturen erkennen,Projekte gestalten</title>
        <booktitle>Public Health: Theorien verstehen, Strukturen erkennen,Projekte gestalten</booktitle>
            <author>A. May</author>
            <author>R. M. K&#252;hler</author>
            <author>M. Bellmann</author>
            <author>R. Matuschek</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie zur Detektion von Defekten in passiven Hydrophonen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock</booktitle>
        <file>May et al. - 2019 - Elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie zur Detektion vo.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/ZSIM7MNB/May et al. - 2019 - Elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie zur Detektion vo.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>B. Wiercinski</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Measuring Speech Recognition With a Matrix Test Using Synthetic Speech</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>M. Ohlenbusch</author>
            <author>A. Volgenandt</author>
            <author>S. Volke</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Evaluation of Speaker Localization methods for Vehicle Interior Applications</title>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Akustik e.V. (DEGA)</publisher>
        <journal>45th Deutsche Jahrestagung f&#252;r Akustik (DAGA’19), Rostock, Germany</journal>
            <author>J. Ooster</author>
            <author>P. N. P. Moreta</author>
            <author>J. Bach</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. T. Meyer</author>
        <title>Computer, test my hearing: Accurate speech audiometry with smart speakers</title>
        <booktitle>Interspeech 2019, 15.-19.09.2019 in Graz, &#214;sterreich</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Gacek</author>
            <author>M. Lipprandt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Experiences with health technologies to support physical activity in people over the age of 65: A qualitative survey of the requirements for the development of preventive technologies for a heterogeneous target group</title>
        <keywords>Physical activity; Elderly persons; Health technologies; User acceptance; User requirements; Prevention</keywords>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualit&#228;t im Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Beteiligung von heterogenen Zielgruppen (65+) an der Entwicklung von pr&#228;ventiven Technologien und deren Erfahrungen und Vorstellungen zum Thema partizipativer Forschung</title>
        <keywords>Partizipation; &#196;ltere Menschen</keywords>
        <booktitle>DKVF in Berlin</booktitle>
        <journal>German Medical Science</journal>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>N. Wulbusch</author>
            <author>A. Chernov</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Zur optimalen Positionierung eines Vent-Mikrophons in akustisch offenen H&#246;rsystemen - eine numerische Studie</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock</booktitle>
        <file>Roden et al. - 2019 - Choosing the optimal position of a vent microphone.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/DQQV77BC/Roden et al. - 2019 - Choosing the optimal position of a vent microphone.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>A. Becker</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nfeld</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>S. Van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Acoustic input impedance of infants with normal and pathological middle ear</title>
        <abstract>Newborns and infants often suffer from pathological conditions of the middle ear. In many cases, those conditions comprise liquid in the middle ear, e.g. middle ear effusion, or amniotic fluid during the very first days of life. In order to check the middle ear status in a fast and simple manner, the measurement of the infant’s ear acoustic input impedance could be a useful method. In an ongoing study, the acoustic input impedance of infants’ ears (aged from 2 weeks up to 5 months) was measured in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 10 kHz at ambient pressure. In addition, the middle ear status was assessed by ENT-specialists, yielding an expert classification of “normal” and “pathological” middle ears. The results, on the one hand, show a great variability at low and very high frequencies, reflecting the susceptibility of the measurements to movements and noise of the subjects. On the other hand, there is a frequency range in which a clear discrimination between normal and pathological middle ears seems to be possible. This discrimination appears to profit from the consideration of both the magnitude and phase information of the measured acoustic impedance, indicating that power-based methods may miss important information.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the ICA 2019 and EAA Euroregio</booktitle>
        <location>Aachen, Germany</location>
        <booksubtitle>23rd International Congress on Acoustics, integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019</booksubtitle>
            <author>C. Schicktanz</author>
            <author>K. Giersiepen</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
        <title>Analyse psychischer Gef&#228;hrdungen bei Besch&#228;ftigten im IT-Bereich im Rahmen des FlexiGesA-Verbundprojektes</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Gesundheitswesen 2019</journal>
        <number>81 (08/09)</number>
            <author>D. Scholze</author>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Motivation zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung aus Sicht von Teilnehmenden aus den Gesundheitsfachberufen</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>D. Scholze</author>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Heterogenen Lernendengruppen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung im Bereich Public Health begegnen</title>
        <abstract>Teilnehmende der Weiterbildungsangebote in Public Health bringen unterschiedlichste Kompetenzen mit. Diese Heterogenit&#228;t stellt die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung vor die Herausforderung, dieser Lernendengruppe didaktisch zu begegnen. Im BMBF-gef&#246;rderten Verbundprojekt „Aufbau berufsbegleitender Studienangebote in den Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaften“ wurde an der Jade Hochschule der FIT-Test als Tool zur Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung der eigenen Kompetenzen f&#252;r den Modulbeginn entwickelt. Durch die Ergebnisse des FIT-Tests wird den Dozierenden ein „Abholen“ der Teilnehmenden erleichtert und der Lernprozess im multidisziplin&#228;ren Fach Public Health optimiert. Erste Ergebnisse sind vielversprechend, den Lernerfolg der Teilnehmenden zu steigern.</abstract>
        <keywords>Heterogenit&#228;t, Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung, Public Health, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung</keywords>
        <publisher>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Hochschulentwicklung c/o Verein Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria</publisher>
            <editor>Eva Cendon</editor>
            <editor>Uwe Elsholz &amp; Anita M&#246;rth (Hrsg.)</editor>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Hochschulentwicklung</journal>
        <number>Nr. 3</number>
            <author>J. Tessmer</author>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Human Robot Interaction with the Purpose to Motivate for Performing Movement Exercises</title>
        <booktitle>Abstractband 2019: 8. Interdisziplin&#228;rer Workshop Kognitive Systeme</booktitle>
            <author>J. Tessmer</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Mobile Human-Robot Interaction for personalized Health Training</title>
        <abstract>North-Western Germany and the provinces in the Northern Netherlands have experienced increasing rural youth-out migration over the last decades. This has had strong economic, social and health implications for elderly populations that continue to reside in these areas. Many are at risk of spending their final years in isolation and increasing immobility. This further has a severe impact on people’s quality of life in older age and can lead to illness and loss of independence. In order to combat this problem a mobile training assistant application for movement exercises that utilizes Softbank Robotics’ humanoid robot NAO, was prototypically implemented. The training assistant is designed to be used at home or in senior groups in isolated communities. Primarily, it is aimed to mobilize elderly people to empower them to live independent lives in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. The training assistant has been developed together with elderly care workers and physiotherapists.</abstract>
        <keywords>human-robot interaction, NAO robot, training assistant, ageing society, dialogue design, usability, gamification</keywords>
        <booktitle>International Conference on Digitization 2019: Lamdscaping Artificial Intelligence</booktitle>
            <author>S. Vogl</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Individualized prediction of the sound pressure at the eardrum for an earpiece with integrated receivers and microphones</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
        <file>Vogl and Blau - 2019 - Individualized prediction of the sound pressure at.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/LH8BB3Y2/Vogl and Blau - 2019 - Individualized prediction of the sound pressure at.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>A Framework for the Analysis of Biomechanical Loading Using Human Motion Tracking</title>
        <keywords>biology computing;biomechanics;feature extraction;image classification;image filtering;image motion analysis;image segmentation;image sequences;learning (artificial intelligence);polynomials;support vector machines;user interfaces;automatic analysis;critical joint angle ranges;Cartesian joint positions;motion tracking systems;data processing steps;biomechanical loading;human motion tracking;feedback system;biomechanical load analysis;joint angles;gymnastic motions;motion sequence recognition;data processing step filtering;feature extraction;support vector machine;image classification;image segmentation;normalization;polynomial kernel;user interface;Wearable sensors;Tracking;Data processing;Support vector machines;Sensor systems;Software;motion analysis;biomechanical load;machine learning;data processing;skeleton data;motion recognition</keywords>
        <booktitle>2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI)</booktitle>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Assistive Technologien</title>
        <publisher>Digital Health Lexikon</publisher>
            <editor>Health&amp;Care Management</editor>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>T. Theuerkauff</author>
        <title>Assistenz- und Servicerobotik – die Gestaltung der Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle als Grundlage des Anwendungserfolgs</title>
        <abstract>Ausgehend davon, dass aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung Betreuung und Pflege durch Menschenhand nur sehr schwer gew&#228;hrleistet werden kann oder hilfebed&#252;rftige Personen technische Hilfsmittel bevorzugen, hat das Anwendungsfeld Assistenz- und Servicerobotik (ASR) im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung in Milieus, in denen Menschen eine direkte Unterst&#252;tzung in ihren Lebensbereich ben&#246;tigen, stark an Interesse gewonnen. Obwohl die Idee eines universell einsetzbaren Roboters in Karel \vCapeks Schauspiel „Rossums Universal-Roboter&quot; bereits fast 100 Jahre alt ist, erreichen die technischen M&#246;glichkeiten im Zuge der Digitalisierung erst jetzt ausreichend Kapazit&#228;ten, um in komplexen Anwendungsszenarien wie beispielsweise im eigenen Haus dienlich zu sein. Aber k&#246;nnen aktuelle Robotersysteme trotz des raschen Fortschritts die Bedarfe in komplexen Umfeldern wie der ambulanten Pflege, station&#228;ren Pflegeeinrichtungen und Krankenh&#228;usern in der nahen Zukunft bedienen? Welche Engp&#228;sse m&#252;ssen noch bew&#228;ltigt werden? Welches Verhalten und welchen Umgang erwarten potenzielle Nutzer von ihren Begleitern? Der vorliegende Beitrag soll Gedanken und Aspekte zu diesen Fragen aufzeigen.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gesundheit digital: Perspektiven zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen</booktitle>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>A. Wiltfang</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
        <title>Beobachtungen zum Kommunikationsverhalten von Probanden vor und nach der H&#246;rger&#228;teanpassung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Der Freiburger Einsilbertest im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Freiburger Einsilbertest: Bezugskurve und perzeptive &#196;quivalenz im CCITT</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, Heidelberg</booktitle>
            <author>N. Wulbusch</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>A. Chernov</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Moiola</author>
        <title>On the impact of the shape of the artificial boundary in exterior Helmholtz problems</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 23rd Int. Congr. on Acoustics, Aachen (Germany)</booktitle>
        <file>Wulbusch et al. - On the impact of the shape of the artificial bound.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/ZHXZ468W/Wulbusch et al. - On the impact of the shape of the artificial bound.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>D. Asmus</author>
        <title>Forschungsprozesse mitgestalten – Ergebnisse teilen</title>
        <booktitle>Selbstgewusst - gemeinsam Wissen schaffen, Online-Konferenz</booktitle>
            <author>F. Bederna</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>A. Pusch</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Adaptive compressive onset-enhancement for improved speech intelligibility in noise and reverberation</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Interspeech</booktitle>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>C. Poerschmann</author>
        <title>Hoertraining und Hoerunterstuetzung fuer das binaurale Hoeren im Grundschulalltag</title>
            <author>C. Breitenstein</author>
        <title>Psychometric evaluation of a German version of the „Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale 39 generic/ SAQOL-39g“</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference (IARC), in Vancouver/Canada</journal>
            <author>A. Buechner</author>
            <author>B. Krueger</author>
            <author>S. Klawitter</author>
            <author>D. Zimmermann</author>
            <author>S. Fredelake</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>The perception of the stereo effect in bilateral and bimodal cochlear implant users and its contribution to music enjoyment</title>
            <author>M. Daeglau</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>S. Debener</author>
            <author>I. S. Condro</author>
            <author>C. Kranczioch</author>
            <author>C. Zich</author>
        <title>Challenge Accepted? Individual Performance Gains for Motor Imagery Practice with Humanoid Robotic EEG Neurofeedback</title>
        <abstract>Optimizing neurofeedback (NF) and brain-computer interface (BCI) implementations constitutes a challenge across many fields and has so far been addressed by, among others, advancing signal processing methods or predicting the user&apos;s control ability from neurophysiological or psychological measures. In comparison, how context factors influence NF/BCI performance is largely unexplored. We here investigate whether a competitive multi-user condition leads to better NF/BCI performance than a single-user condition. We implemented a foot motor imagery (MI) NF with mobile electroencephalography (EEG). Twenty-five healthy, young participants steered a humanoid robot in a single-user condition and in a competitive multi-user race condition using a second humanoid robot and a pseudo competitor. NF was based on 8-30 Hz relative event-related desynchronization (ERD) over sensorimotor areas. There was no significant difference between the ERD during the competitive multi-user condition and the single-user condition but considerable inter-individual differences regarding which condition yielded a stronger ERD. Notably, the stronger condition could be predicted from the participants&apos; MI-induced ERD obtained before the NF blocks. Our findings may contribute to enhance the performance of NF/BCI implementations and highlight the necessity of individualizing context factors.</abstract>
        <journal>Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)</journal>
            <author>M. Daeglau</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>S. Debener</author>
            <author>I. S. Condro</author>
            <author>C. Kranczioch</author>
            <author>C. Zich</author>
        <title>Challenge Accepted? Individual Performance Gains for Motor Imagery Practice with Humanoid Robotic EEG Neurofeedback</title>
        <abstract>Optimizing neurofeedback (NF) and brain-computer interface (BCI) implementations constitutes a challenge across many fields and has so far been addressed by, among others, advancing signal processing methods or predicting the user&apos;s control ability from neurophysiological or psychological measures. In comparison, how context factors influence NF/BCI performance is largely unexplored. We here investigate whether a competitive multi-user condition leads to better NF/BCI performance than a single-user condition. We implemented a foot motor imagery (MI) NF with mobile electroencephalography (EEG). Twenty-five healthy, young participants steered a humanoid robot in a single-user condition and in a competitive multi-user race condition using a second humanoid robot and a pseudo competitor. NF was based on 8-30 Hz relative event-related desynchronization (ERD) over sensorimotor areas. There was no significant difference between the ERD during the competitive multi-user condition and the single-user condition but considerable inter-individual differences regarding which condition yielded a stronger ERD. Notably, the stronger condition could be predicted from the participants&apos; MI-induced ERD obtained before the NF blocks. Our findings may contribute to enhance the performance of NF/BCI implementations and highlight the necessity of individualizing context factors.</abstract>
            <author>S. Dietsche</author>
        <title>Studienbrief Journal Club: Kritisches Lesen von Fachartikeln</title>
        <publisher>Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, Hamburg</publisher>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>E. Hoffmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Gender-specific hearing loss in German adults aged 18 to 84 years compared to US-American and current European studies</title>
        <doi> pone.0231632</doi>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Effekte der H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung im Alltag und ihre Messung</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>T. Grewe</author>
        <title>Evidenzbasierte sprachsystematische und kommunikativ-pragmatische Aphasietherapie (ESKOPA-TM)</title>
        <booktitle>Evidenzbasierte sprachsystematische und kommunikativ-pragmatische Aphasietherapie (ESKOPA-TM)</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
        <title>Modeling the reliability of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test in quiet with the Poisson binomial distribution. Does the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test contain 29 words per list?</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Reliabilit&#228;t von Worttesten in Ruhe und im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik (DGMP), 09.-11. September 2020, virtuell</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) in hearing research – current state, challenges, and future directions</title>
        <journal>Ear and Hearing</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Listening effort and hearing-aid benefit of older adults in everyday life</title>
        <booktitle>vSPPL2020: 2nd Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan, 30.-31. M&#228;rz 2020, UCL, London, GB</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>IRC session: Individual hearing aid benefit in real life IHAB-RL</title>
        <booktitle>47th Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, 5.-7. M&#228;rz 2020, Scottsdale/AZ, USA</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Reliabilit&#228;t des Freiburger Einsilbertests im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Nolte-Holube</author>
        <title>Modellierung und Verifizierung der Test-Retest-Reliabilit&#228;t des Freiburger Einsilbertests in Ruhe mit der verallgemeinerten Binomialverteilung/Modeling and verifying the test-retest reliability of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test in quiet with the Poisson binomial distribution</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Audiovisuelle Realisierung des subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengungsmessverfahrens ACALES</title>
        <abstract>Das Sprachverstehen kann durch die Kombination von auditiven und visuellen Sprachmerkmalen positiv beeinflusst werden. Dabei profitieren nicht nur Personen mit einer H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung von den zus&#228;tzlichen Informationen durch das Mundbild, sondern auch Normalh&#246;rende. Hinsichtlich der H&#246;ranstrengung ergaben sich bisher jedoch unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. So zeigt eine Studie eine Abnahme, eine andere hingegen eine Zunahme der H&#246;ranstrengung bei zus&#228;tzlicher Pr&#228;sentation des Mundbildes. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Messung der subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung bei audiovisueller Darbietung im Vergleich zur rein akustischen Pr&#228;sentation. Als Messverfahren wurde die adaptive Skalierungsmethode ACALES (Adaptive CAtegorical Listening Effort Scaling, siehe Krueger et al., J Acoust Soc Am. 2017 06;141(6):4680–93) verwendet. Da ACALES bisher nur f&#252;r rein akustische Stimuli genutzt wurde, war vorab eine Erweiterung des Verfahrens um die Wiedergabe audiovisueller Stimuli notwendig. Sowohl in der akustischen als auch in der audiovisuellen Kondition wurden S&#228;tze des Oldenburger Satztestes (OLSA) bei Anwesenheit verschiedener Hintergrundger&#228;usche dargeboten. Zus&#228;tzlich wurde in der audiovisuellen Kondition das entsprechende Mundbild der Sprecherin auf einem Bildschirm gezeigt. Die Messungen wurden mit 15 jungen Personen mit normalem H&#246;rverm&#246;gen und zehn &#228;lteren Personen mit H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung durchgef&#252;hrt. Basierend auf den Messungen der H&#246;ranstrengung in der akustischen und audiovisuellen Kondition f&#252;r verschiedene Maskierer wurden die intra- und interindividuelle Standardabweichung sowie die Test-Retest-Reliabilit&#228;t bestimmt. F&#252;r beide Konditionen ergab sich eine Abh&#228;ngigkeit vom Maskierer. Neben einem signifikanten Unterschied zwischen audiovisueller und akustischer Kondition wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Probandengruppen ermittelt. Das Messverfahren eignet sich zur Erfassung interindividueller Unterschiede in der Bewertung der H&#246;ranstrengung und weist eine gute Reliabilit&#228;t auf.</abstract>
        <keywords>ACALES, H&#246;ranstrengung, H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung, Sprache im St&#246;rger&#228;usch, audiovisuell</keywords>
        <publisher>Deutsche Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie e.V.</publisher>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Audiovisuelle Realisierung des subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengungsmessverfahrens ACALES / Audiovisual realization of the subjective listening effort measurement method ACALES</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>The Dementia-Specific Self-Concept. Developing a Model of Experiencing and Coping with the Disease Situation of Persons Living Alone with Dementia</title>
        <journal>Ageing Science &amp; Mental Health Studies</journal>
            <author>E. Ingo</author>
            <author>V. Hazan</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>M. Rudner</author>
        <title>Good auditory ecology for active and healthy aging</title>
        <booktitle>SPIN Workshop, Toulouse, France</booktitle>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>M. Frenz</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Determination of speech recognition curves for the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test in noise for various loudspeaker configurations</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>G. Keidser</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
            <author>D. S. Brungart</author>
            <author>A. Caduff</author>
            <author>J. Campos</author>
            <author>S. Carlile</author>
            <author>M. G. Carpenter</author>
            <author>G. Grimm</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Launer</author>
            <author>T. Lunner</author>
            <author>R. Mehra</author>
            <author>F. Rapport</author>
            <author>M. Slaney</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
        <title>The quest for ecological validity in hearing science: what it is, why it matters, and how to advance it</title>
        <journal>Ear and Hearing</journal>
            <author>M. Kerner</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung des Einflusses der St&#246;rger&#228;uschrichtung auf das Sprachverstehen mit Richtmikrofonsystem</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Das gegenw&#228;rtige Ausgangs- und Besuchsverbot in Pflegeheimen in Deutschland – eine kritische Reflektion aus der Perspektive der Angeh&#246;rigen und der Gesundheitswissenschaften</title>
        <number>Sonderausgabe: Die Corona-Pandemie</number>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>H. Groenewold</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>olMEGA: An open source android solution for ecological momentary assessment</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>J. Heeren</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss von Alter und Kognition auf das aufmerksamkeitsgeleitete Sprachverstehen in Cocktailparty-Situationen: der Concurrent-OLSA-Test</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>M. Ohlenbusch</author>
            <author>A. Ahrens</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Robust Drone Detection for Acoustic Monitoring Applications</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the EUSIPCO</booktitle>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Automatische Erkennung von Eigensprache zur Detektion von Kommunikationssituationen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>A. Richardt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Mewes</author>
            <author>M. Hey</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen im fluktuierenden St&#246;rschall: Vergleich dreier Methoden zur Bestimmung der Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeitsschwelle und der Steigung der Diskriminationsfunktion</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>The IHA database of human geometries including torso, head and complete outer ears for acoustic research</title>
        <abstract>With the advent of virtual acoustic environments, several databases with 3D geometries of human subjects have been published recently, fostering the spirit of reproducible science. These databases contain geometries corresponding to their intended application: Torso and head geometries closed at the entrances of the ear canals are sufficient for the calculation of head related transfer functions. Surfaces of pinnae with extension of medially open ear canals of human subjects are valuable for the investigation of pinna-related transfer functions. However, the mentioned geometries exclude investigations on individual acoustics in the entire ear canal with eardrum. In order to develop acoustically open in-ear hearing systems, sound field analyses in the individual ear canal, with coupled external sound fields, are of interest. For this purpose, a database of individual 3D geometries consisting of torso, head and complete outer ears including the entire ear canals up to the eardrums is being created and made available to the scientific public. In this contribution, the creation of the geometries from different 3D acquisition tools (MRI, optical 3D scanners) is described and first results of acoustic analyses employing the finite and boundary element method are discussed.</abstract>
        <publisher>Institute of Noise Control Engineering</publisher>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 49th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, Seoul</booktitle>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>N. Wulbusch</author>
            <author>A. Chernov</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Fitting an electro-acoustic model of a vented earpiece to 3D FEM simulations for the prediction of the ear canal input impedance</title>
        <abstract>In order to ensure optimal sound presentation by hearing systems, the sound pressure at the eardrum should be controlled. Since the sound pressure at the eardrum varies individually and direct measurements are tedious, it is desirable to be able to predict it individually, which requires knowledge of the involved transfer functions. For an earpiece with multiple receivers and microphones, an electro-acoustic model was developed in [1]. This model was used to determine the acoustic impedance of the residual ear canal and subsequently to estimate the individual sound pressure at the eardrum. Recently, an improved prototype of the earpiece, featuring an updated design of the vent and arrangement of microphones and receivers, was developed and made available to the public [2]. In this contribution, an electro-acoustic model of the new earpiece is proposed. In addition to modifications of the model structure, the model parameters are now fitted using simulated transfer functions based on a 3D FEM model of the earpiece instead of measurements. This avoids measurement inaccuracies, bypasses the uncertainty of microphone sensitivity and source parameters of the receivers, and offers the advantage of being able to derive impedances at any point of the simulated sound field. Results show that the 1-dimensional electro-acoustic model can be fitted to give very accurate predictions. This in turn promises more accurate results in the subsequent prediction of the sound pressure at the eardrum.</abstract>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 9th Forum Acusticum, Lyon</booktitle>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Acoustic feedback path modeling for hearing aids: Comparison of physical position based and position independent models</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>M. Sebastião</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>M. Zokoll</author>
            <author>M. Gietzelt</author>
            <author>M. Behrends</author>
        <title>Partizipation als Herausforderung bei Forschungsprojekten zu assistierenden Gesundheitstechnologien. Ergebnisse eines interdisziplin&#228;ren Workshops</title>
        <keywords>Partizipation, Assistierende Gesundheitstechnologien</keywords>
            <author>C. Vercammen</author>
            <author>M. Ferguson</author>
            <author>S. E. Kramer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>G. Singh</author>
            <author>B. Timmer</author>
            <author>J. Gagné</author>
            <author>H. Goy</author>
            <author>L. Hickson</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Launer</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
            <author>E. Picou</author>
            <author>S. Scherpiet</author>
            <author>B. Weinstein</author>
            <author>A. Pelosi</author>
        <title>Well-hearing is well-being</title>
        <journal>Hearing Review</journal>
            <author>F. Wichmann</author>
            <author>C. Pischke</author>
            <author>D. Juergens</author>
            <author>I. Darmann-Finck</author>
            <author>F. L. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>M. Peters</author>
            <author>C. Voelcker-Rehage</author>
            <author>S. Muellmann</author>
        <title>Requirements for (web-based) physical activity interventions targeting adults above the age of 65 years – Qualitative results regarding acceptance and needs of participants and non-participants</title>
        <journal>BMC Public Health</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>T. Gebauer</author>
            <author>J. Seifert</author>
            <author>L. Tuschen</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss des St&#246;rger&#228;uschs und der Sprechgeschwindigkeit bei HSM und G&#214;SA auf das Sprachverstehen</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>R. Carroll</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Impact of lexical parameters and audibility on the recognition of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test</title>
        <journal>Ear and Hearing</journal>
            <author>C. Zinner</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Vergleich von f&#252;nf Sprachtests im sprachsimulierenden St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 3.-4. September 2020, online</booktitle>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>A. Budnik</author>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>H. Steffens</author>
            <author>S. D. Ewert</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
        <title>Toward realistic binaural auralizations - perceptual comparison between the auralized and the real room for a classroom scenario</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica</journal>
        <file>Blau et al. - 2021 - Toward realistic binaural auralizations - perceptu.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/JHAQZJA9/Blau et al. - 2021 - Toward realistic binaural auralizations - perceptu.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>S. Dietsche</author>
        <title>Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung: Von notwendigen Ans&#228;tzen und falschen Freunden</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>N. Ellerich-Groppe</author>
            <author>M. We&#223;el</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>M. Schweda</author>
        <title>An Ethical Perspective on Gender Stereotyping and Queering in Care Robotics, Camera ready Paper</title>
        <booktitle>GenR 2021 (GENDERING ROBOTS (GenR): Ongoing (Re)configurations of Gender in Robotics)</booktitle>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Dynamic Binaural Rendering: The Advantage of Virtual Artificial Heads over Conventional Ones for Localization with Speech Signals</title>
        <keywords>virtual acoustics, dynamic binaural rendering, sound localization</keywords>
        <journal>Applied Sciences</journal>
        <note>Number: 15 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute</note>
        <file>Full Text PDF:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/7YI6AQA7/Fallahi et al. - 2021 - Dynamic Binaural Rendering The Advantage of Virtu.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/TPMZ26R6/6793.html:text/html</file>
        <shorttitle>Dynamic Binaural Rendering</shorttitle>
            <author>M. Fallahi</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>D. P&#252;schel</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Evaluation of head-tracked binaural auralizations of speech signals generated with a virtual artificial head in anechoic and classroom environments</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica</journal>
        <note>Publisher: EDP Sciences</note>
        <file>Full Text PDF:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/I43FG45L/Fallahi et al. - 2021 - Evaluation of head-tracked binaural auralizations .pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/FETE752T/aacus210037.html:text/html</file>
        <copyright>© The Authors, Published by EDP Sciences, 2021</copyright>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>J. Hurka</author>
            <author>M. Frenken</author>
        <title>Environmental Assessment Based on Health Information Using Artificial Intelligence</title>
        <publisher>Springer, Cham.</publisher>
            <editor>Pham T.D.</editor>
            <editor>Yan H.</editor>
            <editor>Ashraf M.W.</editor>
            <editor>Sj&#246;berg F.</editor>
        <booktitle>Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Computation, and Data Science</booktitle>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Individual Hearing Aid Benefit in Real Life Evaluated Using Ecological Momentary Assessment</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>N. Ganapathy</author>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>T. M. Deserno</author>
        <title>Study Design for Assessing the Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality on Human Physiology</title>
        <journal>Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik</journal>
            <author>T. Grewe</author>
        <title>Intensive Sprachtherapie am Beispiel des Therapiemanuals ESKOPA-TM: Evidenzbasierte sprachsystematische &amp; kommunikativ-pragmatische Aphasietherapie</title>
        <journal>Jahreskongress des Deutschen Bundesverbandes f&#252;r Logop&#228;die (dbl), Dresden (online)</journal>
            <author>T. &amp;. B. Grewe</author>
        <title>Intensive Sprachtherapie bei Personen mit chronischer Aphasie: Zum Einsatz des Therapiemanuals ESKOPA-TM (Evidenzbasierte sprachsystematische &amp; kommunikativ-pragmatische Aphasietherapie).</title>
        <journal>Forum Logopadie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Beyond tone and speech audiometry: Hearing impairment and hearing aid benefit in the booth and in real life</title>
        <journal>16ème Congress de la Société Francaise d’Audiologie, La Grande Motte, Frankreich</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Ecological momentary assessment: Opportunities and applications in hearing device evaluations</title>
        <journal>Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP)</journal>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>I can do that on my own!” On the relevance of subjective factors to the use of formal support, from the perspective of people with dementia</title>
        <journal>Health Care for Women International</journal>
            <author>M. Kerner</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung des Einflusses der St&#246;rger&#228;uschrichtung auf das Sprachverstehen mit Richtmikrofonsystem</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>M. Labitzky</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>M. Richter</author>
        <title>Selbsthilfegruppen f&#252;r chronische R&#252;ckenschmerzpatient*innen</title>
        <booktitle>Deutscher Schmerzkongresses 2021</booktitle>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>E. Beck</author>
            <author>K. Holdt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Boll</author>
        <title>ActiThings: Reminders for physical activity exercises in daily lives of inactive older adults</title>
        <keywords>conferences;medical services;tools;aging;sensors;informatics</keywords>
        <publisher>IEEE Computer Society</publisher>
        <booktitle>2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)</booktitle>
            <author>T. Michalik</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
        <title>Familie als gesundheitserhaltende Ressource bei Sp&#228;taussiedler/innen?! Eine qualitative Studie zu Gesundheitsvorstellungen im Alter.</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen 2021</journal>
            <author>B. C. J. Moore</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Sensitivity and specificity of a method for diagnosis of military noise-induced hearing loss (L)</title>
        <journal>Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>A. Schlueter</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Self-reported hearing handicap in adults aged 55 to 81 years is modulated by hearing abilities, frailty, mental health, and willingness to use hearing aids</title>
        <abstract>OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to predict outcomes of the HHI questionnaire (Hearing Handicap Inventory) using individual variables beyond pure-tone hearing thresholds. DESIGN An extensive health-related test battery was applied including a general anamnesis, questionnaires, audiological measures, examination of visual acuity, balance, and cognition, as well as tactile- and motor skills. Based on the self-assessment of health variables and different sensory and cognitive performance measures, a frailty index was calculated to describe the health status of the participants. A stepwise linear regression analysis was conducted to predict HHI scores. STUDY SAMPLE A mixed sample (N = 212) of 55- to 81-year-old, participants with different hearing and aiding status completed the test battery. RESULTS The regression analysis showed statistically significant contributions of pure-tone hearing thresholds, speech recognition in noise, age, frailty, mental health, and the willingness to use hearing aids on HHIE outcomes. CONCLUSIONS Self-reported hearing handicap assessed with the HHI questionnaire reflects various individual variables additionally to pure-tone hearing loss and speech recognition in noise. It is necessary to be aware of the influences of age and health-related variables on HHI scores when using it in research as well as in clinical settings.</abstract>
        <journal>International journal of audiology</journal>
            <author>M. Ohlenbusch</author>
            <author>A. Ahrens</author>
            <author>C. Rollwage</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Robust Drone Detection for Acoustic Monitoring Applications</title>
        <booktitle>2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
        <title>Evaluation einer Assessmenttechnologie zur Messung der k&#246;rperlichen Funktionalit&#228;t bei Menschen ab 65 Jahren</title>
        <booktitle>Jahrestagung der DGMS-DGSMP, online</booktitle>
            <author>P. Rivera Benois</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In-Ear ANC Headphones using a Feedback Virtual Microphone Arrangement Technique with Multiple Loudspeakers</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)</booktitle>
        <file>Rivera Benois et al. - 2021 - Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/3FF7CV8I/Rivera Benois et al. - 2021 - Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>P. Rivera Benois</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In-ear ANC Headphones using a Fixed Feedforward Remote Microphone Technique</title>
        <keywords>Computer Science - Sound, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Systems and Control</keywords>
        <journal>arXiv:2105.06894 [cs, eess]</journal>
        <note>arXiv: 2105.06894</note>
        <file>arXiv Fulltext PDF:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/NP6HEVTX/Benois et al. - 2021 - Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In.pdf:application/pdf; Snapshot:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/ZXCDQE4D/2105.html:text/html</file>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>The IHA database of human geometries including torso, head and complete outer ears for acoustic research</title>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>V. Gr&#228;fen</author>
            <author>P. Rivera Benois</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Bewertung der richtungsabh&#228;ngigen Schalleintragskomponenten im individuellen Restgeh&#246;rgang bei undichtem Sitz eines offenen im-Ohr-H&#246;rsystems hinsichtlich akustischer Transparenz</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021, Wien</booktitle>
        <file>Roden et al. - 2021 - Bewertung der richtungsabh&#228;ngigen Schalleintragsko.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/2VEAT2SA/Roden et al. - 2021 - Bewertung der richtungsabh&#228;ngigen Schalleintragsko.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>H. Schepker</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Individualized sound pressure equalization in hearing devices exploiting an electro-acoustic model</title>
        <keywords>Computer Science - Sound, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing</keywords>
        <journal>arXiv:2110.01422 [cs, eess]</journal>
        <note>arXiv: 2110.01422</note>
        <file>arXiv Fulltext PDF:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/7IWFGTMI/Schepker et al. - 2021 - Individualized sound pressure equalization in hear.pdf:application/pdf; Snapshot:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/33RS2U7T/2110.html:text/html</file>
            <author>M. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Partes</author>
            <author>S. Gorny</author>
            <author>T. Nei&#223;-Theuerkauff</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Arbeitsraumsimulation f&#252;r kollaborierende Roboter: Bestimmung der realen Arbeitsr&#228;ume kollaborierender Industrieroboter f&#252;r komplexe Bewegungsabfolgen durch Simulation</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb</journal>
            <author>E. Spiegel</author>
            <author>T. Kneib</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Otto-Sobotka</author>
        <title>Generalized expectile regression with flexible response function</title>
        <journal>Biometrical Journal</journal>
            <author>J. P. Vox</author>
            <author>A. Weber</author>
            <author>K. I. Wolf</author>
            <author>K. Izdebski</author>
            <author>T. Sch&#252;ler</author>
            <author>P. K&#246;nig</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>D. Friemert</author>
        <title>An Evaluation of Motion Trackers with Virtual Reality Sensor Technology in Comparison to a Marker-Based Motion Capture System Based on Joint Angles for Ergonomic Risk Assessment</title>
        <abstract>The reproduction and simulation of workplaces, and the analysis of body postures during work processes, are parts of ergonomic risk assessments. A commercial virtual reality (VR) system offers the possibility to model complex work scenarios as virtual mock-ups and to evaluate their ergonomic designs by analyzing motion behavior while performing work processes. In this study a VR tracking sensor system (HTC Vive tracker) combined with an inverse kinematic model (Final IK) was compared with a marker-based optical motion capture system (Qualisys). Marker-based optical motion capture systems are considered the gold standard for motion analysis. Therefore, Qualisys was used as the ground truth in this study. The research question to be answered was how accurately the HTC Vive System combined with Final IK can measure joint angles used for ergonomic evaluation. Twenty-six subjects were observed simultaneously with both tracking systems while performing 20 defined movements. Sixteen joint angles were analyzed. Joint angle deviations between ±6∘ and ±42∘ were identified. These high deviations must be considered in ergonomic risk assessments when using a VR system. The results show that commercial low-budget tracking systems have the potential to map joint angles. Nevertheless, substantial weaknesses and inaccuracies in some body regions must be taken into account. Recommendations are provided to improve tracking accuracy and avoid systematic errors.</abstract>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>T. Gebauer</author>
            <author>J. Seifert</author>
            <author>L. Tuschen</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einfluss von Sprechtempo und St&#246;rger&#228;usch auf das Sprachverstehen im G&#246;ttinger und im HSM-Satztest</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
        <doi>10.3205/zaud000014, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-zaud0000145</doi>
            <author>W. Ziegler</author>
        <title>Die Pr&#228;valenz der Sprechapraxie bei Patienten mit chronischer Aphasie nach Schlaganfall: Eine Bayes-Analyse</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f&#252;r Aphasieforschung &amp; -behandlung (GAB), K&#246;ln (online)</journal>
            <author>C. Zinner</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Vergleich von f&#252;nf Sprachtests im sprachsimulierenden St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>G. Becke</author>
            <author>B. Busse</author>
            <author>C. Zenz</author>
            <author>S. P&#246;ser</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. &amp;. G. Schicktanz</author>
        <title>&quot;Die Coronapandemie: Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit und betriebliches Krisenmanagement: Ein Vergleich sozialer und technischer Dienstleistungen&quot;</title>
        <abstract>Auch in der Coronakrise korrespondiert ein niedriger sozio&#246;konomischer Status (z.B. niedrige Bildung, niedriger beruflicher Status, niedrige L&#246;hne) von Erwerbst&#228;tigen mit ungleich schlechteren Gesundheitschancen und gr&#246;&#223;eren Krankheitsrisiken. &#220;berdies sind verschiedene T&#228;tigkeitsgruppen (mit jeweils spezifischen Qualifikationen und Status) unterschiedlichen Gesundheitsrisiken ausgesetzt, generell und im Besonderen, w&#228;hrend eine hoch ansteckende Virusinfektion grassiert. Das Infektionsrisiko unterscheidet sich zwischen Berufsgruppen, die Interaktionsarbeit in Kopr&#228;senz aus&#252;ben, und solchen, die sie prim&#228;r technisch vermittelt verrichten. Die wegen der Covid-19-Pandemie von Betrieben zu treffenden Infektionsschutzma&#223;nahmen haben nicht-intendierte Folgen f&#252;r die Arbeitsqualit&#228;t, die abh&#228;ngig vom T&#228;tigkeitsfeld unterschiedlich ausfallen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert vergleichend das Krisenmanagement und seine gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen bei Unternehmen der sozialen Dienste (Pflege, Hauswirtschaft) und der IT-Services sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Besch&#228;ftigten und ihre Arbeitsqualit&#228;t. Es wird anhand von Betriebsfallstudien verdeutlicht, dass das betriebliche Krisenmanagement einerseits gesundheitliche Ungleichheit zu begrenzen vermag, andererseits aber auch neue Arbeitsbelastungen hervorbringen kann, die Gesundheitschancen von Besch&#228;ftigten verschlechtern k&#246;nnen.</abstract>
        <keywords>Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit; betriebliches Krisenmanagement; IT-Dienstleistungen; soziale Dienstleistungen; ambulante Dienste; psychische Arbeitsbelastungen</keywords>
        <journal>Zeitschrift Arbeit</journal>
            <author>S. &amp;. G. Bruehl</author>
        <title>SAPS und ESKOPA-TM – Sprachsystematische Aphasiediagnostik &amp; -therapie</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f&#252;r Aphasieforschung &amp; -behandlung (GAB), Bielefeld</journal>
            <author>F. T. Bruns</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Estimating Workload from Heart Rate and Game Precision in Exergames</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH)</booktitle>
            <author>F. T. Bruns</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Correlation Between Heart Rate, Skin Temperature and Emotional State in Exergames</title>
        <abstract>Computer games have become an established medium, exergames are a special type of game. These are controlled by movement and are designed to improve its users performance. Emotions are an important component during gameplay because they can provide inferences about the user experience. This paper therefore conducts a study to test the correlation of different emotional stages with metrics of heart rate, heart rate variability and skin temperature. This is to validate the feasibility of this data in exergames. To this end, two exergames were played while biosignals were recorded. The discretely measurable data is combined with subjective assessments of the users to identify a correlation to the individually perceived emotion. Statistically significant correlations were found between the physiological characteristics and the affective state of the subjects.</abstract>
        <keywords>exergame, Game design and analytics, heart rate, assistive technologies, psychophysiology, frustration assessment, human-computer interface, affective gaming</keywords>
        <publisher>Association for Computing Machinery</publisher>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2022</booktitle>
        <series>MuC &apos;22</series>
            <author>F. T. Bruns</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Design of a Personalized Affective Exergame to Increase Motivation in the Elderly</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF</booktitle>
            <author>A. Decker</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>S. Ziegler</author>
            <author>L. Gurthat</author>
            <author>E. V. d. Borre</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Kindliches H&#246;rscreening im St&#246;rger&#228;usch: Der Sound Ear Check</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>S. Fleckinger</author>
            <author>M. Preuss</author>
        <publisher>Deutscher Verein f&#252;r &#246;ffentliche und private F&#252;rsorge e.V.</publisher>
        <booktitle>Fachlexikon der Sozialen Arbeit.</booktitle>
        <edition>9., &#252;berarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage.</edition>
            <author>S. Fleckinger</author>
            <author>E. Reitinger</author>
        <journal>Fachzeitschrift f&#252;r Palliative Geriatrie.</journal>
            <author>S. Fleckinger</author>
            <author>J. Ritter</author>
            <author>B. Wolff</author>
            <author>T. Vanheiden</author>
        <title>Community Health Care am Beispiel des nieders&#228;chsischen Projektes Komm.Care.</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift Impulse f&#252;r Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung</journal>
            <author>S. Fleckinger</author>
            <author>H. Schmidt-Semisch</author>
        <title>Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care.</title>
        <publisher>UNI-MED Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>Hubertus and Kieseritzky</editor>
            <editor>Karin and Sittig</editor>
            <editor>Hans-Bernd and Melching</editor>
        <booktitle>Kursbuch Palliative Care. Angewandte Palliativmedizin und -pflege.</booktitle>
        <volume>4., vollst&#228;ndig &#252;berarbeitete Auflage.</volume>
            <author>S. Fudickar</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Lau</author>
            <author>S. Hellmers</author>
            <author>K. Gebel</author>
            <author>R. Diekmann</author>
            <author>J. M. Bauer</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessments of Timed Up and Go Test and 5 Times Chair Rise Test in Community Settings - a Usability Study</title>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Schicktanz</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie in der IT-Branche und bei den ambulanten sozialen Diensten: Wie bewerten Besch&#228;ftigte die Belastungssituation und das betriebliche Krisenmanagement?</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. G&#246;&#223;wein</author>
            <author>T. Danneleit</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Selbstanpassungsverfahren f&#252;r H&#246;rger&#228;te: K&#246;nnen wir pers&#246;nliche Vorlieben bez&#252;glich des St&#246;rger&#228;usch-Verzerrungs-Verh&#228;ltnisses finden („noise haters“ vs. „distortion haters“)?</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>J. A. G&#246;&#223;wein</author>
            <author>T. Danneleit</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Kollmeier</author>
        <title>Hearing aid self-fitting methods: can we find personal traits (noise haters vs. distortion haters)?</title>
        <journal>49th Erlanger Kolloquium for audiological research and development, 10.-11. Februar 2022, online</journal>
            <author>J. Heeren</author>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>K. C. Wagener</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
        <title>The Concurrent OLSA Test: A method for speech recognition in multi-talker situations at fixed SNR</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>J. Heeren</author>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
            <author>M. Schulte</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Latzel</author>
            <author>K. Wagener</author>
        <title>Concurrent Matrix Test: Determine Speech-Recognition in Multi-Talker Situations</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), 10.-14. August 2022, Tahoe City, California, USA</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
        <title>Relation between listening effort, demand, and motivation based on Ecological Momentary Assessments</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), 10.-14. August 2022, Tahoe City, California, USA</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Smarte Alltagsbewertung: Ein Blick in das Leben der Anderen?</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Weder Kant noch Keller?</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Subjective and Objective Measures for the Evaluation of Hearing Instruments</title>
        <journal>Nordic Audiological Society, Odense, D&#228;nemark, 1.-3. Juni 2022</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Ambulatory Assessment in Acoustic and Hearing Research – Challenges, Solutions, and Applications</title>
        <journal>Kolloquium Ambulatory Assessment, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 22.3.2022</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Evaluating hearing devices in real life using Ecological Momentary Assessment</title>
        <journal>Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics, October 24-28, 2022, Gyeongju, Korea</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment and virtual acoustic environments for hearing research – differences and similarities</title>
        <journal>Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics, October 24-28, 2022, Gyeongju, Korea</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>J. Ooster</author>
            <author>T. Nuesse</author>
        <title>Text-to-speech and back – new ways in speech audiometry</title>
        <journal>Speech in Noise Workshop SPIN 2022, online, 20.-21. Januar 2022</journal>
            <author>D. H&#246;lle</author>
            <author>S. Blum</author>
            <author>S. Kissner</author>
            <author>S. Debener</author>
            <author>M. G. Bleichner</author>
        <title>Real-time audio processing of real-life soundscapes for EEG analysis: ERPs based on natural sound onsets</title>
        <abstract>With smartphone-based mobile electroencephalography (EEG), we can investigate sound perception beyond the lab. To understand sound perception in the real world, we need to relate naturally occurring sounds to EEG data. For this, EEG and audio information need to be synchronized precisely, only then it is possible to capture fast and transient evoked neural responses and relate them to individual sounds. We have developed Android applications (AFEx and Record-a) that allow for the concurrent acquisition of EEG data and audio features, i.e., sound onsets, average signal power (RMS), and power spectral density (PSD) on smartphone. In this paper, we evaluate these apps by computing event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by everyday sounds. One participant listened to piano notes (played live by a pianist) and to a home-office soundscape. Timing tests showed a stable lag and a small jitter (&lt; 3 ms) indicating a high temporal precision of the system. We calculated ERPs to sound onsets and observed the typical P1-N1-P2 complex of auditory processing. Furthermore, we show how to relate information on loudness (RMS) and spectra (PSD) to brain activity. In future studies, we can use this system to study sound processing in everyday life.</abstract>
        <publisher>Frontiers Media SA</publisher>
        <journal>Front. Neuroergonomics</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Development of a new German speech test using synthetic speech</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), 10.-14. August 2022, Tahoe City, California, USA</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>G&#246;ttinger Satztest mit synthetischer Sprache</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Speech recognition and listening effort of meaningful sentences using synthetic speech</title>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Speech recognition and listening effort of synthetic everyday sentences</title>
        <journal>Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology VCCA2022, 30.06.-01.07.2022</journal>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>D. Fahrland</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Versorgungs- und Bedarfssituation von pflegebed&#252;rftigen Personen bei Hochwasser und Stromausfall</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag KG</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen 2022</journal>
        <doi>DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1753863</doi>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>T. Sankovsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Effect of reverberation, head orientation and noise direction on speech recognition in noise</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>G. Keidser</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
            <author>D. S. Brungart</author>
            <author>A. Caduff</author>
            <author>J. Campos</author>
            <author>S. Carlile</author>
            <author>M. G. Carpenter</author>
            <author>G. Grimm</author>
            <author>V. Hohmann</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Launer</author>
            <author>T. Lunner</author>
            <author>R. Mehra</author>
            <author>F. Rapport</author>
            <author>M. Slaney</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
        <title>Comment on the Point of View “Ecological Validity, External Validity and Mundane Realism in Hearing Science”</title>
        <journal>Ear and Hearing</journal>
        <key>Koppelin.HSund DGMS</key>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>B. Borgetto</author>
            <author>K. K&#228;lble</author>
            <author>Y. St&#246;bel-Richter</author>
        <title>Gesundheits-/ Medizinsoziologie an den Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften und die DGMS – welche Synergien sind m&#246;glich?</title>
        <booktitle>). Medizinische Soziologie in Deutschland. Entstehungen und Entwicklungen</booktitle>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
        <title>Results of a Qualitative Study on Disaster Nursing in a Coastal Region of Lower Saxony/Germany</title>
        <pages>Issue Supplement_3</pages>
        <journal>European Journal of Public Health</journal>
            <author>F. &amp;. D. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Disaster Nursing: Katastrophenschutz f&#252;r ambulant versorgte Patient*innen – interdisziplin&#228;re Pr&#228;ventionsans&#228;tze und erste Ergebnisse aus F&#246;rderlinien des Bundes zur Zivilen Sicherheit (</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
        <doi>DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1753861</doi>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Public Health: Ans&#228;tze, Theorien und Strukturen</title>
        <booktitle>Public Health: Ans&#228;tze, Theorien und Strukturen</booktitle>
        <doi>DOI: 10.36198/9783838551197</doi>
        <isbn>ISBN: 9783825251192</isbn>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Signal-Informed DNN-Based DOA Estimation Combining an External Microphone and GCC-PHAT Features</title>
        <abstract>Aiming at estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of a desired speaker in a multi-talker environment using a microphone array, in this paper we propose a signal-informed method exploiting the availability of an external microphone attached to the desired speaker. The proposed method applies a binary mask to the GCC-PHAT input features of a convolutional neural network, where the binary mask is computed based on the power distribution of the external microphone signal. Experimental results for a reverberant scenario with up to four interfering speakers demonstrate that the signal-informed masking improves the localization accuracy, without requiring any knowledge about the interfering speakers.</abstract>
        <keywords>signal-informed, source localization, GCC-PHAT, binary masking, external microphone</keywords>
        <booktitle>2022 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC)</booktitle>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>S. Rosskopf</author>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
        <title>The influence of affective voice on sound distance perception</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, Stuttgart</booktitle>
        <file>Kroczek et al. - 2022 - The influence of affective voice on sound distance.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/HX3AMCPN/Kroczek et al. - 2022 - The influence of affective voice on sound distance.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>V. Mazur</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>U. Baumann</author>
        <title>Einsatz eines Reimtest-Verfahrens zur Ermittlung der Sprachverst&#228;ndlichkeit bei Cochlea-Implantat-Nutzern</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>T. Ratz</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>S. Hellmers</author>
            <author>S. Boll</author>
            <author>S. Fudickar</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>J. M. Bauer</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>S. Lippke</author>
        <title>Designing and applying technology for prevention — Lessons learned in AEQUIPA and its implications for future research and practice</title>
        <publisher>Frontiers Media SA</publisher>
        <journal>Frontiers in Public Health</journal>
            <author>J. A. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>J. Reinwaldt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Hochmuth</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
        <title>Aussagekraft von Frageb&#246;gen im Rahmen der CI-Voruntersuchung</title>
        <journal>93. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, 25.-28. Mai 2022, Hannover</journal>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Bewertung von Messumgebung und Aufnahmequalit&#228;t bei Online-Studien</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Franz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Automatic analysis tools for exploring own-voice and near-ear sound pressure level distributions</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), 10.-14. August 2022, Tahoe City, California, USA</journal>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Assessment of audio quality and measurement environment for online research</title>
        <journal>Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology VCCA2022, 30.06.-01.07.2022</journal>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Near-ear sound pressure level distribution in everyday life considering the user’s own voice and privacy</title>
        <journal>Acta Acustica</journal>
        <copyright>© The Authors, Published by EDP Sciences, 2022</copyright>
            <author>M. Ramírez</author>
            <author>J. M. Arend</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>K. Schmidt</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
            <author>C. P&#246;rschmann</author>
        <title>Towards the virtualization of a sound source localization acuity test to aid the diagnosis of spatial processing disorder in school-aged children: An experimental approach</title>
        <keywords>virtual reality, pediatric audiology</keywords>
        <booktitle>Annual Conference of the German Acoustical Society</booktitle>
        <journal>Annual Conference of the German Acoustical Society</journal>
            <author>P. Rivera Benois</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Optimization of a Fixed Virtual Sensing Feedback ANC Controller for In-Ear Headphones with Multiple Loudspeakers</title>
        <booktitle>IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022), Singapore</booktitle>
        <file>Optimization_of_a_Fixed_Virtual_Sensing_Feedback_ANC_Controller_For_In-Ear_Headphones_with_Multiple_Loudspeakers.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/9I2TTR5X/Optimization_of_a_Fixed_Virtual_Sensing_Feedback_ANC_Controller_For_In-Ear_Headphones_with_Multiple_Loudspeakers.pdf:application/pdf;Rivera Benois et al. - 2021 - Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/3FF7CV8I/Rivera Benois et al. - 2021 - Sound Pressure Minimization at the Ear Drum for In.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Parametric model of young infants&apos; eardrum and ear canal impedances supporting immittance measurement results. Part I: Development of the model</title>
        <journal>Acta Acust.</journal>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
            <author>L. Burke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Iankilevitch</author>
            <author>L. Jenstad</author>
            <author>D. Lelic</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
            <author>G. Singh</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>F. Wolters</author>
            <author>Y. H. Wu</author>
        <title>The Art of Asking – Considerations when Using Ecological Momentary Assessment in Hearing Research</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), 10.-14. August 2022, Tahoe City, California, USA</journal>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
        <title>Wie nutzen Unternehmen externe Unterst&#252;tzungsangebote zu psychischer Gesundheit? Ein Blick auf die Dienstleistungsbranchen ambulante Pflege und IT-Services.</title>
        <abstract>Ein Gro&#223;teil der deutschen Erwerbsbev&#246;lkerung ist im Dienstleistungssektor besch&#228;ftigt. Besch&#228;ftigte, deren T&#228;tigkeit durch flexible Interaktionen gekennzeichnet ist, stehen vor besonders fordernden Aufgaben. Gerichtete Interventionen von Seiten der Unternehmen hinsichtlich der psychischen Gesundheit sind vergleichsweise selten zu finden. In einer qualitativen Studie im Projekt FlexiGesA („Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten“) wurden in Nordwestdeutschland zw&#246;lf Expert:innen, die im Bereich der ambulanten Pflege und der IT-Dienste agieren sowie Akteur:innen der Sozialleistungserbringung und der betrieblichen Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung zur Einsch&#228;tzung der Situation und zu &#196;nderungsbedarfen interviewt, um herauszufinden, welche Unterst&#252;tzungsangebote zum Umgang mit psychischer Belastung von Besch&#228;ftigten vorhanden sind, und inwiefern darauf zur&#252;ckgegriffen wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass aus Sicht der befragten Akteur:innen, die in diesem Themenfeld t&#228;tig sind, noch Defizite vorliegen, zum Teil was die Informationen, aber vor allem, was die Vernetzung der Unterst&#252;tzungsangebote betrifft. Praktische Relevanz: Die Thematisierung der psychischen Arbeitsgesundheit ist von hoher arbeits- und gesundheitspolitischer Relevanz, dennoch f&#252;hlen sich Unternehmen oft nicht in der Lage, angemessen mit dem Thema umzugehen. So gilt es, beteiligte Akteur:innen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen zu sensibilisieren, um einen handlungsleitenden Diskurs zu erwirken, da es sich bei psychischen St&#246;rungen um eine branchen- und geschlechter&#252;bergreifende Thematik handelt.</abstract>
        <journal>Zeitschrift f&#252;r Arbeitswissenschaft.</journal>
            <author>S. Sticht</author>
            <author>H. Rothgang</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Pflegestudierende im Kontext von Reformen zur Personalbemessung in der station&#228;ren Langzeitpflege – erste Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse.</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>S. Rosskopf</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Perceptual comparison between the real and the auralized room when being presented with congruent visual stimuli via a head-mounted display</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. 24th Int. Congr. on Acoustics, Gyeongju (Korea)</booktitle>
        <file>St&#228;rz et al. - 2022 - Perceptual comparison between the real and the aur.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/JKAY4ZTY/St&#228;rz et al. - 2022 - Perceptual comparison between the real and the aur.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>J. Thomas</author>
            <author>H. Baumgartner</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>R. Huber</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen im Fernsehen – Evaluation von Technologien zur Verringerung der H&#246;ranstrengung von Personen mit H&#246;rbeeintr&#228;chtigung</title>
        <journal>DAGA, Stuttgart</journal>
            <author>M. We&#223;el</author>
            <author>N. E. Groppe</author>
            <author>M. Schweda</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Stakeholder-Perspektiven auf die Nutzenden von Pflegerobotik an der Intersektion Alter und Geschlecht – Eine empirisch-ethische Analyse.</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen 2022</journal>
            <author>M. We&#223;el</author>
            <author>N. Ellerich-Gropp</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>M. Schweda</author>
        <title>Gender and Age Stereotypes in Robotics for Eldercare: Ethical Implications of Stakeholder Perspectives from Technology Development, Industry, and Nursing.</title>
        <journal>Zeitschrift Science and Engineering in Ethics (Sci Eng Ethics)</journal>
            <author>N. Wilken</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>J. A. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>S. Hochmuth</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
        <title>Einfluss der Insertionstiefe auf die Frequenzwahrnehmung von Cochlea-Implantat-Tr&#228;gern</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>A. Schl&#252;ter</author>
            <author>J. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Einflussgr&#246;&#223;en auf das Sprachverstehen bei Cochlea-Implantat-Tragenden</title>
        <journal>53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Medizinische Physik, 21.-24. September 2022, Aachen</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>J. M&#252;ller</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Sprachtestverfahren in der CI-Versorgung</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 14.-17. M&#228;rz 2022, Erfurt</journal>
            <author>H. Wolf</author>
            <author>A. Winneke</author>
            <author>A. Volgenandt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Rennies</author>
        <title>Technologien zur Verbesserung der Sprachwahrnehmung trotz Geh&#246;rschutz</title>
        <journal>DAGA, Stuttgart</journal>
            <author>W. Ziegler</author>
        <title>The prevalence of apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia after stroke: A bayesian hierarchical analysis, Cortex</title>
        <abstract>Apraxia of speech is a motor speech disorder that occurs after lesions to the left cerebral hemisphere, most often concomitant with aphasia. It requires specific approaches in the study of its physiological and neuroanatomical basis and special expertise in clinical care. Knowing its prevalence in patients with aphasia after stroke is therefore relevant for planning specific resources in clinical research and in health care provision. Systematic studies of the frequency of this condition are lacking. We examined the frequency of apraxia of speech in a representative sample of 156 patients with chronic post-stroke aphasia. Three experts classified the patients’ speech by best-practice auditory-perceptual methods. Bayesian hierarchical models were fitted to obtain probability distributions for prevalence estimates. A prior distribution was calculated in two steps, including Bayesian models for published frequency data (step 1) and prevalence estimates from experienced clinicians (step 2). Separate models were fitted for different severity ranges. Overall, a prevalence rate of .44 [.30, .58] was obtained. When only moderate and severe cases were taken into account, the rate was .35 [.23, .49]. After a further restriction to only severe impairment, prevalence dropped to .22 [.12, .34]. Patients identified with apraxia of speech had suffered more severe strokes according to clinical criteria and had more severe aphasias. The presence of apraxia of speech was predicted by the articulation/prosody and syntax rating scales of the Aachen Aphasia Test. Lower prevalence estimates published earlier are probably biased by low sensitivity of assessment instruments for mild speech impairment.</abstract>
        <keywords>Apraxia of speech; Chronic aphasia; Prevalence; Stroke</keywords>
        <doi> (</doi>
            <author>W. Ziegler</author>
        <title>The Prevalence of Apraxia of Speech in Chronic Aphasia after Stroke</title>
        <journal>8. International Conference on Speech Motor Control (CMT), Groningen</journal>
            <author>W. Ziegler</author>
        <title>The prevalence of apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia after stroke: A bayesian hierarchical analysis</title>
            <author>M. Akeroyd</author>
            <author>L. Hickson</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>G. Keidser</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
        <title>Evaluating the ecological validity of spatial hearing</title>
        <journal>Forum Acusticum, 11.-15. September 2023, Torino, Italien</journal>
            <author>A. Barthel</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>C. Pischel</author>
            <author>K. Mohnlein</author>
        <title>Vergleichende Studie zur Evaluierung der subjektiven Zufriedenheit mit H&#246;rger&#228;ten in einer realen Alltagssituation und einer entsprechenden H&#246;rsituation im Labor</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
        <key>Koppelin Becke</key>
            <author>G. Becke</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten – zur Einf&#252;hrung</title>
            <editor>G. Becke</editor>
        <booktitle>Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten - Herausforderung f&#252;r ambulante soziale Dienste und agile IT-Services</booktitle>
            <author>M. Benkert</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>V. Wittstock</author>
        <title>Frequenzkammverfahren zur Messung von Schalldruckpegeldifferenzen bei sehr tiefen Frequenzen</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg</booktitle>
        <file>Benkert et al. - 2023 - Frequenzkammverfahren zur Messung von Schalldruckp.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/VXB8PW87/Benkert et al. - 2023 - Frequenzkammverfahren zur Messung von Schalldruckp.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>S. Ro&#223;kopf</author>
        <title>Influence of audio rendering in virtual environments on realism, presence, and socio-cognitive processing</title>
        <booktitle>Proceedings. of the 1st AUDICTIVE Conference, RWTH Publications, Aachen</booktitle>
        <file>Blau et al. - 2023 - Influence of audio rendering in virtual environmen.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/GJ3QBGBG/Blau et al. - 2023 - Influence of audio rendering in virtual environmen.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>F. T. Bruns</author>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
        <title>Activity Recognition of Nursing Tasks in a Hospital: Requirements and Challenges</title>
        <journal>17th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare</journal>
            <author>S. Dietsche</author>
        <title>Tumorerkrankungen als Armutsrisiko</title>
        <journal>InFo H&#228;matologie + Onkologie</journal>
            <author>S. Fleckinger</author>
            <author>H. Schmidt-Semisch</author>
        <title>On the importance of volunteering in palliative care. Zur Bedeutung der Ehrenamtlichkeit in der Palliativversorgung.</title>
        <journal>: Public Health Forum</journal>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Umweltgesundheitskompetenz von Personen in pflegerischer und medizinischer Versorgung – Status Quo und Handlungsbedarfe</title>
        <keywords>Umweltgesundheitskompetenz, Versorgung, Pflege</keywords>
        <publisher>Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <booktitle>Gesundheitskompetenz in Krisenzeiten: Gesundheit und Gesundheitskompetenz in Zielgruppen (Alter, Menschen mit Beeintr&#228;chtigungen/chronischen Erkrankungen Kinder- und Jugendgesundheit, Geschlecht und Gesundheit)</booktitle>
        <pages>772 - 772</pages>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>RiKUCare – Risikokommunikation von Umweltfaktoren im Versorgungskontext</title>
        <keywords>Risikokommunikation, Public Health, Umweltmonitoring</keywords>
        <publisher>German Medical Science GMS Publishing House</publisher>
        <journal>24. Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin</journal>
            <author>J. Flessner</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle zur Risikokommunikation von Umweltfaktoren - Gestaltung einer prototypischen Grundlage f&#252;r die Anforderungsanalyse zur Integration des Umwelt-Monitorings im Versorgungskontext</title>
        <journal>Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>A. Leijon</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): Herausforderungen und L&#246;sungen zur Datenauswertung</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Hearing Aid Performance in Real-life: A Comparison of Momentary, Short-term Retrospective, and End-of-Day Assessment.</title>
        <journal>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Hearing Aid Satisfaction in Real-Life Environments in Momentary and Short-Term Retrospective Assessments</title>
        <journal>Forum Acusticum, 11.-15. September 2023, Torino, Italien</journal>
            <author>C. Gerdau-Heitmann</author>
            <author>S. M&#252;mken</author>
            <author>C. Schicktanz</author>
            <author>B. &amp;. K. Wiese</author>
        <title>Quantitative Evaluation gesundheitsbezogener Interventionen im FlexiGesA-Projekt</title>
        <abstract>Der Beitrag stellt die quantitativen Evaluationsergebnisse des FlexiGesA-Projektes dar und zeigt inwieweit ausgew&#228;hlte betriebliche Gesundheitsf&#246;rderungsma&#223;nahmen gesundheitliche Verbesserungen bei den Besch&#228;ftigten im Zeitverlauf erzielen. Bei den Interventions- und Referenzbetrieben der Branchen IT-Services und ambulante soziale Dienste (ASD) (Unter ambulante soziale Dienste (ASD) sind im Folgenden die ambulante Pflege und auch weitere Dienste, wie insbesondere die haushaltswirtschaftliche Versorgung pflegebed&#252;rftiger Menschen in ihrer H&#228;uslichkeit, gemeint) wurden psychische Gef&#228;hrdungsbeurteilungen eingeleitet. Im linearen Multilevel-Regressionsmodell konnte insgesamt kein signifikanter Effekt f&#252;r die ausgew&#228;hlten Outcome-Variablen wie allgemeiner Gesundheitszustand, Pr&#228;sentismus und Burnout ermittelt werden. Tendenziell zeigen allerdings die deskriptiven Auswertungen aller Skalen und im Abgleich mit einer deutschlandweit erhobenen Datenbank in einigen Bereichen positive Ergebnisse.</abstract>
        <keywords>Quantitative Evaluationsergebnisse, Pr&#228;sentismus, Burnout, Allgemeiner Gesundheitszustand, COPSOQ</keywords>
        <publisher>Springer Verlag</publisher>
        <booktitle>Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten</booktitle>
            <author>T. Grewe</author>
        <title>Intensive Sprachtherapie am Beispiel des Therapiemanuals ESKOPA-TM: Evidenzbasierte sprachsystematische &amp; kommunikativ-pragmatische Aphasietherapie – Hintergrund &amp; Studienlage</title>
        <journal>W&#252;rzburger Aphasietage (WAT), W&#252;rzburg (online)</journal>
            <author>T. Grewe</author>
            <author>N. Unger</author>
        <title>Intensive Aphasietherapie – Zum Einsatz neuer Technologien in aktuellen Forschungsprojekten</title>
        <journal>Deutscher Bundesverband f&#252;r Logop&#228;die (dbl), Erlangen</journal>
            <author>A. Griese</author>
            <author>D. Palm</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Der Blick der ambulanten Pflege auf die Versorgungs- und Bedarfssituation von Pflegebed&#252;rftigen im Katastrophenfall – eine qualitative Analyse</title>
        <journal>German Medical Science</journal>
            <author>K. F. Griese A.</author>
        <title>Untersuchung der Versorgungslage von Physiotherapeut*innen in Niedersachsen: Eine Analyse der derzeitigen physiotherapeutischen Versorgungsstruktur und Prognose des zuk&#252;nftigen Bedarfs</title>
        <abstract>Einleitung Nicht&#228;rztliche Gesundheitsfachberufe bleiben bei der Bedarfsplanungs-Richtlinie (BPR) unber&#252;cksichtigt. Aktuell zeichnen sich drohende Versorgungsengp&#228;sse ab, welchen durch eine gemeinsame Planung der Leistungserbringenden entgegengewirkt werden kann. Die Studie stellt die derzeitige und zuk&#252;nftige Versorgungslage von Physiotherapeut*innen in Niedersachsen dar und zeigt auf, inwiefern sich die BPR auf diese Berufsgruppe anwenden l&#228;sst. Methoden Zur Bestimmung der Anzahl und Verteilung aller Physiotherapeut*innen in Niedersachsen wurden Adressdaten gekauft, welche mit den Geodaten auf Kreis- und Gemeindeebene verkn&#252;pft und kartografisch dargestellt wurden. Anschlie&#223;end wurde das regionale Versorgungsniveau anhand der angepassten BPR bewertet. Die Prognosedaten wurden unter Ber&#252;cksichtigung der Raumordnungskonzepte des BBSR interpretiert. Ergebnisse Es lassen sich r&#228;umliche Disparit&#228;ten im derzeitigen Versorgungsniveau erkennen, welche sich bis 2040 versch&#228;rfen werden. Nach der BPR ist zu keinem Zeitpunkt mit einer Unterversorgung der Kreise zu rechnen, was unter Ber&#252;cksichtigung der sinkenden Zahl an Berufseinsteiger*innen sowie dem Fachkr&#228;ftemangel jedoch nicht die Versorgungsrealit&#228;t widerzuspiegeln scheint. Schlussfolgerung Die Studie leistet eine Ann&#228;herung an die Adaptation der BPR auf die Physiotherapie. Im Hinblick auf den demografischen Wandel erscheint eine umfassende Weiterentwicklung der Bedarfsplanung und eine Einbindung der Gesundheitsfachberufe unumg&#228;nglich, um der Komplexit&#228;t der zuk&#252;nftigen Versorgungsbedarfe gerecht zu werden.</abstract>
        <keywords>Bedarfsplan, Bedarfsplanung, Physiotherapie, Versorgungsforschung</keywords>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>The implications of Ecological Momentary Assessment for technical hearing devices</title>
        <journal>International Hearing Instrument Developers Forum, 1.-2. June 2023, Oldenburg</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Wer darf sich in Deutschland Audiologe nennen?</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>How do we measure real world benefits?</title>
        <journal>Cochlear Science and Research Seminar, 9.-10. M&#228;rz 2023, Cambridge, GB</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Wenn die H&#246;rger&#228;te laufen lernen ...</title>
        <journal>GMS Z Audiol (Audiol Acoust)</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Eine neue Norm f&#252;r den Freiburger Einsilbertest im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <journal>67. Internationaler EUHA-Kongress, 18.-20. Oktober 2023, N&#252;rnberg</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Ecological Momentary Assessment – eine Methode zur Untersuchung der L&#228;rmwirkung am Arbeitsplatz?</title>
        <journal>2. Fachgespr&#228;ch Extra-aurale Wirkungen von L&#228;rm bei der Arbeit. Themenschwerpunkt: Subjektive Beurteilung von unerw&#252;nschtem Schall am Arbeitsplatz, herausgegeben von H. Sukowski, 1. Auflage. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt f&#252;r Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>J. Ooster</author>
        <title>Speech recognition, reaction time, and listening effort for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners in various maskers</title>
        <journal>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>E. Ruigendijk</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Development of a new German speech-recognition test using synthetic speech</title>
        <journal>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines neuen deutschen Sprachtests unter Verwendung synthetischer Sprache</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
            <author>F. Jansen</author>
            <author>A. Spangenberg</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>K. Neumann</author>
            <author>C. Pflug</author>
            <author>R. Sch&#246;nweiler</author>
            <author>K. Plotz</author>
        <title>Tonaudiometrie bei Kindern: &#220;bersicht der verschiedenen H&#246;rverlustklassen anhand Bestandsdaten aus vier Kliniken.</title>
        <journal>Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Phoniatrie und P&#228;daudiologie</journal>
            <author>T. Jansen</author>
            <author>S. J&#228;ker</author>
            <author>L. Hartog</author>
            <author>M. Kr&#252;ger</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>H. Kayser</author>
        <title>Investigation of Speech Intelligibiltiy and Listening Effort in Acoustically Complex Scenes</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie</journal>
            <author>C. Jeltsch</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>O. v. Rahden</author>
        <title>Diagnose- und Entscheidungsfindung in der Latenzphase der Geburt</title>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
        <title>Head movements during speech in noise tests and their effects on speech recognition</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
        <key>Koppelin Impulse 2023</key>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Versorgungskonzepte zum Schutz vulnerabler Bev&#246;lkerungsgruppen im Katastrophenfall – Wie gut sind wir vorbereitet?</title>
        <pages>pp 9</pages>
        <isbn>ISSN 1438-6666</isbn>
            <author>U. Kowalk</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Geometry-Aware DOA Estimation Using a Deep Neural Network with Mixed-Data Input Features</title>
        <booktitle>ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)</booktitle>
            <author>A. Leijon</author>
            <author>P. von Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. Taghia</author>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
        <title>Bayesian analysis of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data collected in adults before and after hearing rehabilitation</title>
        <abstract>This paper presents a new Bayesian method for analyzing Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data and applies this method in a re-analysis of data from a previous EMA study. The analysis method has been implemented as a freely available Python package EmaCalc, RRID:SCR 022943. The analysis model can use EMA input data including nominal categories in one or more situation dimensions, and ordinal ratings of several perceptual attributes. The analysis uses a variant of ordinal regression to estimate the statistical relation between these variables. The Bayesian method has no requirements related to the number of participants or the number of assessments by each participant. Instead, the method automatically includes measures of the statistical credibility of all analysis results, for the given amount of data. For the previously collected EMA data, the analysis results demonstrate how the new tool can handle heavily skewed, scarce, and clustered data that were collected on ordinal scales, and present results on interval scales. The new method revealed results for the population mean that were similar to those obtained in the previous analysis by an advanced regression model. The Bayesian approach automatically estimated the inter-individual variability in the population, based on the study sample, and could show some statistically credible intervention results also for an unseen random individual in the population. Such results may be interesting, for example, if the EMA methodology is used by a hearing-aid manufacturer in a study to predict the success of a new signal-processing method among future potential customers.</abstract>
        <keywords>Bayesian inference, EMA, Ecological Momentary Assessment, ambulatory assessment, experience sampling, nominal data, ordinal data</keywords>
        <publisher>Frontiers Media</publisher>
        <journal>Frontiers in Digital Health</journal>
            <author>A. Lohmann</author>
            <author>T. van Waterschoot</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Dereverberation in Acoustic Sensor Networks Using weighted Prediction Error with Microphone-Dependent Prediction Delays</title>
        <booktitle>ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)</booktitle>
            <author>J. L&#252;hring</author>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hey</author>
        <title>Synthetisierter Logatom-Matrixtest f&#252;r Cochlea-Implantat-Patienten</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
            <author>F. Nespoli</author>
            <author>D. Barreda</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>P. A. Naylor</author>
        <title>Two-Stage Voice Anonymization for Enhanced Privacy</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023</booktitle>
            <author>F. Nespoli</author>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>P. A. Naylor</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Long-term Conversation Analysis: Exploring Utility and Privacy</title>
        <booktitle>15th ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Aachen</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>F. Bruns</author>
            <author>V. Cobus</author>
            <author>S. Dietsche</author>
            <author>J. Fle&#223;ner</author>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Ein partizipatives Konzept f&#252;r die Technikentwicklung unter Beteiligung von Pflegestudierenden als Co-Forschende</title>
        <booktitle>6. Clusterkonferenz Zukunft der Pflege in Oldenburg</booktitle>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>H. Zeeb</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Bedeutung heterogener &#228;lterer Personengruppen im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien aus der Sicht von Multiplikatoren und Forschenden</title>
        <booktitle>DGSMP-Jahrestagung in Hannover</booktitle>
        <journal>Das Gesundheistwesen</journal>
            <author>A. Pauls</author>
            <author>J. M. Bauer</author>
            <author>R. Diekmann</author>
            <author>S. Fudickar</author>
            <author>A. Hein</author>
            <author>S. Hellmers</author>
            <author>S. Lau</author>
            <author>J. Meyer</author>
            <author>K. von Holdt</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Motivationsgr&#252;nde und Vorstellungen &#252;ber eine zuk&#252;nftige Beteiligung &#228;lterer Menschen im Forschungs-und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien – eine Mixed Methods-Studie</title>
        <publisher>Georg Thieme Verlag</publisher>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen</journal>
        <key>Koppelin Pieck</key>
            <author>N. Pieck</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Gender – eine zentrale Kategorie der gesundheitsf&#246;rdernden Gestaltung von Interaktionsarbeit</title>
        <publisher>G. Becke</publisher>
            <editor>Springer Verlag</editor>
        <booktitle>Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten</booktitle>
        <pages>pp 249–266</pages>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>N. Wilken</author>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. A. M&#252;ller</author>
        <title>Die Tieftonwahrnehmung mit Cochleaimplantat ist auch bei SSD-Patienten abh&#228;ngig von der Insertionstiefe</title>
        <journal>25. Med-El Workshop, 21.-23. September 2023, Kitzb&#252;hel, &#214;sterreich</journal>
            <author>P. Ristau</author>
            <author>J. Ristau</author>
            <author>A. Wagenplast</author>
            <author>M. Zill</author>
            <author>P. Dahlmann</author>
            <author>S. Dietsche</author>
        <title>How Paramedics Experience the Decision to Continue or Terminate Out-of-Hospital Resuscitation: A Scoping Review Protocol.</title>
            <author>S. Ro&#223;kopf</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
        <title>A Naturalistic Eye-Tracking Approach to Evaluate the Influence of Auralizations on Sound Source Localization and Social Presence in Virtual Reality</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino (Italy)</booktitle>
        <file>Ro&#223;kopf et al. - 2023 - A Naturalistic Eye-Tracking Approach to Evaluate t.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/PXUIXYWQ/Ro&#223;kopf et al. - 2023 - A Naturalistic Eye-Tracking Approach to Evaluate t.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>S. Ro&#223;kopf</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
        <title>The Effect of Audio-Visual Room Divergence on the Localization of Real Sound Sources in Virtual Reality</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg</booktitle>
        <file>Ro&#223;kopf et al. - 2023 - The Effect of Audio-Visual Room Divergence on the .pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/H85PINX9/Ro&#223;kopf et al. - 2023 - The Effect of Audio-Visual Room Divergence on the .pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>A. Rysop</author>
        <title>Development and feasibility of a home-based language therapy programme combined with remotely-supervised transcranial direct current stimulation for people with primary progressive aphasia (pwPPA)</title>
            <author>A. Rysop</author>
        <title>Sprachtherapie mit heimbasierter transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation bei Menschen mit prim&#228;r progressiver Aphasie – eine Konzeptions- und Machbarkeitsstudie</title>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Parametric model of young infants&apos; eardrum and ear canal impedances supporting immittance measurement results. Part II: Prediction of eardrum and ear canal impedances for frequent pathological middle ear conditions</title>
        <journal>Acta Acust.</journal>
            <author>A. Sch&#252;tz</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>T. Bechtold</author>
        <title>Highly Efficient Computation of HRTFs by Krylov Subspace-Based Model Order Reduction</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino (Italy)</booktitle>
        <file>Sch&#252;tz et al. - 2023 - Highly Efficient Computation of HRTFs by Krylov Su.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/8HPUQMCT/Sch&#252;tz et al. - 2023 - Highly Efficient Computation of HRTFs by Krylov Su.pdf:application/pdf</file>
        <key>Stange Flexigesa</key>
            <author>L. Stange</author>
        <title>Subjektivierung von Arbeitskraft in der ambulanten Pflege und den IT-Dienstleistungen – Ethische Herausforderungen</title>
        <publisher>Springer Verlag</publisher>
            <editor>G. Becke</editor>
        <volume>pp 133–149</volume>
        <journal>Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit gesundheitsf&#246;rderlich gestalten</journal>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>S. Ro&#223;kopf</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Mounting extra-aural headphones to a head-mounted display using a 3D-printed support</title>
        <booktitle>Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg</booktitle>
        <file>St&#228;rz et al. - 2023 - Mounting extra-aural headphones to a head-mounted .pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/W9I9239X/St&#228;rz et al. - 2023 - Mounting extra-aural headphones to a head-mounted .pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>F. St&#228;rz</author>
            <author>L. O. H. Kroczek</author>
            <author>S. Ro&#223;kopf</author>
            <author>A. M&#252;hlberger</author>
            <author>S. van de Par</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Comparing room acoustical ratings in an interactive virtual environment</title>
        <booktitle>Proc. Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino (Italy)</booktitle>
        <file>St&#228;rz et al. - 2023 - Comparing room acoustical ratings in an interactiv.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/RZULYLFG/St&#228;rz et al. - 2023 - Comparing room acoustical ratings in an interactiv.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>A. Urban</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>B. Streicher</author>
            <author>R. Lang-Roth</author>
            <author>K. Kral</author>
            <author>E. P&#252;tzer</author>
            <author>N. Layer</author>
            <author>P. Sandmann</author>
        <title>&#220;berpr&#252;fung des Versorgungsergebnisses bei Kindern mit H&#246;rger&#228;t und Cochlea-Implantat mithilfe des mFAST-H&#246;rtests</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
            <author>E. Van den Borre</author>
            <author>L. Zupan</author>
            <author>N. B. Urbančič</author>
            <author>G. Tufatulin</author>
            <author>L. Lavie</author>
            <author>V. S. Nagaraj</author>
            <author>E. Gurses</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>J. d. Laat</author>
            <author>S. Denys</author>
            <author>A. v. Wieringen</author>
            <author>J. Wouters</author>
        <title>Sound-in-noise screening: Towards an internationally applicable school-entry hearing screening test</title>
        <journal>16th Congress of European Federation of Audiology Societies, 3.-6. May 2023, Sibenik, Croatia</journal>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>F. T. Bruns</author>
        <title>Assistive Technologien</title>
        <abstract>In diesem Kapitel soll der Terminus assistive Technologien in seiner ganzen inhaltlichen Bandbreite beleuchtet werden und sp&#228;ter auf den Kontext der Anwendungen im Buch konkretisiert werden. Dabei werden u. a. die verschiedenen Nutzergruppen vorgestellt, welche mittelbar und unmittelbar mit den Systemen in Kontakt kommen. Hierbei geht es weniger um die grundlegenden Aspekte einer gut aufeinander abgestimmten Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle, sondern mehr darum wie Technologien den Menschen in Bezug auf Teilhabe, Selbstbestimmung und Lebensqualit&#228;t f&#246;rdern k&#246;nnen. Neben diesen Aspekten wird auch auf die f&#252;r eine breite Akzeptanz unerl&#228;ssliche ethische Betrachtung eingegangen.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Martin and Hennig</editor>
            <editor>Birgit and Kappel</editor>
            <editor>Stefan and Wallhoff</editor>
        <booktitle>Assistive Technologien, technische Rehabilitation und Unterst&#252;tzte Kommunikation: bei neurologischen Erkrankungen</booktitle>
        <address>Berlin, Heidelberg</address>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>T. Nei&#223;-Theuerkauff</author>
        <title>Die Schnittstelle von Mensch und Maschine</title>
        <abstract>In diesem Kapitel sollen grundlegende naturwissenschaftliche und technische Prinzipen aufgezeigt werden, welche ein m&#246;glichst gutes Zusammenspiel zwischen einem Menschen und einem technischen Artefakt - oft verallgemeinert Maschine genannt - erlauben. Zweck des Zusammenspiels ist die in der Regel durch den Menschen initiierte bidirektionale Interaktion mit einer Maschine mit dem Ziel, eine Aufgabe zu bew&#228;ltigen bzw. eine Aktion einzuleiten. Es werden die M&#246;glichkeiten der menschlichen Wahrnehmung sowie der Interaktion mit der Au&#223;enwelt charakterisiert. Dem gegen&#252;bergestellt werden technische Ein- und Ausgabem&#246;glichkeiten zur Erm&#246;glichung einer Interaktion.</abstract>
        <publisher>Springer Berlin Heidelberg</publisher>
            <editor>Martin and Hennig</editor>
            <editor>Birgit and Kappel</editor>
            <editor>Stefan and Wallhoff</editor>
        <booktitle>Assistive Technologien, technische Rehabilitation und Unterst&#252;tzte Kommunikation: bei neurologischen Erkrankungen</booktitle>
            <author>U. Walter</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
            <author>. T. Kruse</author>
            <author>K. Illiger</author>
        <title>Gesundheitsprobleme und Gesundheitsf&#246;rderung im Alter</title>
        <publisher>ecomed-Storck GmbH</publisher>
        <booktitle>Angewandte Sozialmedizin, Handbuch f&#252;r Weiterbildung und Praxis</booktitle>
        <pages>pp. 1-34</pages>
        <number>Kapitel XIV – 1.3</number>
        <isbn>ISBN 978-3-609-76900-4</isbn>
            <author>M. We&#223;el</author>
            <author>N. Ellerich-Groppe</author>
            <author>M. Schweda</author>
            <author>F. Koppelin</author>
        <title>Die Perspektive von Stakeholdern auf Nutzende von Pflegerobotik an der Intersektion Alter und Geschlecht – Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Analyse</title>
        <journal>Das Gesundheitswesen 2023</journal>
        <doi>DOI: 10.1055/a-2055-9496</doi>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Speech recognition in noise: Effect of room acoustics and head movements for five loudspeaker configurations</title>
        <journal>International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR), Nyborg, Denmark</journal>
            <author>A. Winkler</author>
            <author>L. J&#228;ger</author>
            <author>F. Denk</author>
            <author>T. Sankowsky-Rothe</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
            <author>H. Husstedt</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Richtungsabh&#228;ngige Bezugskurven f&#252;r den Freiburger Einsilbertest im St&#246;rger&#228;usch</title>
        <journal>25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 1.-4. M&#228;rz 2023, K&#246;ln</journal>
            <author>N. Wulbusch</author>
            <author>R. Roden</author>
            <author>A. Chernov</author>
            <author>M. Blau</author>
        <title>Using a one-dimensional finite-element approximation of Webster’s horn equation to estimate individual ear canal acoustic transfer from input impedances</title>
        <journal>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America</journal>
        <file>Wulbusch et al. - 2023 - Using a one-dimensional finite-element approximati.pdf:/home/blau/Zotero/storage/2SH2U4F5/Wulbusch et al. - 2023 - Using a one-dimensional finite-element approximati.pdf:application/pdf</file>
            <author>P. Burkhardt</author>
            <author>L. Wiesel</author>
            <author>M. Walger</author>
            <author>R. Lang-Roth</author>
            <author>I. Baljic</author>
            <author>L. Sewelies</author>
            <author>M. Wilmes</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>T. Fedtke</author>
            <author>M. Bug</author>
            <author>P. Sandmann</author>
        <title>Evaluierung der H&#246;rger&#228;te-Verst&#228;rkung mittels fr&#252;her akustisch evozierter Potentiale</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>P. F&#252;rstenberg</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>D. Lelic</author>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
        <title>Memory bias in Ecological Momentary Assessment</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen.</journal>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>N. Schinkel-Bielefeld</author>
        <title>Design-Effekte bei einem Vergleich von H&#246;rprogrammen mit Ecological Momentary Assessment</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>S. Taesler</author>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>M. Hansen</author>
            <author>J. Ooster</author>
        <title>Sprachverstehen, Reaktionszeiten und Sprechraten und ihre Beziehung zur subjektiven H&#246;ranstrengung</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>T. Brand</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Evaluation eines neuen deutschen Sprachtests unter Verwendung synthetischer Sprache</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>S. J&#228;ker</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Pilotmessungen f&#252;r eine bev&#246;lkerungsbasierte Studie zur Erhebung des H&#246;rstatus</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>J. Kolonko</author>
            <author>S. Ibelings</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>M. Hey</author>
        <title>Entwicklung eines synthetischen Logatom-Matrixtests</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>A. Lohmann</author>
            <author>T. van Waterschoot</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
            <author>S. Doclo</author>
        <title>Reference Microphone Selection for the Weighted Prediction Error Algorithm using the Normalized LP Norm</title>
        <booktitle>2024 18th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC)</booktitle>
            <author>M. M</author>
            <author>K. M</author>
            <author>R. A</author>
            <author>G. M</author>
            <author>B. M</author>
            <author>H. I</author>
            <author>v. G. P</author>
            <author>W. R</author>
            <author>H. H</author>
        <title>Hearing in Daily Life (HearDL): The development of an application for the acquisition of everyday patient reported outcome data in the realm of CI and hearing aid supply.</title>
        <journal>GMS Z Audiol (Audiol Acoust)</journal>
            <author>M. Meis</author>
            <author>M. Krueger</author>
            <author>A. Radeloff</author>
            <author>M. Grundmann</author>
            <author>M. Buscherm&#246;hle</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>R. Wortmann</author>
            <author>H. Hessel</author>
        <title>Hearing in Daily Life (HearDL): Die Entwicklung einer Applikation zur Erfassung alltagsnaher Patientendaten im Bereich der CI- und H&#246;rger&#228;teversorgung</title>
        <journal>GMS Zeitschrift f&#252;r Audiologie - Audiological Acoustics</journal>
            <author>T. N&#252;sse</author>
            <author>U. Lemke</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
        <title>Untersuchung des Gleichgewichts bei &#228;lteren Erwachsenen - Zusammenh&#228;nge mit dem H&#246;rverm&#246;gen, der Selbsteinsch&#228;tzung und der Gebrechlichkeit (Frailty)</title>
        <journal>26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f&#252;r Audiologie, 6.-8. M&#228;rz 2024, Aalen</journal>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>F. Nespoli</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Long-Term Conversation Analysis: Privacy-Utility Trade-Off Under Noise and Reverberation</title>
        <booktitle>2024 18th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC)</booktitle>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>F. Nespoli</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Towards Privacy-Preserving Conversation Analysis in Everyday Life</title>
        <booktitle>Workshop Ambulatory Assessment in Public Health Research</booktitle>
        <location>Delmenhorst, Germany</location>
        <eventtitle>2024 Workshop Ambulatory Assessment in Public Health Research</eventtitle>
            <author>J. Pohlhausen</author>
            <author>F. Nespoli</author>
            <author>J. Bitzer</author>
        <title>Enhancing Speech Privacy with LPC Modifications</title>
        <booktitle>4th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication</booktitle>
        <eventtitle>4th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication</eventtitle>
            <author>M. Ramírez</author>
            <author>J. M. Arend</author>
            <author>P. v. Gablenz</author>
            <author>H. R. Liesefeld</author>
            <author>C. P&#246;rschmann</author>
        <title>Toward sound localization testing in virtual reality to aid in the screening of auditory processing disorders</title>
        <keywords>hearing, screening, localization</keywords>
        <journal>Trends in Hearing</journal>
            <author>K. Smeds</author>
            <author>M. Akeroyd</author>
            <author>L. Hickson</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>G. Keidser</author>
            <author>G. Naylor</author>
        <title>Evaluating Ecological Validity</title>
        <journal>51th Erlanger Colloquium for audiological research and development, 22.-23. Februar 2024, Erlangen</journal>
            <author>E. Van den Borre</author>
            <author>G. Tufatulin</author>
            <author>L. Zupan</author>
            <author>N. B. Urbancic</author>
            <author>L. Lavie</author>
            <author>I. Holube</author>
            <author>V. S. Nagaraj</author>
            <author>E. Gurses</author>
            <author>S. Denys</author>
            <author>A. v. Wieringen</author>
            <author>J. Wouters</author>
        <title>A language-independent hearing screening self-test at school-entry</title>
        <journal>Scientific Reports</journal>
            <author>F. Wallhoff</author>
            <author>F. T. Hesselmann</author>
        <title>Nursing Activity Recognition for Automated Care Documentation in Clinical Settings</title>
        <keywords>Assisted Documentation, Data Privacy, Human Activity Recognition, Intelligent Agents</keywords>
            <editor>Max and Stahl</editor>
        <booktitle>Artificial intelligence XLI : 44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2024, Cambridge, UK, December 17-19, 2024 : Proceedings, Part I</booktitle>
        <series>Lecture Notes in Computer Science series</series>
        <note>44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024</note>